He Died In Love Christ Died – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful love and sacrifice in "He Died In Love Christ Died." Find comfort in Jesus' death on Calvary's tree and his promise to come again. Experience the hope and assurance of God's immense love.

He Died In Love Christ Died – Hymn Lyric

“He In Love Christ Died” is a powerful hymn that reminds us of ‘ incredible love and on the cross. This hymn brings comfort, hope, and a reminder of the immense love that God has for us. It reinforces the message that Jesus died for us, lives for us, keeps us, and will come again for us, filling our hearts with joy and assurance.


He Died In Love Christ Died – Hymn Lyric

He died, He died, in love Christ died,
For me on Calv’ry’s tree;
My sins are gone, my soul is saved,
And now from sin I’m free.

He died for me, He lives for me,
He keeps me by His pow’r;
He comes for me, for me He comes,
I wait for that glad hour.

He lives, He lives, in grace Christ lives,
For me in love He cares;
His rod and staff they comfort me,
My load He always bears.

He died for me, He lives for me,
He keeps me by His pow’r;
He comes for me, for me He comes,
I wait for that glad hour.

He keeps, He keeps, in pow’r Christ keeps,
From self and and sin;
His peace doth guard from all alarm,
I’m safe and glad in Him.

He died for me, He lives for me,
He keeps me by His pow’r;
He comes for me, for me He comes,
I wait for that glad hour.

He comes, He comes, for me Christ comes,
His promise is secure;
“I’ll come again,” He surely said;
By grace I shall endure.

He died for me, He lives for me,
He keeps me by His pow’r;
He comes for me, for me He comes,
I wait for that glad hour.


Meaning of He Died In Love Christ Died

In the hymn “He Died In Love Christ Died,” we are reminded of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. This powerful message resonates with Christians around the world, bringing comfort and hope to those who believe.

The verse reminds us that Jesus died on Calvary’s tree out of love for us. He willingly laid down his so that our sins could be forgiven. It’s amazing to think that the of God would give up his life for us, but that’s exactly what he did. This act of love is the reason why our souls can be saved and why our sins are washed away. It’s a gift that we can never fully comprehend.

The refrain reinforces the message that Jesus died for us and that he lives for us. His love and care extend beyond his on the cross. He continues to watch over us, keeping us safe and secure by his power. We can take comfort in knowing that he is always with us, ready to and guide us. We can trust in his promises and eagerly wait for the day when he will come again.

The second verse of the hymn reminds us that Jesus not only died for us, but he also lives for us. His grace and love are continually active in our lives. Just as a shepherd cares for and guides his flock, Jesus cares for and guides us. He provides us with peace and comfort, lifting the burdens that weigh us down. We can find rest and solace in his presence, knowing that he is always there for us.

The third verse speaks of the power of Christ to keep us from self, world, and sin. In a world filled with temptations and distractions, it’s easy to stray from the path of righteousness. However, Christ’s power works in us, helping us to resist temptation and to focused on him. Through his strength, we can overcome the traps of the world and find true peace and joy.

The final verse of the hymn looks forward to the future. Jesus promised that he would come again, and his words are sure. We can have hope and endurance because we know that he will return. It’s a glorious thought to know that one day he will come and take us . This gives us the strength to persevere in our faith, knowing that our ultimate reward is with him.

In conclusion, “He Died In Love Christ Died” is a hymn that speaks to the amazing love and sacrifice of Jesus. It reminds us that he died for us, lives for us, keeps us, and will come again for us. This beautiful message brings us comfort, peace, and hope. It reminds us of the immense love that God has for each and every one of us. So let us hold on to this truth and allow it to bring joy and assurance to our hearts.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful love and sacrifice in He Died In Love Christ Died. Find comfort in Jesus' death on Calvary's tree and his promise to come again. Experience the hope and assurance of God's immense love.


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