Does It Not Grief And Wonder Move – Hymn Lyric
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Does It Not Grief And Wonder Move – Hymn Lyric
Does it not grief and wonder move,
To think of Israel’s dreadful fall,
Who needed miracles to prove,
Whether the Lord was God or Baal.
Me thinks I see Elijah stand,
His features glow with love and zeal,
In faith and pray’r he lifts his hand,
And makes to heav’n his great appeal.
O God if I thy servant am,
If ’tis thy message fills my heart,
Now glorify thy holy name,
And shew this people who thou art.
He spoke, and lo! a sudden flame,
Consum’d the wood, the dust, the stone,
The people struck, at once proclaim,
“The Lord is God, the Lord alone.”
Like him we mourn an awful day,
When more for Baal than God appear,
Like him, believers, let us pray,
And may the God of Isr’el hear.
Lord if thy servant speaks the truth,
If he indeed is sent by thee,
Confirm the word to all our youth,
And let them thy salvation see.
Now may the spirit’s holy fire,
Pierce ev’ry heart that hears thy word,
Consume each hurtful vain desire,
And make them know, thou art the Lord.
Meaning of Does It Not Grief And Wonder Move
Does It Not Grief and Wonder Move: Exploring the Power of Faith and Prayer
In this hymn, the author reflects on the horrifying fall of Israel, a nation that needed miracles to establish whether the true God was the Lord or Baal. The hymn paints a vivid picture of the prophet Elijah, standing with a glowing countenance filled with love and zeal. With unwavering faith and fervent prayers, Elijah raises his hand towards heaven, appealing to God to reveal His true identity. And in a breathtaking display of divine power, a sudden flame consumes the wood, the dust, and the stone. The people, no longer doubtful, proclaim with one voice: “The Lord is God, the Lord alone.”
This powerful narrative leads us to ponder an important question: does it not bring grief and wonder to our hearts when we witness the decline of faith in our own lives and in the lives of those around us? Like the people of Israel, we often find ourselves more devoted to worldly pursuits than to the worship of our Creator. The hymn encourages us to reflect on this disheartening reality and to learn from the unwavering faith of Elijah.
In our modern times, where skepticism and doubt seem to prevail, we may feel discouraged. However, like Elijah, it is important for us to persevere and lift our prayers to God. We must remember that even in the darkest moments, God is always listening. The hymn suggests that just as Elijah prayed for the hearts of the people to turn towards God, we too can approach God with a similar plea.
In our daily lives, we may encounter situations where our faith is tested. It is in these moments that we can draw inspiration from the example of Elijah and the power of his prayers. We are reminded that God’s true servants carry within them a message from Him, just as Elijah did. In times of uncertainty, we can be assured that God is with us, guiding and supporting us in our journey.
The hymn beautifully expresses the desire for God to glorify His holy name and reveal Himself to the people. It is a prayer that resonates with believers even today. We long for God’s presence to be revealed to our youth, for them to experience His salvation and understand His love for them. The hymn beckons us to pray for the younger generation, that God’s truth may be confirmed in their lives and that they may come to know Him intimately.
Furthermore, the hymn refers to the “spirit’s holy fire” that is capable of penetrating every heart that hears the word of God. It symbolizes the transformative power of God’s message, which has the ability to consume our sinful desires and lead us to a profound understanding of His sovereignty. It is through the hearing and internalizing of God’s word that we can experience true transformation and a deepened relationship with Him.
This hymn serves as a reminder to believers that even though the world may seem filled with doubt and distractions, our faith and prayers can make a difference. Just as Elijah’s faith and prayers brought about a miraculous manifestation of God’s power, our unwavering devotion can have a profound impact on the lives of those around us.
In conclusion, “Does It Not Grief and Wonder Move” invites us to reflect on the power of faith and prayer. It highlights the significance of unwavering devotion and the transformative nature of God’s presence. The hymn encourages believers to seek God’s truth, pray for the salvation of others, and allow the spirit’s holy fire to purify our hearts and minds. Let us take these lessons to heart and strive to be faithful servants of the Lord, just as Elijah was. May our prayerful devotion ignite a revival of faith in our lives and in the lives of those around us.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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