Awake And In His Strength Renewed – Hymn Lyric

Awake And In His Strength Renewed: A Call to Unity and Action for Christ's Reign. Rise up from complacency

Awake And In His Strength Renewed: A Call to Unity and Action for Christ’s Reign. Rise up from complacency, unite, and take action for Christ’s reign. Our faith is not in vain; it is a source of strength and assurance. Embrace Christ’s message of love and hope.

The Love Of Christ Doth Me Constrain – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of Christ's love in this hymn

Discover the power of Christ’s love in this hymn, “The Love Of Christ Doth Me Constrain.” Learn how believers are called to seek and save the lost through compassion, sacrifice, and unwavering faith.

Hark My Soul Thy Fathers Voice Is Calling – Hymn Lyric

Discover the uplifting hymn "Hark My Soul

Discover the uplifting hymn “Hark My Soul, Thy Father’s Voice is Calling” and find guidance, peace, and solace in His loving words. Follow His voice for a life of joy and purpose.

At The Name Of Jesus Every Knee Shall Bend – Hymn Lyric

At The Name Of Jesus Every Knee Shall Bend - A hymn celebrating the power and significance of Jesus' name. Discover the humility and sacrifice behind this name that holds authority and transforms lives. Confess His lordship and give glory to God.

At The Name Of Jesus Every Knee Shall Bend – A hymn celebrating the power and significance of Jesus’ name. Discover the humility and sacrifice behind this name that holds authority and transforms lives. Confess His lordship and give glory to God.

If We Love The Savior – Hymn Lyric

"If We Love The Savior: Shining as His Precious Jewels - A hymn reminding us to love

“If We Love The Savior: Shining as His Precious Jewels – A hymn reminding us to love, follow, and serve the Savior. Explore the meaning behind these words and discover how to shine as precious jewels in His crown.”

Compassed About With Songs My Soul Was Still – Hymn Lyric

"Finding solace and tranquility in songs

“Finding solace and tranquility in songs, my soul was still. Discover the depths of contentment and peace in the midst of life’s trials. Embrace the power of reflection, sacrifice, and enduring love.”

Jesus Meek And Gentle – Hymn Lyric

Discover the loving nature of Jesus in the hymn "Jesus Meek And Gentle." Find solace in His presence and embrace His compassion as you navigate through life's challenges. Surrender to His love and experience the freedom of salvation.

Discover the loving nature of Jesus in the hymn “Jesus Meek And Gentle.” Find solace in His presence and embrace His compassion as you navigate through life’s challenges. Surrender to His love and experience the freedom of salvation.

Jesus Our Lord With What Joy We Adore Thee – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy of worshiping Jesus Our Lord with the hymn "Jesus Our Lord With What Joy We Adore Thee." Reflect on His divine nature

Discover the joy of worshiping Jesus Our Lord with the hymn “Jesus Our Lord With What Joy We Adore Thee.” Reflect on His divine nature, incarnation, sacrifice, and triumphant resurrection. Find true joy in adoring Him.

My God Who Makes The Sun To Know – Hymn Lyric

Discover the inspiring hymn "My God Who Makes The Sun To Know" and learn how to find purpose in each day. Embrace the sun's dedication

Discover the inspiring hymn “My God Who Makes The Sun To Know” and learn how to find purpose in each day. Embrace the sun’s dedication, start early, and make a positive impact on the world. Seek divine guidance for fruitful endeavors.

Jesus Went Upon The Mountain – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of prayer in Jesus' life with "Jesus Went Upon The Mountain." From His birth to the cross

Discover the power of prayer in Jesus’ life with “Jesus Went Upon The Mountain.” From His birth to the cross, prayer shaped His journey. Emulate His example and strengthen your relationship with God through prayer.

King Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the truth about King Jesus and his role in your life. He is your all in all - your source of hope

Discover the truth about King Jesus and his role in your life. He is your all in all – your source of hope, love, and guidance. Find satisfaction and contentment walking by His side. Embrace Him and experience the incredible love and grace He has for you.

I Want To Know More About Jesus The Lamb – Hymn Lyric


Discover the meaning and significance of “I Want To Know More About Jesus: The Lamb Who Redeems Us” hymn. Explore Jesus’ sacrifice, mercy, and pardon, as well as His role as the source of life-giving redemption. Delve into the comfort He provides in times of sorrow and grief, and anticipate a deeper knowing of Him in eternity. Start your journey to know Jesus intimately.

Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow – Hymn Lyric

Come before God and pray with the hymn "Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow." Acknowledge God's love

Come before God and pray with the hymn “Father Before Thy Throne My Soul Would Bow.” Acknowledge God’s love, seek forgiveness, and ask for renewed faith and love. Find refuge and heritage in God’s unwavering love and perform your vows to Him.

They Gathered With Jesus The People Of Old – Hymn Lyric

Experience the powerful presence of Jesus as we gather together

Experience the powerful presence of Jesus as we gather together, seeking a closer touch with the Lord. Find healing, guidance, and the power of the Holy Spirit in our pursuit of divine connection. Join us as we come to Jesus, just as the people of old did.

Ive Lost All Love For Pleasures Vain – Hymn Lyric

Embrace Eternal Joy & Love: "I've Lost All Love For Pleasures Vain" reveals the transformative power of Jesus' love. Shift your focus from temporary pleasures to everlasting bliss. Experience true joy and contentment with Jesus' touch.

Embrace Eternal Joy & Love: “I’ve Lost All Love For Pleasures Vain” reveals the transformative power of Jesus’ love. Shift your focus from temporary pleasures to everlasting bliss. Experience true joy and contentment with Jesus’ touch.

O God, Whose Love Is Over All – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty of God's love that surpasses all boundaries. From nature's wonders to the unity found in faith

Discover the beauty of God’s love that surpasses all boundaries. From nature’s wonders to the unity found in faith, experience the presence of the divine in every aspect of life. See God in everything.

Hark My Soul Angelic Songs Are Swelling – Hymn Lyric

Experience the power of angelic songs. Join the Salvation Army

Experience the power of angelic songs. Join the Salvation Army, an Army of God, in their mission to conquer the world with fire and blood. Hark My Soul Angelic Songs Are Swelling.

There’s No Other Name Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power and joy in the name of Jesus. This hymn celebrates the uniqueness and significance of Jesus' name

Discover the power and joy in the name of Jesus. This hymn celebrates the uniqueness and significance of Jesus’ name, bringing comfort, hope, and joy to believers. Surrender to His will and trust in His guidance for a blessed life. Find solace even in the face of death, for there is truly no other name like Jesus.

Lord Who Fulfillest Thus Anew – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Power of Redemption and Conversion in the hymn "Lord Who Fulfillest Thus Anew." Discover the unending love and grace of Jesus Christ and the significance it holds in our lives. Journey towards unity and a deeper connection with God.

Experience the Power of Redemption and Conversion in the hymn “Lord Who Fulfillest Thus Anew.” Discover the unending love and grace of Jesus Christ and the significance it holds in our lives. Journey towards unity and a deeper connection with God.

O God I Love Thee – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound and unconditional love expressed in the hymn "O God I Love Thee

Discover the profound and unconditional love expressed in the hymn “O God I Love Thee,” reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice and a personal connection with God. Embrace true devotion and find inspiration in this heartfelt expression of love.