Christian Soldiers In The Conflict – Hymn Lyric

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Christian Soldiers In The Conflict – Hymn Lyric



Christian Soldiers In The Conflict – Hymn Lyric

soldiers in the conflict!
Bear the banner of the cross;
Rich reward shall crown the victor,
More than recompense, for loss.

Not with paltry palms that wither
Shall the brow be gaily crowned;
But with light that shines ,
And with heavenly renowned.

Yours are mansions fair and comely,
There your souls in bliss shall rest;
Stars shall sparkle in their radiance
On the pathway of the blest.

Earthly are faint and fleeting,
Earthly favours quickly fade;
Heavenward lift your eyes, expecting
There your true reward is laid.

be praised, who crowns the victor;
Christ be praised, who saves from sin;
Equal praise to God the Spirit,
By whose aid we fight and win.


Meaning of Christian Soldiers In The Conflict

Christian Soldiers In The Conflict: A Towards Victorious Faith

In this inspiring hymn, we are reminded of the constant battle we face as Christian soldiers. The conflict we engage in is not one of physical warfare, but rather a spiritual battle against the forces of darkness. Just as soldiers in a war bear the banner of their nation, we bear the banner of the cross, representing our faith in Christ.

As Christian soldiers, we are promised a rich reward for our efforts in this conflict. But it is important to note that this reward is not material or worldly. It is not a crown of paltry palms that will wither , but rather a crown of eternal light and heavenly joy. Our souls will find rest in fair and comely mansions, where stars will sparkle on the pathway of the blessed.

The hymn encourages us to keep our focus on the eternal rather than the temporary. Earthly joys may be faint and fleeting, and earthly favors quickly fade away. Instead, we are urged to lift our eyes heavenward, expecting our true reward to be laid there. This reminds us that our ultimate goal is not success or recognition in this world, but rather a deep and fulfilling relationship with God in the hereafter.

It is through God’s grace and the saving power of Jesus Christ that we are able to triumph in this spiritual battle. We give praise to God, who crowns the victor, and to Christ, who saves us from our sins. But we must not forget the equal praise to be given to the Holy Spirit, who empowers and guides us in our fight for righteousness.

Our journey as Christian soldiers is not an easy one. It requires dedication, courage, and perseverance. We will face trials and temptations along the way, but we can be encouraged by the promise of victory. With God by our side, we can have the confidence that we will overcome.

As we go through this conflict, it is important to remember that we are not alone. We have a community of believers who are fighting alongside us. Together, we can lift each other up, encourage one another, and share in the joys and struggles of this journey. Community is an essential part of our spiritual growth and strength.

Furthermore, we must always be mindful of our purpose as Christian soldiers. Our mission is not to conquer or dominate others, but to spread the and message of Jesus Christ. We are called to be ambassadors of , kindness, and forgiveness. In the face of hate and division, our role is to be agents of unity and reconciliation.

In conclusion, the hymn “Christian Soldiers In The Conflict” serves as a powerful reminder of the challenges and rewards in our journey as Christian soldiers. Though the road may be difficult, we can find strength and hope in the promise of our heavenly reward. Let us bear the banner of the cross with pride, knowing that our ultimate victory is assured through the grace of God, the saving power of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Together, as a community of believers, we can shine the light of Christ and make a difference in the world around us.


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