Go Friends Of Jesus And Proclaim – Hymn Lyric

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Go Friends Of Jesus And Proclaim – Hymn Lyric

“Go Friends Of Jesus And ” is a powerful that urges believers to spread the light of and redemption to the world. Through our words and actions, we can share the message of our Redeemer with those who are searching for solace and hope. As friends of Jesus, we are called to go forth, proclaim the message, and be agents of transformation in a world in need.


Go Friends Of Jesus And Proclaim – Hymn Lyric

Go, friends of Jesus, and proclaim
The kind Redeemer you have found;
And speak his ever precious name,
To all the wond’ring nations round.

Go, tell the unletter’d, wretched slave,
Who groans beneath a tyrant’s rod,
You bring a pardon bought with blood,
The blood of an God.

Go, tell the panting, sable chief
On Ethiopia’s scorching sand,
You with a refreshing stream,
To cheer and bless his thirsty land.

Go, tell the distant isles afar,
Of Otaheite and Pelew,
That in the covenant of grace,
Their unknown names are written too.

Go tell, on India’s golden shores,
Of a rich treasure, more refin’d;
And tell them, tho’ they’ll scarce believe,
You come, the friend of human kind.

Say, the religion you profess
Is all benevolence and love;
And by its own effects,
Its heavenly origin will prove.


Meaning of Go Friends Of Jesus And Proclaim

Go Friends Of Jesus And Proclaim: Spreading the Light of Love and Redemption

In the vibrant and uplifting hymn “Go Friends Of Jesus And Proclaim,” we are called to be ambassadors of hope, carrying the message of our kind Redeemer to all corners of the world. This powerful anthem reminds us of the tremendous responsibility we have as believers to share the love and redemption we have found in Christ. Let us delve deeper into the promises encapsulated within these verses and explore the immeasurable impact we can have on those who are still searching for solace.

As we embark on this journey of proclaiming the message, we are encouraged to go beyond our immediate circles and reach out to those who may not have had the opportunity to hear the good news. The hymn highlights the importance of spreading the word to the “unlettered, wretched slave, who groans beneath a tyrant’s rod.” These words serve as a powerful reminder that the message of Jesus is for everyone, regardless of their background, social status, or level of education. It is a message of liberation, offering salvation to all who are willing to receive it.

The hymn also urges us to bring hope to those residing in distant lands. From the scorching sands of Ethiopia to the distant isles of Otaheite and Pelew, we are called to carry the promise of refreshing streams and blessings to quench the thirst of those longing for salvation. This demonstrates the expansive reach of the Gospel and emphasizes that God’s love knows no bounds. Even in the most remote corners of the world, people’s names are written in the covenant of grace, waiting to be discovered and embraced.

A particularly poignant and significant verse of this hymn reminds us of our duty to share the message with those on India’s golden shores and other places where and materialistic pursuits often overshadow spiritual nourishment. In these regions, people may find it challenging to believe that true richness lies in the treasures of heaven. Yet, as messengers of the Gospel, we are called to declare that our faith is rooted in benevolence and love. By demonstrating genuine care and compassion for those we encounter, we bear witness to the transformative power of the Gospel, providing a tangible manifestation of its divine origins.

The title of this hymn, “Go Friends Of Jesus And Proclaim,” encapsulates the essence of our mission as followers of Christ. It serves as a rallying cry, urging us to step out of our comfort zones and boldly proclaim the good news to a world in need. Each word in the title holds significance, resonating with the values and purpose we carry as disciples of Jesus.

“Go” signifies action and movement, emphasizing that faith is not a passive endeavor but something that compels us to go forth with determination and enthusiasm. It pushes us beyond the comfortable confines of our own lives, encouraging us to engage with others, listen to their stories, and share our own experiences of encountering the Redeemer.

“Friends Of Jesus” reminds us that we are not undertaking this mission alone. We are part of a dynamic and supportive community bonded by our love for Christ. As friends of Jesus, we draw strength and encouragement from one another, spurring each other on to fulfill our divine purpose. This title reminds us that we are never alone as we go forth to proclaim the message but are surrounded by fellow believers who share in our calling.

“And Proclaim” conveys the essence of our mission, emphasizing that we have a message worth sharing. It reminds us that there is power in our words and actions, as we hold within us the stories of redemption, love, and . Proclaiming the message involves more than just speaking empty words; it is about embodying the transformative power of the Gospel by our actions, demonstrating the truth and power of our faith.

In conclusion, “Go Friends Of Jesus And Proclaim” encapsulates the immense responsibility and joy we have as worshippers of Christ. It calls us to be agents of hope, carrying the message of love, redemption, and salvation to those who have yet to experience the transformative power of the Gospel. As we go forth, may our words and actions be guided by the divine love and benevolence that emanates from the very heart of our faith. Let us embrace this mission with fervor and dedication, so that we may truly be friends of Jesus, illuminating the world with the light of His grace.


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