Jesus Day By Day Guide Us On Lifes Way – Hymn Lyric

Looking for daily guidance? Let Jesus lead the way! Find solace in His presence as you navigate life's ups and downs. Trust in Him and embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth. Your journey has purpose

Jesus Day By Day Guide Us On Lifes Way – Hymn Lyric



Jesus Day By Day Guide Us On Lifes Way – Hymn Lyric

day by day
Guide us on life’s way;
Nought of dangers will we reckon,
Simply haste where Thou didst beckon,
Lead us by the
To our fatherland.

Hard should seem our lot,
Let us waver not,
Never murmur at our crosses
In dark days of grief and losses
‘Tis through trial we
Here must pass to Thee.

When the heart must know
Pain for others’ ,
When beneath its own ’tis sinking,
Give us patience, unshrinking,
Fix our eyes, O Friend,
On our Journey’s end.

Thus our shall be
Daily traced by Thee;
Draw Thou nearer when ’tis rougher,
Help us most when most we suffer,
And when all is o’er,
Open to us Thy door!


Meaning of Jesus Day By Day Guide Us On Lifes Way

Jesus Day By Day Guide Us On Life’s Way

In this beautiful , we find solace and guidance as we navigate through the ups and downs of life. The words resonating in our hearts, Jesus day by day, guide us on life’s way, remind us of the constant presence of Jesus in our lives. As we face the unknown, we take comfort in knowing that we are not alone. Jesus is there, guiding us every step of the way.

Life can sometimes be challenging, filled with obstacles that make us question our strength and determination. Yet, this hymn encourages us not to waver, not to give in to discouragement. Instead, we are called to trust in Jesus and forge ahead with unwavering resolve. Our path may be hard, but with Jesus by our side, we can find the strength to endure.

In times of grief and loss, when our hearts ache with pain, Jesus invites us to find solace in Him. Rather than murmuring or complaining about our crosses, we are encouraged to embrace them as opportunities for growth and transformation. It is through these trials that we learn the true meaning of empathy and compassion, as we seek to comfort others who are also experiencing pain. Jesus teaches us to have patience and hope unshrinking, even in the midst of our own suffering.

As we journey through life, Jesus invites us to fix our eyes on the ultimate destination – our fatherland. This “fatherland” represents our eternal home with Him. It is a of everlasting peace and , where all pain and will be washed away. By focusing on our journey’s end, we gain perspective and find comfort in the that our struggles are temporary. They are but a stepping stone towards a greater and more glorious future.

Throughout our journey, Jesus promises to be with us every step of the way. He assures us that His presence will be felt most acutely during our times of greatest . When the path becomes rough and treacherous, He draws nearer to us, providing comfort and strength. It is during these moments that His guidance and love shine brightest. We can trust in His unwavering support and know that we are never alone.

And when our journey on Earth is complete, Jesus promises to open the door to His eternal kingdom. This door represents a place of rest, peace, and reunion with loved ones who have gone before us. We can find solace in the fact that death is not the end, but a gateway to a new beginning. Jesus, our Friend, welcomes us with open arms when our earthly journey concludes.

In conclusion, this hymn reminds us of the abiding presence and guidance of Jesus in our lives. We are encouraged to trust in Him, even in the face of adversity. Jesus invites us to find strength in our struggles and see them as opportunities for growth. He assures us that our journey is not in vain, as it leads us to our ultimate destination – a glorious reunion with Him. Let us hold on to these comforting words and allow Jesus to guide us on life’s way, day by day.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Looking for daily guidance? Let Jesus lead the way! Find solace in His presence as you navigate life's ups and downs. Trust in Him and embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth. Your journey has purpose, and Jesus is there to guide you towards an eternal reunion with Him.


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