Crown Jesus With The Fairest Crown – Hymn Lyric

"Crown Jesus with the fairest crown" - A hymn that exalts the greatness of Jesus as the King of love and calls us to magnify His praise. Reflect on His sacrifice and eternal reign.

Crown Jesus With The Fairest Crown – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Crown Jesus with the fairest crown” reminds us of Jesus’ greatness and . It speaks of his authority and humility, as well as his and everlasting reign. Through its powerful lyrics, we are called to praise and magnify his love and grace.


Crown Jesus With The Fairest Crown – Hymn Lyric

Crown Jesus with the fairest crown
That e’er adorned a brow!
Let kings and captains of renown
Before him humbly bow;

We hail this King who reins above,
The King of love, the King of love.

O let his praise be magnified!
For us he lived, for us he died;
For us he intercedes above,
The King of love, the King of love.

Behold his hands and wounded side,
The nail-prints in his feet;
Those marks of suff’ yet abide,
And tell of love complete.

His scars remain, and now, above,
They mark him as the King of love.


His kindly reign have no end,
And round his comely feet
Lie crowns of those whose voices blend
In praises full and sweet:

All saints and angels thus, above,
Proclaim him as the King of love.


Meaning of Crown Jesus With The Fairest Crown

In the hymn “Crown Jesus with the fairest crown,” we are reminded of the greatness and majesty of our Lord and , Jesus Christ. The hymn speaks of crowning Jesus with the most beautiful crown, one that has never adorned any other brow. It also acknowledges the humble submission of kings and captains before Him, acknowledging His authority and supremacy.

As we delve into the meaning behind these powerful words, we are invited to reflect on the attributes that make Jesus deserving of such a magnificent crown. We are reminded that Jesus is the King above all kings, the one who reigns with love and compassion. This King of love is not like any earthly ruler; His authority stems from His boundless love for us.

In the chorus of the hymn, we are called to magnify His praise. We are urged to remember that Jesus lived for us, died for us, and now intercedes on our behalf in heaven. This profound act of love is what sets Him apart as the King of love. It is through His sacrifice that we can experience redemption and find hope in the midst of our struggles.

The hymn also draws attention to the physical marks of suffering that Jesus still bears. His hands bear the wounds from the nails, and His feet display the prints of the crucifixion. These scars are a constant reminder of His complete and unwavering love for us. They are evidence of His sacrifice and serve as a testament to His victory over sin and .

As we continue to contemplate the hymn, we discover that Jesus’ reign shall have no end. His kindness and love extend beyond our earthly existence. We are reminded that at His feet lie the crowns of all who offer their praises and . This imagery illuminates the unity and harmony that exist in heaven as saints and angels proclaim Jesus as the King of love.

This hymn serves as a beautiful reminder of Jesus’ sovereignty and the immense love He has for us. It encourages us to reflect on His sacrifice and to elevate His praise above all else. We are reminded that Jesus’ love knows no bounds and that through His sacrifice, we can receive and eternal life.

In conclusion, “Crown Jesus with the fairest crown” is a hymn that exalts the greatness and love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Through its powerful lyrics, it invites us to reflect on His authority, sacrifice, and everlasting reign. May we always remember to crown Him with our praises and live in a that magnifies His love and grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Crown Jesus with the fairest crown - A hymn that exalts the greatness of Jesus as the King of love and calls us to magnify His praise. Reflect on His sacrifice and eternal reign.


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