I Hear Thy Voice Within The Silence Speaking – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of silence and find guidance and peace in a noisy world with "I Hear Thy Voice Within The Silence Speaking." Let the abiding voice lead you home.

I Hear Thy Voice Within The Silence Speaking – Hymn Lyric



I Hear Thy Voice Within The Silence Speaking – Hymn Lyric

I Thy voice, within the silence speaking;
Above earth’s din it rises, calm and clear;
Its whispered message tells me art near,
Whatever goal my wayward will is seeking.

When evil reigns, ‘s darker depths revealing,
And all the good seem sadly marred by wrong,
Thy voice, abiding, fills my with ,
Amidst the discord, like sweet music stealing.

O living voice, within the silence calling,
My spirit answers, wheresoe’er I roam;
Keep my feet from falling, through life’s brief day still,
And lead me, through the evening , .


Meaning of I Hear Thy Voice Within The Silence Speaking

I Hear Thy Voice Within The Silence Speaking: Finding Guidance and Peace in a Noisy World


In a world filled with noise and distractions, it can be challenging to find moments of silence and stillness to hear our own thoughts, let alone listen to a divine voice. Yet, within the “I Hear Thy Voice Within the Silence Speaking,” we are reminded that amid the chaos, there is a calm, clear voice that guides us towards goodness and leads us home.

The Power of Silence

Silence, often overlooked and undervalued, holds immense power. It is in the absence of noise that we can truly hear ourselves think and connect with a divine presence. Within the silence, we find solace and peace, allowing us to reflect and find direction.

Overcoming Wayward Desires

As seventh-graders, we are at a crucial stage of growth and self-discovery. We may have wayward desires and struggle to make the right choices. But through listening to that still, small voice within the silence, we are reminded of our connection to something greater than ourselves. It is this voice that guides us away from harmful and towards a path of righteousness.

The Presence of Goodness Amidst Evil

There are moments in life when evil seems to dominate, where goodness appears to be scarce. However, the hymn reminds us that even in the midst of such darkness, the voice of God can be heard. Like sweet music, it steals into our souls, providing hope and assurance that good will , no matter how dark the circumstances may seem.

The Abiding Voice

The hymn emphasizes that the voice within the silence is not fleeting or transient. It abides with us, offering constant guidance, support, and comfort. In times of uncertainty and discord, we can trust that this abiding voice will anchor our souls. We need only to listen and be receptive to its message.

Answering the Call

Our spirit yearns for connection, purpose, and direction. When we hear the voice within the silence calling, it is essential to acknowledge and respond to it. As we navigate our way through life’s challenges, the voice directs our steps, preventing us from stumbling and helping us remain on a righteous path.

A Lifelong Journey

Life’s journey is filled with ups and downs, successes and failures, joys and sorrows. The hymn reminds us that the voice within the silence is not limited to one particular phase of our lives; it accompanies us through life’s brief day and guides us through the evening shadows. No matter the season we find ourselves in, the voice remains a constant source of support and assurance.

Finding Our Home

As seventh-graders, we are on a constant quest for belonging and security. The hymn points to the voice within the silence as our guide, leading us towards our true home. This home is not a physical place but rather a state of being in harmony with ourselves, others, and the divine.


In a world full of noise, distractions, and uncertainty, the hymn “I Hear Thy Voice Within the Silence Speaking” offers solace and hope. It reminds us that amidst the chaos, there is a voice that speaks calmly and clearly, guiding us towards goodness and leading us home. As we listen to this voice, within the moments of silence and stillness, may we find the strength and wisdom to navigate life’s challenges and embrace the peace and guidance it offers.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of silence and find guidance and peace in a noisy world with I Hear Thy Voice Within The Silence Speaking. Let the abiding voice lead you home.


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