Im Walking With Jesus Each Day – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of walking with Jesus each day

Im Walking With Jesus Each Day – Hymn Lyric

with Jesus Each Day: Finding Victory in the Midst of Life’s Battles” is a hymn that emphasizes the power and strength we receive by walking with Jesus. It reminds us to trust in Him and confidently face life’s challenges. Through Jesus, we can find victory over any obstacle we encounter.


Im Walking With Jesus Each Day – Hymn Lyric

I’m walking with Jesus each day, yes I know;
He helps me to conquer in this world below;
Abiding, confiding, I’ll trust to the end;
Jesus is victor, on Him I’ll depend.

There’s vict’ry for me! yes, vict’ry for me,
Thro’ Jesus my captain there’s victory;
No ill can betide, with Christ by my side,
For He’ll gain the vict’ry for me.

Tho’ fierce be the , and long be the fray;
The Savior has promised to lead all the way;
So following closely, I’ll as I go!
Victory! victory, o’er every foe. [Refrain]

And when to the end of life’s conflict I’m near,
Death cannot affright me, no grave do I fear,
For Jesus hath conquered; once dead, now He lives!
Jesus my Savior the victory gives. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Im Walking With Jesus Each Day

Walking with Jesus Each Day: Finding Victory in the Midst of Life’s Battles

Walking with Jesus each day brings a sense of peace and assurance that we are not alone in this world. The hymn reminds us of the power and strength that come from in Him. As we navigate through the challenges and trials of life, Jesus is there to help us conquer and overcome.

The first verse emphasizes the importance of abiding in Jesus and relying on Him until the very end. It highlights the idea that He is our source of victory and that we can depend on Him in all circumstances. This message is a timeless reminder that, regardless of the obstacles we face, there is victory to be found in Christ.

The refrain reiterates the theme of victory and emphasizes the role of Jesus as our captain. It highlights the assurance that nothing can harm us when we have Christ by our side. This line can be a source of comfort and encouragement, particularly for those who are going through difficult times.

While life’s battles may be fierce and can last for a long time, the hymn reminds us that we can find solace in the promises of our Savior. Jesus has promised to lead us all the way through, and as we follow Him closely, we can confidently shout out victory over our . This imagery is powerful, as it paints a picture of victory amidst struggle and encourages us to hold onto in the face of adversity.

As we approach the end of life’s conflict, the hymn reminds us that death has no power over us. The fear of the grave is diminished because Jesus has conquered both death and the grave. His resurrection serves as a profound symbol of victory over the final enemy. This verse instills in the believer a sense of hope and an eternal perspective, knowing that even in death, victory is assured through our Savior.

Reflecting on these verses, it becomes evident that walking with Jesus each day is not just a casual stroll, but a filled with purpose and victory. It is not a solitary journey, but one in which we can experience the power and presence of Christ. Through Him, we can conquer the challenges that come our way, find strength in times of weakness, and ultimately gain the victory that only He can provide.

When considering the implications of this hymn in our lives, it is important to remember that victory does not the absence of difficulties, but rather the ability to overcome them with the help of Jesus. It is a mindset that enables us to face life’s battles with courage, knowing that we are not alone.

On a practical level, walking with Jesus each day involves deepening our relationship with Him through prayer, studying His Word, and seeking His guidance. It means surrendering our will to His and allowing Him to lead us in every aspect of our lives. This requires a daily commitment and a willingness to trust in His plans, even when they don’t align with our own.

As we walk with Jesus, we can also find victory by following His example of love, , and . By demonstrating these qualities in our interactions with others, we can bring light and hope to a world that often feels dark and broken. Our lives can become a testimony to the transforming power of Christ, inspiring others to seek victory in Him.

In conclusion, “Walking with Jesus Each Day: Finding Victory in the Midst of Life’s Battles” reminds us of the assurance and strength we have when we trust in Jesus. Through Him, we can conquer and overcome the challenges that come our way. This hymn provides comfort, encouragement, and hope to all who face difficult circumstances. As we walk with Jesus, we can experience the victory He offers, both in this present world and in the eternal life to come. So, let us hold steadfast to our faith and confidently proclaim, “There’s victory for me! Yes, victory for me, through Jesus my captain, there’s victory!”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of walking with Jesus each day, finding victory in life's battles. Trust in Him, conquer challenges, and experience the assurance of victory through your faith.


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