Glory Be To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the boundless love and forgiveness found in Jesus' precious blood. Join the chorus of praise and gratitude. Experience grace and eternal life. "Glory Be To Jesus: The Boundless Love and Redemption Found in His Precious Blood."

Glory Be To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Glory Be To Jesus” is a hymn that highlights the boundless love and found in Jesus’ precious blood. It reminds us of Jesus’ sacrifice, willingly shedding His blood for our sins, and offers us and eternal life. Through this powerful hymn, we are called to praise and honor Jesus for His compassion and the profound transformation His blood brings.


Glory Be To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Glory be to Jesus, who, in bitter pains,
Poured for me the lifeblood, from his sacred veins.
Grace and life eternal in that blood I find;
Blest be his compassion, infinitely kind!

Blest thro’ endless ages be the precious stream,
Which from endless torments did the world redeem.
Abel’s blood for vengeance pleaded to the skies;
But the blood of Jesus for our pardon cries.

Oft as earth exulting wafts its praise on high,
Angel hosts rejoicing make their glad reply.
Lift we, then, our voices, swell the mighty flood,
Louder still and louder praise the precious blood!


Meaning of Glory Be To Jesus

Glory Be To Jesus: The Boundless Love and Redemption Found in His Precious Blood

In this hymn, we are called to give glory and honor to Jesus, who, out of His boundless love for us, willingly endured bitter pains and poured forth His lifeblood from His sacred veins. This act of sacrifice brings us grace and eternal life. Let us delve deeper into the profound meaning behind these powerful verses.

The hymn begins by acknowledging the tremendous sacrifice made by Jesus on our behalf. It highlights the fact that Jesus willingly shed His precious blood, symbolizing His life, to redeem the world from its sins. It was through this selfless act that we find grace and eternal life. The hymn invites us to recognize and appreciate His boundless compassion and kindness.

As we reflect on the significance of Jesus’ blood, we are reminded of the contrasting outcomes when compared to the blood of Abel. Abel’s blood cried out for vengeance, seeking retribution for his unjust murder. However, the blood of Jesus speaks a different message; it cries out for our pardon and forgiveness. It is through the shedding of His blood that we are offered salvation and reconciliation with God.

This hymn also alludes to the and celebration that erupts in heaven when earth praises Jesus and His sacrificial act. As voices on earth join together in exultation, angelic hosts joyfully respond, creating a symphony of praise that resonates throughout the heavenly realms. It is a testament to the eternal impact of Jesus’ sacrifice, which has the power to unite both heaven and earth in worship.

We are called to join this glorious chorus and lift our voices in praise. The hymn encourages us to contribute to the mighty flood of worship that rises to Jesus, honoring the precious blood He shed for us. It advocates for an ever-increasing volume of praise, urging us to declare boldly and continuously our for the redemption and salvation Jesus has provided.

The lyrics of this hymn convey a profound message of , forgiveness, and gratitude. They remind us of the selfless love and compassion Jesus demonstrated through His ultimate sacrifice. His blood, infused with divine power, has the capacity to redeem and free us from the bondage of .

In a world often plagued with despair, violence, and greed, the hymn serves as a reminder of the limitless love offered by Jesus. It is a of hope, shining a light on our path towards salvation and eternal life. The hymn emphasizes the significance of Jesus’ blood, elevating it as a symbol of profound spiritual transformation and liberation.

For believers, the hymn acts as an invocation, inviting us to deepen our understanding of the immeasurable grace and bestowed upon us through the shedding of Jesus’ blood. It encourages us to contemplate the enormity of His sacrifice and respond with a overflowing with gratitude and praise.

The lyrics are written in a way that not only celebrates Jesus’ sacrifice but also provides theological insights accessible to a 7th-grade literacy level. By utilizing simple language and repetition, the hymn ensures that the message reaches a wide audience, including those with limited reading comprehension skills.

In conclusion, the hymn “Glory Be To Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ sacrifice and its significance in our lives. It calls us to honor His compassion, kindness, and boundless love. Through this hymn, we are invited to reflect on the power of Jesus’ blood to redeem, transform, and unite us in worship and praise. May our voices, joined with angelic hosts, resound in heartfelt adoration for the precious blood of our , Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the boundless love and forgiveness found in Jesus' precious blood. Join the chorus of praise and gratitude. Experience grace and eternal life. Glory Be To Jesus: The Boundless Love and Redemption Found in His Precious Blood.


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