Dearest Jesus We Are Here – Hymn Lyric

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Dearest Jesus We Are Here – Hymn Lyric

Dearest We Are Here: A Hymn of and Hope In times of uncertainty and doubt, we find solace and strength in the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is with fervent hearts and open minds that we gather together, seeking guidance and through His holy word. As we sing this hymn, we express our deepest desires for His light to illuminate our paths and elevate our thoughts to a higher plane.


Dearest Jesus We Are Here – Hymn Lyric


Dearest Jesu, we are here,
To be in thy word instructed;
Guide our Hearts, O Thou, who’rt near;
Let our Minds hence be conducted
And from Earth be elevated;
Where we wish to be translated.


All our Knowledge, brings no Light
But is vain and dark by Nature,
Till thy holy Spirit bright
Forms within us the New Creature.
Pious Thoughts and true Devotion
Have their Source from thy blest Motion.


O Thou Glory all Divine,
Light of Light from God proceeding,
All our Hearts and Minds refine,
When thy Word our Souls is feeding.
Let our Pray’r, and Meditation,
Be a sweet and blest Oblation.


Meaning of Dearest Jesus We Are Here

Dearest Jesus We Are Here: A Hymn of Faith and Hope

In times of uncertainty and doubt, we find solace and strength in the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is with fervent hearts and open minds that we gather together, seeking guidance and wisdom through His holy word. As we sing this hymn, we express our deepest desires for His divine light to illuminate our paths and elevate our thoughts to a higher plane.

In the first verse, we address our beloved Jesus, whom we trust and rely upon for instruction and enlightenment. With His tender and proximity to our souls, we implore Him to guide our hearts, so that our minds may be led towards heavenly contemplation. We long to be transcended from worldly matters and immersed in the spiritual realm, yearning for a connection to a higher purpose.

Our human knowledge, however vast it may seem, pales in comparison to the profound wisdom that can only be gained through the understanding of God’s Word. Without the light of Jesus’ holy spirit, our knowledge remains vain and clouded by the limitations of our earthly nature. It is through His divine influence that transformation occurs within us, allowing us to become new creatures in Christ. It is through His grace that pious thoughts and true devotion are born, bringing us closer to God’s love.

O, Jesus, you are the embodiment of divine glory and the beacon of light that emanates from God Himself. Your presence refines our hearts and minds, illuminating our souls as we partake in the nourishment of your Word. Through the teachings you have bestowed upon us, we find comfort and peace. We offer our prayers and to you as a sweet and offering, knowing that through our devotion, we draw closer to your .

In this hymn, we express our unwavering faith in Jesus’ ability to guide and enlighten us. We acknowledge that the path to true understanding and enlightenment lies in surrendering ourselves to His teachings. As we embrace His word, our hearts are uplifted, and we are filled with hope and assurance. For it is through Jesus that we find the strength to navigate the challenges of life, and the courage to face the unknown with unwavering faith.

As we delve into the depth of this hymn, it is evident that it is not merely a collection of words, but a heartfelt expression of our dependence on Jesus Christ. In singing these verses, we declare our yearning to be guided by His teachings, and to be transformed by His grace. We seek to deepen our understanding of His divine presence and to offer ourselves in devotion to His holy name.

Dearest Jesus, we are here, seeking your wisdom and guidance. our prayers, and let your Word shine brightly within us. Illuminate our hearts and minds as we strive to be ever closer to you. For in you, we find hope, peace, and the promise of eternal love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace, strength, and guidance in the presence of Jesus Christ. Explore the hymn Dearest Jesus We Are Here and discover the power of His divine light in times of uncertainty and doubt. Embrace His teachings and elevate your faith.


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