Do You Know The World Is Dying – Hymn Lyric

Discover the truth - the world is dying and longing for love. Take action now and make a difference by spreading a little bit of love. Let's revive our interconnected world together.

Do You Know The World Is Dying – Hymn Lyric



Do You Know The World Is Dying – Hymn Lyric

Do you know the is
For a little bit of love?
Ev’rywhere we hear the sighing
For a little bit of love;

For the love that rights a wrong,
Fills the with hope and ;
They have waited, oh, so long,
For a little bit of love.

For a little bit of love,
For a little bit of love.
They have waited, oh, so long,
For a little bit of love.

From the poor of ev’ry city,
For a little bit of love,
Hands are reaching out in pity
For a little bit of love;

Some have burdens hard to bear,
Some have sorrows we should share;
Shall they falter and despair
For a little bit of love?

For a little bit of love,
For a little bit of love.
Shall they falter and despair
For a little bit of love?

Down before their idols falling,
For a little bit of love,
Many souls in vain are calling
For a little bit of love;

If they die in sin and shame,
Someone surely is to blame
For not going in His name,
With a little bit of love.

With a little bit of love,
With a little bit of love.
For not going in His name,
With a little bit of love.

While the souls of men are dying
For a little bit of love,
While the children, too, are crying
For a little bit of love;

Stand no longer idly by,
You can help them if you try;
Go, then, saying, “Here am I,”
With a little bit of love.

With a little bit of love,
With a little bit of love,
Go, then, saying, “Here am I”
With a little bit of love.


Meaning of Do You Know The World Is Dying

Do you know the world is dying? It may seem like a heavy statement, but if we really pay attention to the signs around us, we can see the truth in these words. The hymn speaks of a longing for love, a love that can heal, uplift, and transform. It’s a cry from the hearts of people everywhere, yearning for a little bit of love.

Love has the power to right wrongs, fill hearts with hope and song. It can bring solace to those burdened with hardships and sorrows. Yet, love seems to be elusive, and the wait for it has been long. The poor in every city are reaching out, their hands extended in pity, asking for a little bit of love. They are tired of struggling alone, and they need our support.

These souls, fallen before their idols, call out in vain for love. They are lost, yearning for a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. If they die in sin and shame, someone has to take responsibility. We, as fellow human beings, must ask ourselves if we are doing enough to spread love, to reach out to those in need. Are we going in His name, with a little bit of love?

Too often, we become complacent, turning a blind eye to the suffering around us. We make excuses for not getting involved, for not extending a helping hand. But the consequences of our inaction are dire. Souls are dying, and children are crying out for love. It’s time for us to stop standing idly by and take action.

We have the power to make a difference. Even a little bit of love can go a long way. If each one of us takes it upon ourselves to reach out and help those in need, we can create a ripple effect of love and . It starts with a simple choice, a decision to say, “Here am I,” and go forth with a little bit of love.

Imagine the impact we could have if we all became agents of love. By spreading love, we can ease the of the poor, heal the of the broken-hearted, and bring hope to the hopeless. It’s not about grand gestures or huge donations. It’s about finding opportunities in our everyday lives to show love and kindness.

We can volunteer at local shelters, donate our unused clothes and food, or simply lend an ear to someone in need of a listening ear. Little acts of love, when multiplied, can change lives and make the world a better place. All it takes is a willingness to step out of our comfort zones and extend ourselves for the sake of others.

Let us not forget that we are all interconnected. The suffering of one affects us all. When we ignore the cries for love, we are ignoring a part of ourselves. It’s time to awaken our empathy and compassion, to acknowledge the in the world and do something about it.

So, do you know the world is dying? It’s not too late to revive it with love. Let’s heed the call of the hymn and be the change we wish to see. With a little bit of love, we can transform lives, uplift communities, and bring healing to a hurting world.

The time to act is now. Embrace the power of love and let’s make a difference, one act of kindness at a time. Together, we can bring hope to those who have waited for a little bit of love for too long. Let’s go forth, saying, “Here am I,” and spread a little bit of love.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and . Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the truth - the world is dying and longing for love. Take action now and make a difference by spreading a little bit of love. Let's revive our interconnected world together.


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