Go Labor In The Harvest Field – Hymn Lyric

"Go Labor In The Harvest Field: Embrace the Call to Work and Reap Rewards. Discover the Meaning and Significance of Laboring in Your Own Life and Making a Positive Impact on Others. Find Fulfillment in Bringing Forth Golden Sheaves."

Go Labor In The Harvest Field – Hymn Lyric



Go Labor In The Harvest Field – Hymn Lyric

Go labor in the harvest field,
the golden sheaves;
Return with an abundant yield,
Bringing the golden sheaves.

Bringing the golden sheaves,
Bringing the golden sheaves,
Go labor in the harvest field,
Bringing the golden sheaves.

Think not of ease, but labor on,
Bringing the golden sheaves;
And toil till setting of the sun,
Bringing the golden sheaves.


The evening calls the reapers ,
Bringing the golden sheaves;
And bearing precious fruit they ,
Bringing the golden sheaves.


The saints will gather by and by,
Bringing the golden sheaves;
With in the home on high,
Bringing the golden sheaves.


Meaning of Go Labor In The Harvest Field

Go Labor In The Harvest Field: Embracing the Call to Work and Reap the Rewards

In this hymn, the message is clear: we are urged to go out into the harvest field and gather the golden sheaves. But what does this truly mean? Let us delve deeper into the meaning behind the lyrics and explore the significance of laboring in the harvest field.

The harvest field symbolizes the world around us, the people and opportunities that await our efforts. Just as a farmer sows seeds and tends to the crops, we too are called to work diligently in our own lives and make a positive impact on the lives of others. Each golden sheave represents the fruits of our labor, whether they be acts of , knowledge gained, or goals accomplished.

The refrain repeats the idea of bringing the golden sheaves, reinforcing the notion that it is not enough to simply labor, but to bring a bountiful yield. It reminds us not to settle for mediocrity, but to strive for excellence in all that we do. The repetition also serves as a gentle nudge, encouraging us to stay focused on our mission and not be deterred by setbacks or challenges.

The hymn goes on to advise us to cast aside thoughts of ease and toil until the setting of the sun. This is a call to perseverance and hard work. It reminds us that success rarely comes without effort and dedication. Just as a farmer cannot expect a bountiful harvest without tending to the crops day in and day out, we must also invest time and energy into our endeavors if we to achieve our goals.

The evening is depicted as a time when the reapers return home, bearing precious fruit. This imagery suggests that our efforts will be rewarded, and we will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor. It serves as a reminder that hard work and perseverance pay off, and that the satisfaction of a job well done is worth the effort.

In the final verse, we are reminded of an even greater reward. The saints will gather by and by, bringing the golden sheaves to Jesus in the home on high. This speaks to the concept of an afterlife, where our earthly labors will be acknowledged and celebrated. It provides a sense of purpose and eternal significance to our work, reminding us that our actions can make a difference not only in this life but in the hereafter as well.

So, how do we apply these teachings in our everyday lives? The first step is recognizing the various harvest fields around us. These fields may include our families, friends, schools, and communities. They may also extend to larger societal issues such as poverty, injustice, or environmental concerns. Once we identify these fields, we can start laboring in them, putting in the effort to sow seeds of love, compassion, and change.

It is important to remember that laboring in the harvest field does not require grand gestures or extraordinary abilities. It can be as simple as lending a helping hand to a in or speaking up against unfair treatment. Every small act of kindness and justice contributes to the overall harvest.

In order to stay focused and committed, it is crucial to set goals and persevere until they are achieved. Just like a farmer who sets targets for their crop yield, we too can establish personal, academic, or professional goals. Breaking these goals down into smaller, manageable tasks can us maintain momentum and prevent overwhelm.

Lastly, as we labor in the harvest field, we must not forget to find joy and fulfillment in our work. Yes, it may involve toil and perseverance, but it is also an opportunity for personal growth and making a positive impact on the lives of others. Celebrate the golden sheaves you bring forth, no matter how small, for they represent the mark you are leaving on the world.

In conclusion, the hymn “Go Labor In The Harvest Field” serves as a reminder of our call to work diligently and bring forth the golden sheaves in our lives. It encourages us to embrace the challenges and rewards of laboring in the harvest fields around us. As we toil until the setting of the sun, may we find fulfillment in our efforts, knowing that our work holds eternal significance. So go forth, dear reader, and labor in your own harvest field, bringing forth the golden sheaves that await you.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Go Labor In The Harvest Field: Embrace the Call to Work and Reap Rewards. Discover the Meaning and Significance of Laboring in Your Own Life and Making a Positive Impact on Others. Find Fulfillment in Bringing Forth Golden Sheaves.


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