Jesus Is Coming Go Herald The Tidings – Hymn Lyric

Get ready for the glorious news! Jesus Is Coming - Go Herald The Tidings and be a part of the joyful story of redemption. Share the hope and anticipation as we await His triumphant return. Don't miss out on the opportunity to spread the good news and shine in His glory!

Jesus Is Coming Go Herald The Tidings – Hymn Lyric

Spread the joyful news far and wide – Is Coming! This exciting message of hope and redemption is our privilege to share as believers. With eager anticipation, we await the return of our beloved Savior and Redeemer, longing to bask in His glorious presence and share in His divine mercy. Let us lift our voices and go forth, heralding this tidings of immeasurable joy to all.


Jesus Is Coming Go Herald The Tidings – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is coming! Go, herald the tidings
Far over the land and the sea;
Jesus is coming to the ransomed,
Redeemed by His death on the tree.

Angels attending, the heavens descending-
All language our joy will transcend,
When we shall see Him, the king in His beauty,
Our bridegroom, Redeemer, and friend.

Jesus is coming, our Savior and lover divine;
Soon in His glory the ransomed of ages will shine;
Ages on ages we’ll reign with our king on His throne;
Wonderful story! We’ll share in His glory,
Redeemed by His mercy divine.

Lift up your heads and rejoice, O ye righteous,
Your perfect redemption is nigh;
Swiftly the darkness of midnight approaches,
He cometh shall sound from the sky.

Long has the battle been waged against evil
By suffering saints here below.
Jesus is coming to banish our sorrow,
And lead us where tears never flow. [Refrain]

Come, dear Lord Jesus, Thy promise fulfilling;
Come quickly! Our souls cry to Thee:
Long has the been enthralled by the tempter,
The curse is on land and on sea.

Yet Thou triumph, the nations subduing,
The truth of the Word cannot fail;
God’s wondrous glory, like ocean’s deep billows,
To earth’s farthest bounds shall prevail. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Jesus Is Coming Go Herald The Tidings

Jesus Is Coming: Spreading the Joyful News

In a world full of uncertainty and turmoil, there is a beacon of hope shining brightly upon us. It is the glorious news that Jesus is coming! As believers, we have the privilege and responsibility to herald this tidings far and wide, across the land and the sea.

Who is Jesus? He is our Savior and lover divine. He came to this earth, humbly born in a manger, and lived a life of perfect love and . But His purpose was greater than just being an example for us to follow. Jesus came to gather the ransomed, those of us who have been redeemed by His death on the tree. Through His sacrifice, He paid the price for our sins and made a way for us to have life with Him.

As we eagerly await His return, we can take comfort in the knowledge that angels will be in attendance, the heavens themselves descending to witness this glorious event. Our joy will know no bounds when we finally see Him, the King in His beauty. He is not only our bridegroom but also our Redeemer and friend. Just imagine the overwhelming sense of love and adoration that will fill our hearts when we are in His presence!

The refrain of this hymn reminds us of the wonderful promise we have in Jesus. He is coming soon, and when He does, the ransomed of ages will shine in His glory. It will be a time of unparalleled joy and celebration, as we reign with our King on His throne. This is the most incredible story that we have the privilege of sharing with others – the story of how we have been redeemed by His divine mercy.

So, dear brothers and sisters, lift up your heads and rejoice! Our perfect redemption is near at hand. Though the darkness of midnight may seem to be closing in around us, we can take solace in the fact that our Savior is coming. The sound of His coming will pierce through the night, dispelling the and forth the light of His glory.

For far too long, the battle against evil has raged on. Suffering saints on earth have endured hardship and . But when Jesus comes, all our will be banished, and He will lead us to a place where tears never flow. What a day of rejoicing that will be!

We cry out to our Lord Jesus, yearning for Him to fulfill His promise and come quickly. The world has been ensnared by the tempter for far too long, and the curse of sin is evident on land and sea. Yet, we have faith that Jesus will triumph over all. The nations will be subdued, and the truth of God’s Word will prevail. His wondrous glory, like the deep billows of the ocean, will spread to the farthest bounds of the earth.

In conclusion, let us embrace the incredible news that Jesus is coming and go forth to herald this tidings with joy and enthusiasm. As we share this wonderful story, we have the opportunity to impact lives and invite others into the glorious hope that we have in Jesus.

Remember, dear friends, that we are not alone in this journey. We are accompanied by angels, and our King is coming to gather His redeemed. So, let us lift our voices in praise and anticipation, for His return is imminent. May the light of His love shine through us as we eagerly await the day when we will shine in His glory, redeemed by His mercy divine.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Get ready for the glorious news! Jesus Is Coming - Go Herald The Tidings and be a part of the joyful story of redemption. Share the hope and anticipation as we await His triumphant return. Don't miss out on the opportunity to spread the good news and shine in His glory!


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