Jesus At Whose Supreme Command – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Power of Jesus in this Faithful Hymn. Reflect on His Sacrifice and Communion. Approach God through Jesus. Let His Love and Grace Fill Your Soul.

Jesus At Whose Supreme Command – Hymn Lyric

In “ At Whose Supreme Command: A Hymn of Faith and ,” we are reminded of the power and presence of Jesus in our lives. This hymn emphasizes that Jesus is the bridge that connects us to God, and it calls us to remember and honor His sacrifice through communion. It also expresses our longing for Jesus to reveal Himself to us and to mark us as His own.


Jesus At Whose Supreme Command – Hymn Lyric

Jesu, at whose supreme command,
We thus approach to God,
Before us in vesture ,
Thy vesture dipt in blood.

Obedient to thy gracious word,
We break the hallow’d bread,
Commemorate our Lord,
And trust on thee to feed.

Now, Saviour, now thyself reveal,
And make thy nature known,
Affix the sacramental seal,
And stamp us for thine own.

The tokens of thy dying love,
O let us all receive,
And feel the quick’ning Spirit move,
And sensibly believe.

The cup of blest by thee,
Let it thy blood impart;
The bread thy mystic body be,
And cheer each languid heart.

The grace which sure salvation brings,
Let us herewith receive;
Satiate the hungry with good things,
The hidden manna give.


Meaning of Jesus At Whose Supreme Command

Jesus At Whose Supreme Command: A Hymn of Faith and Communion

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the power and presence of Jesus in our lives. With every word, we can feel the warmth and love that Jesus brings to us, and the importance of recognizing His sacrifice for our salvation.

The hymn begins with the powerful statement, “Jesu, at whose supreme command, we thus approach to God.” Right from the start, we are reminded that it is through Jesus that we are able to before God. Jesus is the bridge that connects us to the divine, and it is through His grace that we are able to approach God’s .

We are then invited to see Jesus before us in His vesture, His clothing, “dipt in blood.” This powerful image serves as a reminder of His sacrifice on the cross. Jesus shed His blood for our sins, and it is through His blood that we are able to be forgiven and reconciled with God.

As we break the hallowed bread, we commemorate the death of our Lord. This act of communion is not just a ritual, but a way for us to remember and honor the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. It is a time for us to reflect on His love and the incredible gift of salvation that He offers to all who believe in Him.

In this hymn, we also see a beautiful request to Jesus – to reveal Himself to us. We long for Jesus to make His nature known to us, to show us who He truly is. We ask Him to affix the sacramental seal upon us and stamp us as His own. We want to be marked by His love and grace, to be identified as His children and followers.

The hymn continues with a plea for us to receive the tokens of Jesus’ dying love. We long to feel the quickening Spirit of God moving within us, to have a tangible experience of His presence and power. With every bite of bread and sip of the cup, we ask that Jesus’ love and grace fill us, and that His blood cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

We are reminded that this communion is not just a symbolic act, but a transformative one. As we partake in the sacrament, we pray that our hearts will be cheered and revived. We ask that Jesus’ body and blood become a tangible source of strength and nourishment for our weary souls. We desire to be filled with His love and grace, to be refreshed and rejuvenated in our faith.

Moreover, the hymn speaks of the grace that salvation brings. We long to receive this grace and to let it satiate our spiritual hunger. We yearn for the hidden manna, the spiritual sustenance that only Jesus can provide. We know that it is through Jesus that we can find true satisfaction and fulfillment.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully captures the essence of our faith and the importance of communion with Jesus. It reminds us of His sacrifice, His love, and His grace. It calls us to approach God through Jesus and to partake in communion as a way to remember and experience His presence. May we always cherish this hymn and the powerful message it conveys, and may we to grow in our faith and love for Jesus, at whose supreme command we come before God.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Power of Jesus in this Faithful Hymn. Reflect on His Sacrifice and Communion. Approach God through Jesus. Let His Love and Grace Fill Your Soul.


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