It Is Thy Blood My Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful message of "It Is Thy Blood

It Is Thy Blood My Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“It Is Thy , My Jesus” is a powerful hymn that reminds us of the love and sacrifice of Jesus. His blood redeems our souls, His love makes us pure and whole, and His victory over death brings us eternal . In times of struggle, we can find strength and hope in the message of this hymn, knowing that Jesus is always with us and guiding us towards light and life. Let His love fill your heart and give you the courage to face any challenges that come your .


It Is Thy Blood My Jesus – Hymn Lyric

It is Thy blood, my Jesus,
That has redeemed my soul;
It is Thy love, O Jesus,
That makes me pure and whole;
It is Thy calling me
To light and life and joy in .

It is Thy blood, O Jesus,
That makes me Thine forever;
It flowed for me to set me ,
My precious Lord-my Savior.

It is Thy cross, my Savior,
That makes my cross so light;
It is Thy strength, O Jesus,
That makes my weakness might.
Thy Spirit’s voice doth call me home,
And bids me never more to roam.

It is Thy blood, O Jesus,
That makes me Thine forever;
It flowed for me to set me free,
My precious Lord-my Savior.

It was Thy death, my Jesus,
That brought immortal life;
Thy vict’ry ’twas, O Jesus,
That bids me cease from strife.
For hast conquered all for me,
I shall have peace eternally.

It is Thy blood, O Jesus,
That makes me Thine forever;
It flowed for me to set me free,
My precious Lord-my Savior.


Meaning of It Is Thy Blood My Jesus

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life’s challenges and struggles? Have you ever felt lost and unsure of where to turn for help? In times like these, it’s important to remember the powerful message of the hymn “It Is Thy Blood, My Jesus.” This beautiful hymn reminds us of the incredible love and sacrifice that Jesus made for each and every one of us.

When we feel burdened by our sins and shortcomings, we can find comfort in the fact that it is Jesus’ blood that has redeemed our souls. His love is what makes us pure and whole, and it is through Him that we can find light, life, and joy. His sacrifice on the cross is what gives us strength, even in our weakest moments.

It can be easy to feel like we are alone in our struggles, but the truth is that Jesus is always calling out to us, reminding us that we are never alone. His spirit guides us towards light and life, and it is through His blood that we are forever His. We are set free by His sacrifice, and we are eternally for His love and grace.

In moments of doubt and fear, we can remember that it was Jesus’ death that brought us eternal life. His victory over death and sin means that we no longer have to strive and struggle on our own. We can find peace and rest in His amazing grace, knowing that He has conquered all for us.

So, when you find yourself facing difficulties and challenges, remember the words of this powerful hymn. Let the message of Jesus’ love and sacrifice fill your heart with hope and strength. Turn to Him in times of , and trust that His blood will always make you His forever. In Him, we can find peace, joy, and eternal life. Let His love guide you and give you the strength to face whatever comes your way.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful message of It Is Thy Blood, My Jesus hymn. Find comfort in Jesus' sacrifice & love, guiding you towards light & eternal peace.


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