Harvest Fields Are Waving With The Ripened Grain – Hymn Lyric

"Answer the Call to Action in the Harvest Fields - Harvest Fields Are Waving With The Ripened Grain. Join the reapers and gather for the Lord

Harvest Fields Are Waving With The Ripened Grain – Hymn Lyric



Harvest Fields Are Waving With The Ripened Grain – Hymn Lyric

Harvest fields are waving with the ripened grain,
the call, O reaper! shall it be in vain!
Listen! ’tis the Master, calling since the dawn;
O, for earnest workers, ere the day is gone.

We have heard Thee calling, Lord,
In the field we’ll glean for Thee;
We will join the reapers as they and sing,
Gathering the harvest for the Lord, our King.

Plenteous the harvest, laborers are few;
You have promis’d, worker, will you not be true?
Faithful to thy duty, think not of thine ease;
Gather for thy Master golden sheaves!


Reaper in ‘s harvest, hear the clarion call!
Hasten at His bidding to the work, away!
Rich reward He’ll give thee, trust Him for it all;
Daylight soon will vanish, gather while you may.


Meaning of Harvest Fields Are Waving With The Ripened Grain

Harvest Fields Are Waving With The Ripened Grain: A Call to Action

Have you ever looked out at a field of ripe, golden grain and wondered how it all to be? Have you ever felt the urge to grab a sickle and join in the harvest? If so, then you are not alone. In the hymn, “Harvest Fields Are Waving With The Ripened Grain,” we are reminded of the importance of answering the call to action and becoming earnest workers in the Lord’s harvest.

The first verse of this hymn paints a vivid picture of the bountiful fields, swaying in the wind. It is as if the Master Himself is calling out to us, beckoning us to take part in this task. What a privilege it is to be chosen as His workers! It is a call that should not be ignored, for as the refrain says, “We have heard Thee calling, Lord.”

As we listen to this hymn, we are reminded that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. This is a universal truth that applies not only to the physical act of gathering crops but also to the spiritual realm. There is work to be done, and the Lord has promised great things to those who faithfully respond to His call.

But what does it mean to be a faithful worker in the Lord’s harvest? It means being true to our duty and not seeking our own ease. It means putting aside our own desires and focusing on gathering precious golden sheaves for our Master. It means being willing to labor tirelessly, even when the task seems daunting or the results are not immediate.

Imagine yourself as a reaper in life’s harvest, hearing the clarion call of the Master. How would you respond? Would you hesitate or would you hasten at His bidding? The hymn reminds us to trust Him for it all, for He will reward us abundantly for our efforts. We may not always see the fruits of our labor right away, but we can trust that daylight will soon vanish, and so we must gather while we may.

In a world that often prioritizes personal gain and comfort, it can be easy to overlook the importance of answering the call to action in the Lord’s harvest. But this hymn serves as a reminder that there is meaningful and fulfilling work to be done. It is an invitation to join the reapers as they work and sing, gathering the harvest for the Lord, our King.

So, whether you are a seventh grader or someone of any age, know that you have a vital role to play in the Lord’s harvest. Do not underestimate the impact you can make or think that you are too young or inexperienced. The Lord does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

As we conclude our exploration of this hymn, let us remember that the harvest fields are indeed waving with ripened grain. The call to action is clear, and the choice is ours to make. Will we be earnest workers, the call of the Master, or will we let the day pass us by? Let us join together, with hearts and hands to gather, for the Lord is waiting for us in the harvest fields.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Answer the Call to Action in the Harvest Fields - Harvest Fields Are Waving With The Ripened Grain. Join the reapers and gather for the Lord, our King. Be an earnest worker and make a lasting impact.


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