I Am So Glad That Jesus Came – Hymn Lyric

Discover the unfathomable love of Jesus in the hymn "I Am So Glad That Jesus Came." Find comfort in the fact that Jesus loved us enough to die for us and continues to bring healing and hope.

I Am So Glad That Jesus Came – Hymn Lyric

I Am So Glad That Jesus Came Discover the unfathomable of Jesus through the hymn “I Am So Glad That Jesus Came.” This beautiful hymn expresses the depth of Jesus’ love, his willingness to die for us, and the healing power he brings to our lives. Embrace this love and let it transform you, shining through to others who need to experience the beautiful love of Jesus.


I Am So Glad That Jesus Came – Hymn Lyric

I am so glad that Jesus came,
Into my of and shame;
That He did not His love deny,
But loved me well enough to die.

He loved me well! O yes, so well!
Far more than mortal tongue can tell;
No love so great in or sky,
He loved me well enough to die.

I am so glad that Jesus came,
Who healed my wounds and bore my blame;
So glad He did not pass me by,
But loved me well enough to die.

I am so glad that Jesus came,
With and pardon in His name;
For He alone could justify,
Who loved me well enough to die.

I am so glad that Jesus came,
That He forever is the same;
That now He lives for me on high,
Who loved me well enough to die.


Meaning of I Am So Glad That Jesus Came

I Am So Glad That Jesus Came: The Unfathomable Love of Jesus

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by grief and shame? Do you wonder if anyone could ever love you enough to make you feel whole again? Well, let me tell you about someone who not only you but loved you well enough to die for you. His name is Jesus, and I am so glad that He came into my life.

In the hymn “I Am So Glad That Jesus Came,” the verses beautifully express the depth of Jesus’ love for us. The lyrics resonate with the immense gratitude we feel when we realize that Jesus chose to into our darkest moments and bring us light and healing.

The first verse reminds us that Jesus did not turn His back on us, even when we were trapped in grief and shame. Instead, He embraced us with His unconditional love. He loved us so much that He was willing to lay down His life for us. Just think about that for a moment. Someone loved us so deeply that they were willing to sacrifice everything for us. There is no love greater in all of earth or sky.

In the refrain, we sing of the overwhelming love Jesus has for us. It is a love that goes beyond what words can express. It is a love that knows no bounds. Jesus loved us well enough to die for us, to take upon Himself our and suffering so that we could be free. This thought fills my heart with joy and gratitude every time I sing these words.

The second verse speaks to the healing power of Jesus’ love. He not only came to love us enough to die for us but also to heal our wounds and bear our blame. Jesus understands our pain and offers us His love and forgiveness. He never passes us by, no matter how broken we may feel. His love is a balm that soothes our wounds and brings us hope.

In the third verse, we are reminded that Jesus alone can justify us. His sacrifice on the cross made it possible for us to be reconciled with God. Through His life and pardon, we find true justification and . It is through Jesus’ love that we are made whole and complete.

The hymn concludes with a verse celebrating the eternal nature of Jesus’ love. He is not just a fleeting presence in our lives; He is always with us. He is alive and interceding for us in Heaven. The fact that Jesus lives for us on high is a testament to His unending love. He loved us so much that He not only died for us but continues to be our advocate and source of strength.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Am So Glad That Jesus Came” is a beautiful expression of the unfathomable love Jesus has for us. It encapsulates the overwhelming gratitude we feel when we realize the depth of His sacrifice on our behalf. Jesus loved us well enough to die for us, and His love knows no bounds.

As we meditate on these lyrics, let us remember that Jesus’ love is not just a concept or an abstract idea. It is a love that is personal and intimate. It is a love that seeks us out in our darkest moments and brings hope and healing. No matter what we may be going through, we can find solace in the fact that Jesus loved us enough to die for us. So let us embrace this love, let it transform us, and let it shine through us to others who also need to hear about the beautiful love of Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the unfathomable love of Jesus in the hymn I Am So Glad That Jesus Came. Find comfort in the fact that Jesus loved us enough to die for us and continues to bring healing and hope.


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