In Judah God Of Old Was Known – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of God in ancient Judah. Learn about His holy throne in Salem and His unwavering protection of His people in Zion. Revere His unmatched strength and fear His wrath. In Judah

In Judah God Of Old Was Known – Hymn Lyric



In Judah God Of Old Was Known – Hymn Lyric

In Judah God of old was known;
His name in Israel great;
In stood his holy throne,
And Zion was his seat.

Among the praises of his saints
His dwelling there he chose;
There he receiv’d their just complaints,
Against their haughty foes.

From Zion went his dreadful word,
And broke the threat’ning spear,
The , the arrows, and the sword,
And crush’d th’Assyrian war.

What are the earth’s wide kingdoms else
But mighty hills of prey?
The hill on which Jehovah dwells
Is glorious more than they.

‘Twas Zion’s king that stop’d the breath
Of captains and their bands;
The men of might slept fast in ,
That quells their warlike hands.

At thy rebuke, O Jacob’s God,
Both horse and chariot fell:
Who knows the terrors of thy rod?
Thy vengeance who can tell?

What pow’r can stand before thy sight,
When once thy wrath appears?
When heav’n round with dreadful light,
The earth adores and fears.

When God in his own sov’reign ways
Comes down to save the opprest,
The wrath of men shall his praise,
And he’ll restrain the rest.

[Vows to the Lord and tribute ,
Ye princes, fear his frown;
His terrors shake the proudest king,
And smite his armies down.

The thunder of his sharp rebuke
Our haughty foes shall feel;
For Jacob’s God hath not forsook,
But dwells in Zion still.


Meaning of In Judah God Of Old Was Known

In Judah God of old was known; His name in Israel great; In Salem stood his holy throne, And Zion was his seat. Among the praises of his saints His dwelling there he chose; There he received their just complaints Against their haughty foes.

The “In Judah God Of Old Was Known” reminds us of the ancient history of God’s presence and power in the land of Judah. It speaks of God’s chosen dwelling in Zion and how He protected His people from their enemies. Let’s delve deeper into these ideas and explore the significance of this hymn.

The opening verse proclaims the glory of God in the land of Judah. His name was revered in Israel, and His holy throne stood in Salem, which is another name for Jerusalem. This illustrates the importance and sanctity of this city in the eyes of God and His people.

The hymn goes on to describe how God chose to listen to the pleas and complaints of His saints in Zion, their sacred dwelling place. This suggests that God is not a distant, indifferent deity, but rather an involved and caring presence in the lives of His followers. He is attentive to their needs and to deliver them from their enemies.

The hymn then shifts its focus to the power of God against the Assyrian war. It speaks of how God’s word went forth from Zion and shattered the weapons of the enemy. This demonstrates that God’s authority and might surpasses that of earthly kings and armies. The hill on which Jehovah dwells, referring to Zion, is described as more glorious than the kingdoms of the world. It emphasizes that God’s presence and power are unmatched.

The hymn continues with the tale of how Zion’s king, presumably referring to God, brought death upon the captains and their bands. This implies that even the mightiest warriors could not stand against God’s wrath. It highlights the awe-inspiring and fearful nature of God’s power, something that should be revered and respected by all.

In the following verses, the hymn addresses Jacob’s God, who is depicted as a force to be reckoned with. The rebuke of Jacob’s God caused both horse and chariot to fall, indicating that no amount of military strength could withstand His wrath. The hymn poses a rhetorical question, asking who can fully comprehend the terrors of God’s rod and the extent of His vengeance. This notion of God’s unfathomable power and wrath instills a sense of reverence and humility in the hearts of those who hear the hymn.

The next section calls upon the princes to make vows to the Lord and to fear His frown. It asserts that even the proudest kings should tremble before God’s terrors, as His might has the ability to strike down their armies. This emphasizes the idea that no earthly power can withstand the wrath of God.

The hymn concludes with a declaration of the thunderous rebuke of God and its impact on the haughty foes of Jacob. It states that Jacob’s God has not forsaken His people but continues to dwell in Zion. This serves as a comforting reassurance that God’s presence and protection are constant, even in the face of adversity.

To sum up, the hymn “In Judah God Of Old Was Known” is a powerful testament to the ancient history of God’s presence in the land of Judah. It paints a vivid picture of God’s power and might, as well as His attention and care for His people. It reminds us to always revere and fear the Lord, for His strength surpasses that of any earthly power. This hymn serves as a timeless reminder of God’s sovereignty and our reliance on His protection and .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of God in ancient Judah. Learn about His holy throne in Salem and His unwavering protection of His people in Zion. Revere His unmatched strength and fear His wrath. In Judah, God of old was known.


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