Have You Any Words For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

"Have You Any Words For Jesus: Share Your Testimony & Stand Up for Salvation. Be a Witness for Jesus Today. Spread His Love & Transform Lives with Your Words."

Have You Any Words For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Have You Any Words for Jesus: A Call to Share Your Testimony” encourages us to up and share our personal experiences with Jesus. It reminds us of the importance of spreading His message of love and salvation through our words and actions. Let us be witnesses for Jesus and use every opportunity to make an eternal impact on the lives of others.


Have You Any Words For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Have you any words for Jesus?
Oh, speak them day by day,
Never leave a word unspoken
That He would have you say.

Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
Oh, speak for Him today;
Be a witness for salvation,
Speak for Jesus while ye may.

Have you any testimony
For the living within?
It may another, give it;
To withhold it would be sin. [Refrain]

Does the Master reign triumphant
In your from day to day?
Tell it out unto your neighbors,
Tell it, tell it by the . [Refrain]

Witnesses of His salvation,
Speak for Jesus while ye may;
Soon will the long, long silence,
‘Till the resurrection day. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Have You Any Words For Jesus

Have You Any Words For Jesus: A Call to Share Your Testimony

In our journey of faith, we often find ourselves inspired and moved by the love and of Jesus Christ. He has touched our lives in unique and profound ways, bringing joy, healing, and salvation. As followers of Jesus, we have been called to be witnesses of His amazing work in our lives. The hymn “Have You Any Words for Jesus?” reminds us of the importance of speaking up and sharing our testimonies with others.

The verses of the hymn encourage us to never leave a word unspoken that Jesus would have us say. Each day, we have the opportunity to spread His message of love, hope, and salvation through our words and actions. It is our duty and privilege to stand up for Jesus, to be His voice in a world that desperately needs His redeeming love.

We are challenged to ask ourselves, “Have you any testimony for the living Lord within?” Our personal testimonies are powerful tools for spreading the Gospel. By sharing our personal experiences and the impact Jesus has had on our lives, we can help others see the transformative power of His love and mercy.

It is not a matter of boasting or seeking attention; rather, it is out of genuine concern for others. When we share our testimonies, we open doors for others to find comfort and encouragement in their own spiritual journeys. Our testimonies may provide the hope and assurance someone else needs to begin or deepen their relationship with Jesus.

We must not withhold our testimonies, for to do so would be a sin. A testimony is a divine gift that is meant to be shared. Our stories of redemption and grace hold the potential to touch someone’s and lead them to a life-changing encounter with Jesus. When we keep silent about the work Jesus has done in our lives, we deny others the opportunity to experience His love and transforming power.

Our witness should extend beyond just the spoken word. It is also about living out our faith in a way that reflects the teachings of Jesus. We are called to be a living testimony, letting our actions speak loudly of His presence in our lives. By living lives characterized by love, forgiveness, and compassion, we can attract others to the message of Jesus and his redemptive work.

As witnesses of His salvation, we are prompted to speak for Jesus while we have the chance. The hymn emphasizes the urgency of sharing our faith because there may come a time when silence is the only option. While silence may be a necessity in certain situations, such as respecting someone’s personal boundaries or avoiding conflict, we should not let fear or discomfort prevent us from sharing our faith when appropriate opportunities arise.

We need to tell our neighbors, friends, and even strangers about the hope and new life we have found in Jesus. Through genuine conversations, acts of kindness, or simply living in a way that reflects Christ’s teachings, we have the power to make a significant impact on those around us. As we share our faith, we become agents of change, spreading the good news and bringing hope to those who desperately need it.

However, we must remember that our role as witnesses is not about converting others forcefully or imposing our beliefs on them. It is about sharing our personal experiences and leaving the rest to the work of the Holy Spirit. As we trust in God’s timing and guidance, we can confidently share our testimonies, knowing that He will use our words and actions to touch the hearts of those who are receptive.

Ultimately, the hymn reminds us that there may come a time of silence, a time when opportunities to share our testimonies are gone. Until that day, we are called to be steadfast in our commitment to sharing the love of Jesus. We can imagine the joy we will experience when we stand before Him one day, knowing that we did not hold back but used every opportunity to share His transformative love with others.

In conclusion, “Have You Any Words for Jesus?” serves as a beautiful reminder of our responsibility as disciples to share our testimonies. Each one of us has a unique that deserves to be heard and shared. Let us embrace the call to stand up for Jesus, to be witnesses for salvation, and to speak for Him each day. By doing so, we can make an eternal impact on the lives of others and help them encounter the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Have You Any Words For Jesus: Share Your Testimony & Stand Up for Salvation. Be a Witness for Jesus Today. Spread His Love & Transform Lives with Your Words.


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