Father In Heaven, Whose Love Profound – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound love and forgiveness of our heavenly Father. Embrace his unconditional love as we seek his grace and the gift of eternal life.

Father In Heaven, Whose Love Profound – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “Father In Heaven, Whose Profound” beautifully expresses our need for God’s love and forgiveness. It reminds us that God’s love is profound, deep, and unconditional. We before his throne as sinners, seeking his forgiveness and the extension of his love and grace.


Father In Heaven, Whose Love Profound – Hymn Lyric

Father of heaven, whose love profound
a ransom for our souls hath found,
before thy throne we sinners bend;
to us thy pardoning love extend.

Almighty Son, Word,
our Prophet, , Redeemer, Lord,
before thy throne we sinners bend;
to us thy saving grace extend.

Eternal Spirit, by whose breath
the soul is raised from and death,
Before thy throne we sinners bend;
to us thy quickening power extend.

Jehovah – Father, Spirit, Son –
mysterious Godhead, Three in One,
before thy throne we sinners bend;
grace, pardon, life to us extend.


Meaning of Father In Heaven, Whose Love Profound

Father in Heaven, whose love profound, a ransom for our souls hath found, is a hymn that speaks to the incredible love and forgiveness that God offers us. It reminds us that no matter how we may have sinned or strayed, God’s love is always there to embrace us and extend his pardoning love.

When we of a father, we often think of someone who loves and protects us. This hymn reminds us that God is the ultimate father figure, whose love knows no bounds. His love is profound, deep and unconditional. We can turn to him knowing that he will always be there for us, to extend his love and forgiveness.

God’s love is so great that he was willing to offer a ransom for our souls. This means that he was willing to something precious – in this case, his only Son, Jesus Christ – to save us from our . It is a powerful reminder of the depth of God’s love and the lengths he will go to bring us back to him.

As we sing the verses of this hymn, we acknowledge that we are sinners in need of God’s forgiveness. We humbly come before his throne, recognizing our shortcomings and asking for his pardoning love to be extended to us. It takes courage to admit our mistakes, but God’s mercy is always ready and waiting for us.

The hymn then goes on to describe Jesus as the Almighty Son, Incarnate Word, our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, and Lord. These beautiful titles highlight the many roles that Jesus plays in our lives. He is our teacher, our intercessor, the one who redeems us from our sins, and our ultimate Lord and leader. We acknowledge his greatness and authority as we bow before his throne, seeking his saving grace.

The hymn also acknowledges the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It reminds us that it is through the breath of the Spirit that our souls are raised from sin and death. The Spirit breathes life into us, bringing us back to a right relationship with God. We ask for the Spirit’s quickening power to be extended to us, enabling us to live a life pleasing to God.

The hymn concludes with a beautiful praise to the Triune God – Jehovah, Father, Spirit, Son. It recognizes the mystery of the Godhead, the three in one. We marvel at the greatness and of our God, who is beyond our complete understanding. We bow before his throne, seeking his grace, pardon, and the gift of eternal life.

In conclusion, “Father In Heaven, Whose Love Profound” is a hymn that beautifully expresses our need for God’s love and forgiveness. It reminds us that God’s love is profound, deep, and unconditional. We come before his throne as sinners, seeking his forgiveness and the extension of his love and grace. We recognize Jesus as our Savior, Prophet, Priest, and Lord, and we acknowledge the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Finally, we praise and worship the triune God, marveling at his mystery and seeking his abundant blessings in our lives. May we always find comfort and strength in the profound love of our heavenly Father.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound love and forgiveness of our heavenly Father. Embrace his unconditional love as we seek his grace and the gift of eternal life.


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