Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the Beauty and Love of Jesus in "Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus." Rejoice in His sacrifice

Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus: Celebrating the Beauty of His and ” invites us to rejoice and celebrate the magnificence of Jesus Christ. The hymn’s lyrics express the unmatched beauty and power of our Savior as well as His victory over death and the eternal love He offers to all who believe in Him. Through simple yet profound verses, it encourages us to find unity in , proclaim His love, and experience the transformative power of knowing and following Jesus Christ.


Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Come join in the praises of Jesus,
Fairer is He than Sharon’s sweet rose.
‘Twas He tasted death to release us,
‘Tis He that our enemies oppose.

Oh, come join with us in His praises!
In song, His love we proclaim.
The rapture He raises within us,
May all find it alike in His name.

Oh, sweet was the day that He found us,
Sweet were the words that He said.
With His love’s cords, hath He bound us,
Gave us life from the realm of the dead.

But sweeter is the rapture to greet Him,
When arrayed in His vesture of .
In the air, we shall meet Him,
And forevermore be in His sight.

Meaning of Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus

Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus: Celebrating the Beauty of His Love and Sacrifice

In the hymn “Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus,” we are invited to rejoice and celebrate the magnificence of Jesus Christ. The simple yet profound lyrics express the unmatched beauty and power of our Savior, reminding us of His victory over death and the eternal love He offers to all who believe in Him.

The hymn begins by emphasizing the incomparable splendor of Jesus, stating that He is “fairer than Sharon’s sweet rose.” Sharon is known for its stunning landscapes and abundant flowers, so comparing Jesus to the loveliness of Sharon’s rose highlights His unmatched beauty and radiance. This description paints a vivid image of the captivating nature of our Savior, drawing us in to join in the praises of His name.

The hymn then directs our attention to the incredible sacrifice Jesus made for our sake. It mentions that He “tasted death to release us” and “vanquished our foes.” This highlights the central message of Christianity – that Jesus willingly endured death on the to free us from the power of sin and conquer the forces that sought to separate us from God’s love. It is through His sacrificial act that we find and reconciliation with our Creator.

The refrain of the hymn serves as an invitation for all to join together in singing praises to Jesus. It encourages us to proclaim His love in song, expressing the and delight that comes from knowing and being in relationship with Him. This call to unity in worship highlights the communal nature of faith, reminding us that we are not alone in our devotion to Christ. His love binds us together, creating a sense of shared experience and celebration.

The second verse of the hymn takes us back to the moment of our own encounter with Jesus. It describes the sweetness and significance of the day He found us, when we heard His words and experienced His love firsthand. This personal connection to Jesus is a source of great comfort and assurance. The imagery of being bound by His love emphasizes the profound impact He has on our lives, transforming us from spiritual death to abundant life.

As the hymn progresses, it paints a picture of the future hope that believers in Christ. It describes the anticipation of meeting Jesus again, this time in His glorious, form. The mention of being “caught up in the air” alludes to the biblical concept of the rapture, when believers will be taken up to meet the Lord in the sky. This is a moment of unimaginable joy, as we are reunited with Jesus and become part of His eternal kingdom.

The ultimate goal of this hymn is to inspire heartfelt worship and adoration for Jesus Christ. It encourages all who it to revere His name, proclaim His love to the world, and partake in the rapture of His presence. By exalting Jesus through these lyrics, the hymn creates a sense of reverence and awe, inviting listeners to experience the transformative power of His love.

In conclusion, “Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus” is a powerful hymn that beautifully captures the essence of our relationship with the Savior. It invites us to celebrate His unmatched beauty, rejoice in His victory over death, and anticipate the joyous reunion that awaits us in His presence. Through its simple yet profound lyrics, this hymn encourages us to find unity in worship, proclaim His love, and experience the profound transformation that comes from knowing and following Jesus Christ. May all who listen to this hymn be inspired to join in the praises of Jesus and find the abundant life and eternal hope that He offers to all who believe.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the Beauty and Love of Jesus in Come Join In The Praises Of Jesus. Rejoice in His sacrifice, victory over death, and the unity of worship in His name. Join in and experience the transformative power of His love.


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