Flowers Grow In Sweet Societies – Hymn Lyric
The hymn “Flowers Grow In Sweet Societies” beautifully captures the essence of flowers and the lessons they teach us. Just like flowers, we can come together in unity and harmony to make the world a better place. By spreading love, beauty, and joy like the flowers, we can fulfill our purpose and leave behind a lasting legacy of goodness.
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Flowers Grow In Sweet Societies – Hymn Lyric
Flowers grow in sweet societies,
O’er meadow, hill, and dale;
Mingle their colours to our eyes,
Their perfumes in the gale.
Sprung from the dust, they rise above
The meanness of their birth;
They look to heaven, and yet they love
To beautify the earth.
Not birds more duly build and sing,
Nor stars in turn appear,
Than these their splendid legions bring,
To crown and close the year.
They toil not, neither do they spin,
And yet their Maker’s will,
Exempt from sorrow, as from sin,
They live but to fulfil.
Ah! thus might He that made us see
Our Sabbath Schools increase;
And while we dwell in unity,
In Him may we have peace;–
Like flowers from Him receive, dispense
The fragrance of His grace;
And when, like flowers, transplanted hence,
May fairer fill our place.
Meaning of Flowers Grow In Sweet Societies
Have you ever taken a moment to appreciate the beauty of a flower? Flowers are truly remarkable creations that bring joy and color to our world. Just like the hymn “Flowers Grow In Sweet Societies” describes, flowers grow in sweet societies all around us, spreading their vibrant colors and sweet scents for all to enjoy.
As we look at the flowers growing in meadows, hills, and valleys, we can see how they come together to create a beautiful tapestry of nature. Each flower is unique in its own way, but together they form a harmonious society that adds beauty to the world. Just like the flowers, we can also come together in unity and harmony to make the world a better place.
Flowers, despite their humble beginnings, reach for the sky and aim to beautify the earth. They serve as a reminder that we can rise above our circumstances and strive for greatness. Like the flowers that look to heaven while lovingly adorning the earth, we too can set our sights high and spread love and beauty wherever we go.
Even though flowers do not have the ability to work or worry, they fulfill their purpose by blooming and spreading joy. In the same way, we can also find fulfillment by living out our purpose and bringing happiness to those around us. By following our Maker’s will and living in accordance with His plan, we can lead a life of meaning and significance.
Just as flowers bloom in their appointed time and season, we too can blossom and grow in our own time. We can learn from the flowers’ example of patience and perseverance, trusting that everything will fall into place at the right moment. Like the flowers that crown and close the year in splendor, we can also bring our unique talents and gifts to fruition, making a lasting impact on the world.
In a similar vein, just as flowers receive and give off the fragrance of grace, we too can share the love and kindness that we have received. By being a source of light and positivity in the world, we can spread joy and hope to those around us. When our time on earth is done, may we leave behind a legacy of beauty and goodness, just like the flowers that leave a lasting impression even after they have been transplanted.
As we reflect on the hymn “Flowers Grow In Sweet Societies,” let us be inspired by the simple yet profound lessons that flowers teach us. Let us strive to be like the flowers, bringing color, joy, and beauty to the world. May we work together in harmony and unity, fulfilling our purpose and making a positive impact on those around us. Just as flowers grow in sweet societies, may we too flourish and thrive in the company of others, creating a world that is truly a beautiful place to be.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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