Burdened Soul In Sin And Woe – Hymn Lyric

Find release and peace for your burdened soul in Jesus Christ. Trust in his love and find rest from sin and woe. Embrace hope

Burdened Soul In Sin And Woe – Hymn Lyric

Are you a burdened soul, feeling trapped in a filled with sin and despair? Look no further – the hymn “Burdened Soul In Sin And Woe” is a powerful reminder that there is a solution. Jesus died for all of us in sin, offering peace, joy, and a way to live a pure and meaningful life. Embrace his love and find release from your today.


Burdened Soul In Sin And Woe – Hymn Lyric

Burdened soul, in sin and woe,
Knowing not where you may go;
Light to find, and rest and peace,
Come to Christ and find release.

Jesus died for all in sin,
Burdened one, oh, come to him;
He has peace and joy to give,
Trust his priceless love and live.

Hopeless soul, in darkness sore,
Look to Jesus evermore;
He will be your hope and light,
Ever guide your feet aright. [Refrain]

Doubting soul, you have a Friend,
Who will keep you to the end;
Wait no longer, seek his grace,
He will show a face. [Refrain]

Will you spurn the Savior’s voice,
Making sin and death your choice?
Will you yet your woe endure,
Cheat your life from all that’s pure? [Refrain]    

Meaning of Burdened Soul In Sin And Woe

Do you ever find yourself feeling burdened by the weight of your mistakes and regrets? Are you searching for something to bring you peace and rest in the midst of your struggles? Look no further, for there is a solution that can offer you the hope and light you desperately . It is found in none other than Jesus Christ.

This hymn titled “Burdened Soul In Sin And Woe” beautifully captures the essence of what it means to find release and in Christ. It reminds us that no matter how heavy our may weigh on our hearts, Jesus died for all of us in sin. His love is so priceless and abundant that it can bring us peace and joy like no other.

Have you ever felt hopeless, like you were trapped in a never-ending cycle of darkness and despair? The lyrics of this hymn speak directly to that feeling, encouraging us to look to Jesus evermore. He is the one who can a light into our darkest moments and provide us with the hope we so desperately need. With Jesus as our guide, we can trust that he will always lead our feet in the right direction.

Perhaps doubts have crept into your mind, causing you to question whether Jesus is truly a friend who will stick by your side. The hymn reassures us that indeed, Jesus is a friend who will keep us to the end. There is no need to wait any longer; we can seek his grace and experience the joy of knowing we have a friend who will always be there for us.

But the choice of whether to accept Jesus and his love ultimately lies in our hands. The hymn poses a thought-provoking question: will we spurn the Savior’s voice and continue to choose a life filled with sin and death? Or will we courageously embrace the opportunity to be freed from our burdens and experience a life filled with pure joy and love? The choice is ours to make.

In a world filled with temptations and distractions, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters. The hymn reminds us not to cheat ourselves out of a life that is pure and meaningful. By putting our trust in Jesus, we can let go of the things that hold us back and embrace a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

It’s important to note that finding release and experiencing the love of Jesus is not a one-time event. It is a continuous journey of faith and surrender. We may stumble along the way, but with Jesus as our constant companion, we can always find the strength to get back up and keep moving forward.

So, dear burdened soul, take heart. There is hope for you, no matter how lost or weighed down you may feel. Jesus is reaching out his hand, to offer you release from your sins and the burdens that hold you back. Trust in his priceless love, and let it guide you to a life filled with peace, joy, and purpose. Don’t wait any longer – come to him and experience the freedom that only Jesus can provide.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find release and peace for your burdened soul in Jesus Christ. Trust in his love and find rest from sin and woe. Embrace hope, light, and joy.


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