Hail Easter Day Glad With His Love – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate Easter with joy and embrace God's love. Rejoice in Jesus' resurrection

Hail Easter Day Glad With His Love – Hymn Lyric

Day: Embracing God’s Love and Finding in His Resurrection” captures the essence of Easter as a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and find joy in His boundless love. The hymn “Hail, Easter Day! glad with His love” encourages us to rejoice and recognize the significance of Jesus’ , as it brings , victory over death, and the opportunity for eternal life. Let us embrace God’s love on this special day and crown Him as our King, for He brings peace, life, and everlasting hope.


Hail Easter Day Glad With His Love – Hymn Lyric

Hail, Easter Day! glad with His love,
Bringing bright visions of heaven above;
Sad hearts rejoice. Why do you ?
Jesus our Saviour is only asleep.

For us He suffered, the sinless and pure,
Glad for our sakes bitter pain to endure,
Hail, Easter Day! forth from the grave
Rose the dear Jesus, a lost world to save.

Hail, Easter Day! beautiful, bright,
Breaking in glory thro’ earth’s dreary night;
Bells of the morn ring clear and strong,
Turning our silence to jubilant .

Waken from slumber! O, crown Him the King!
From the dark tomb peace and life doth He bring.
Hail, Easter Day! incense most sweet
Gladly His children lay down at His feet.

Hail, Easter Day! Victor is He,
Broken the power of Death now shall be;
Angels of light, joyful proclaim
Glory and honor and praise to His name.

Jesus has risen, He reigns evermore;
Happy and free, our blest we adore.
Hail, Easter Day! life’s welcome spring,
Jesus, the mighty, our Jesus is King!


Meaning of Hail Easter Day Glad With His Love

Hail Easter Day: Embracing God’s Love and Finding Joy in His Resurrection

Easter is a holiday that fills our hearts with joy and hope. It is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior. As we sing the hymn “Hail, Easter Day! glad with His love,” we are reminded of the bright visions of heaven above and the reasons why our sad hearts can rejoice.

The hymn begins by encouraging us not to weep but to rejoice because Jesus, our Savior, is only asleep. It reminds us that Jesus, who was sinless and pure, willingly suffered for our sake. He endured bitter pain so that we could be saved. This is something worth celebrating on Easter Day and every day. Jesus’ sacrifice is a testament to His boundless love and serves as a constant reminder of the immense value He places on each and every one of us.

Easter Day is described as beautiful and bright, breaking through the dreary night of our lives. It is a day that brings hope and joy to our hearts. The hymn speaks of bells clear and strong, turning our silence into jubilant song. The resurrection of Jesus is a reason for us to awaken from our slumber and recognize Him as our King. From the dark tomb, He brings peace and life, dispelling the power of Death.

As we gather on Easter Day, we bring incense most sweet – our heartfelt praise and gratitude – and lay it down at His feet. We recognize and acknowledge Jesus’ victory over death and the salvation He offers. It is a time for us to come together as God’s children and offer our worship and adoration. We can find comfort and strength in knowing that Jesus has risen, and He reigns .

The hymn reminds us that Jesus’ resurrection signals the arrival of life’s welcome spring. Just as nature awakens and blossoms during this time, our spirits are also renewed and rejuvenated through the power of Christ’s resurrection. Jesus, the mighty one, is our King! We can be happy and free, knowing that He is with us always, guiding us through life’s challenges.

As we reflect on the lyrics of this hymn, we can see the profound message it conveys. Easter Day is not just a time for Easter eggs, bunnies, and chocolate. These symbols are fun and enjoyable, but the true reason for our celebration is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a time to remember His sacrifice and the love that poured from His heart.

The hymn also teaches us about the power of Christ’s resurrection. It brings hope, joy, and victory over death. Through His resurrection, Jesus conquered sin and provided a way for us to be reconciled with God. This is an essential message for all of us, regardless of our age or understanding. It speaks to the deep longing within each human heart to find meaning, purpose, and eternal love.

Easter Day is a reminder that we are loved beyond measure. It is a celebration of God’s grace and mercy. We are reminded that God did not leave us in our brokenness and sin. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us and offer us eternal life. This is the ultimate expression of love and a cause for unbounded joy.

So, as we sing “Hail, Easter Day! glad with His love,” let us remember the significance of this day. Let us embrace God’s love and find joy in His resurrection. Let us rejoice in the victory over sin and death that Jesus has won. And let us crown Him as our King, for He is the one who brings peace, life, and everlasting hope.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate Easter with joy and embrace God's love. Rejoice in Jesus' resurrection, His sacrifice, and the victory over sin and death. Find hope, peace, and eternal love in His embrace.


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