Dear Master, In Whose Life I See – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound hymn "Dear Master

Dear Master, In Whose Life I See – Hymn Lyric



Dear Master, In Whose Life I See – Hymn Lyric

Dear Master, in whose life I see
All that I would, but fail to be,
Let thy clear light for ever ,
To shame and guide this life of mine.

Though what I dream and what I do
In my weak days are always two,
me, oppressed by things undone,
O thou, whose and dreams were one!


Meaning of Dear Master, In Whose Life I See

Every once in a while, we come across a that reflects our inner feelings perfectly, touching our hearts in a profound way. One such hymn is “Dear Master, in Whose Life I See.” This hymn not only speaks to many of our experiences but also prompts us to about our lives, our actions, and our aspirations.

Firstly, the hymn expresses a for a greater life model. We may wonder, who is the “Master” whom the hymn speaks of? It could be someone we deeply respect and admire – a guide or a mentor who shines a light on our path. This person’s life symbolizes everything we aspire to be but fail to achieve. Their clear and unwavering light constantly illuminates our path, us and keeping us on the right track. It’s not just their impeccable image but also the moral principles they uphold that inspire us.

But why is this Master’s light necessary for us? As the hymn goes on, it underlines our natural human imperfections. We all dream big. We have ambitions, hopes, and interests. We have noble ideals that we wish to incorporate into our lives. Yet, time and time again, we find ourselves failing to live up to those lofty dreams. Despite our best intentions, our deeds do not always align with our aspirations. The conflict between what we plan and what we actually accomplish is as real as it gets.

However, the hymn doesn’t want us to wallow in self-pity. It is an earnest and sincere plea for help. Here we are, burdened under the weight of the things we have left undone. We are often overwhelmed by the enormity of the tasks left for us to perform. These unfinished tasks haunt us, oppress us, and sometimes even depress us.

The hymn further nudges us to call upon the one who has successfully bridged the gap between dreaming and doing. Perhaps, this Master has consistently been a victor in this age-old battle – a feat we yearn to emulate. The perfect harmony between his lofty dreams and his commendable deeds is something we deeply admire. Therefore, we are not just apologetic for our shortcomings, but also hopeful for a miraculous transformation.

So, how does the hymn “Dear Master, in Whose Life I See” inspire us? It encourages us to acknowledge our failures without being too harsh on ourselves. We all fall short, stumble, and fail to live up to our dreams and aspirations. But that doesn’t mean we’re doomed to failure. Rather, it affords us the opportunity to learn, grow, and become better persons.

The hymn tells us that, while we imperfect humans may fall short, there exists a perfect model that we can emulate. This person could be a spiritual guide or a person who has made significant positive impacts. This Master’s life principle is embedded in truth, humility, , justice, and all attributes of a virtuous life.

Also, “Dear Master, in Whose Life I See” teaches us about hope and the passion for unyielding growth. It encourages us not to be crippled by our failures but to use them as stepping stones to success. This hymn inspires us to strive for a balance between our dreams and deeds, always humbly seeking help when we feel oppressed or overwhelmed.

So let us join the thousands of people who, through the ages, have taken solace and inspiration from the words of this hymn. Let’s allow the Master’s clear light to forever shine in our lives and guide us in our journey. Let’s strive to achieve the dream and deed balance in life, all the while keeping the faith, nourishing hope and finding courage in the .

In conclusion, “Dear Master, In Whose Life I See” is much more than just a hymn. It is a reflection of our lives, struggles, hopes, and aspirations. As we continue to seek divine , let’s strive to align our dreams with our actions, creating a rich tapestry of purposeful living that is both fulfilling and inspiring.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound hymn Dear Master, In Whose Life I See that speaks to our aspirations, guides us through our struggles, and inspires us to align our dreams with our actions. Find solace and divine guidance in this timeless message.


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