I’m So Glad That I Love Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the incredible joy and security of loving Jesus. His love is sweeter than anything on earth. Find peace in knowing He will carry you home when the time comes.

I’m So Glad That I Love Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Feeling the deep love and connection with Jesus brings immense and fulfillment. Knowing Jesus is like having a faithful and constant friend who guides us through ‘s ups and downs. When the time comes for us to pass from this life, we can find knowing that Jesus will safely carry us to our eternal .


I’m So Glad That I Love Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I’m so glad that I love Jesus,
For He is so dear to me;
I have found His love is sweeter
Than all things of earth can be.

I am so glad that Jesus I ;
I am so glad, I do love Him so;
I am so glad that Jesus I know;
I am so glad, I do love Him so;

I’m so glad that I love Jesus,
For I’m sure of one true Friend;
Thro’ the shadows and the ,
He will love me to the end.

I am so glad that Jesus I know;
I am so glad, I do love Him so;
I am so glad that Jesus I know;
I am so glad, I do love Him so;

I’m so glad that I love Jesus,
For when comes the time to die,
He will bear me in His bosom
Safely to His home on high.

I am so glad that Jesus I know;
I am so glad, I do love Him so;
I am so glad that Jesus I know;
I am so glad, I do love Him so;


Meaning of I’m So Glad That I Love Jesus

I’m So Glad That I Love Jesus

One of the most incredible feelings in the world is the deep love and connection we can have with Jesus. When we truly love Him, He becomes dear to us. In fact, His love is even sweeter than any earthly thing we can imagine. It’s a love that satisfies our souls and fills us with joy.

Knowing Jesus is not just a mere acquaintance, but a true friendship. He becomes our faithful companion, us through both the shadows and the sunshine of life. When we go through difficult times, He is there to offer comfort and support. And when we experience moments of joy and happiness, He celebrates with us. Jesus is a constant presence, a true friend who will always be by our side.

One of the reasons why I’m so glad that I love Jesus is because I am sure of having one true friend. In this world, friendships can sometimes be fickle and unreliable. People and go, but Jesus remains . He will never abandon us or turn His back on us. His love for us is constant, unwavering, and eternal. We can always count on Him to be there for us, no matter what.

As we journey through this life, there is one certainty that we all face: the time to die will inevitably come. It’s a concept that can be scary and uncertain, but when we love Jesus, we can have peace and assurance. When our time comes, He will bear us in His bosom, safely carrying us to our eternal home in heaven. We don’t have to fear death because Jesus has conquered it and promises us eternal life with Him.

Loving Jesus and having a relationship with Him brings us the ultimate joy, peace, and security. It’s not just a religious duty or obligation, but a personal and intimate connection with the Savior of the world. Through His love, we find fulfillment and purpose in life. It’s a love that surpasses any material possession or temporary pleasure.

When we genuinely love Jesus, our lives become transformed. We begin to reflect His love to others and become vessels of His grace and mercy. We start to love others as He loves us, showing kindness, forgiveness, and compassion. Our love for Jesus overflows into our relationships, our actions, and our attitudes.

In the midst of our busy and chaotic lives, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. We can easily get caught up in the pursuit of success, wealth, and worldly pleasures. However, when we pause and reflect on our love for Jesus, everything else fades in comparison. His love becomes the anchor that grounds us in the midst of life’s storms.

So, let us rejoice and be glad that we love Jesus. Let us cherish the relationship we have with Him and strive to deepen our love for Him each day. The more we love Jesus, the more we will experience His presence and the abundance of life that He offers.

In conclusion, I am so glad that I love Jesus. His love is sweeter than anything this world can offer. He is my true friend, guiding me through life’s ups and downs. When the time comes for me to pass from this life to the next, I know that Jesus will carry me safely home. Loving Jesus brings me ultimate joy, peace, and security. It transforms my life and enables me to love others as He loves me. So, let us celebrate our love for Jesus and embrace the incredible privilege of knowing and loving Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the incredible joy and security of loving Jesus. His love is sweeter than anything on earth. Find peace in knowing He will carry you home when the time comes.


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