Jesus Is Sunshine All The Day Long – Hymn Lyric
In the hymn “Jesus Is Sunshine All The Day Long,” we are reminded of how Jesus’ love brings light, joy, and comfort to our lives. Just like sunshine brightens our day, His presence lightens our burdens and guides us through life’s challenges. This hymn encourages us to embrace Jesus as our constant source of light and allow His love to shine through us.
Table of Contents
Jesus Is Sunshine All The Day Long – Hymn Lyric
Jesus is sunshine all the day long,
Keeping our hearts o’erflowing with song,
Making our burdens easy to bear,
Chasing the shadows, lightening care.
Jesus is sunshine, beautiful sunshine,
Keeping His dear ones bright and whole;
Cheering us homeward, keeping us happy,
Jesus is sunshine for the soul.
Jesus is sunshine, praise His dear name,
Year after year His love is the same;
Skies may be clouded, ways may be dim,
Sunshine is always coming from Him.
Jesus is sunshine all the way home,
Hence have our souls no reason to roam;
Brightly His love will shine on our way
Till we have reached the kingdom of day.
Meaning of Jesus Is Sunshine All The Day Long
Have you ever felt the warm, comforting rays of the sun on a bright, clear day? The sun has a way of making everything seem more vibrant and joyful. In the same light, many people find a special kind of brightness in their lives a brightness that comes from faith. For many believers, Jesus is like that sunshine, brightening up each and every day. The hymn “Jesus is Sunshine All the Day Long” beautifully captures this warm and comforting idea.
When we sing that “Jesus is sunshine all the day long,” we are talking about a presence in life that brings joy and comfort no matter what. Much like how the sun keeps shining, providing light and warmth to the whole world, Jesus is said to keep hearts overflowing with happiness and song. That’s a pretty inspiring thought! It’s about feeling uplifted and supported throughout your day, even when challenges come your way.
For anyone going through tough times, feeling like the weight of the world is too much to bear, the hymn suggests that Jesus makes our burdens feel lighter. It’s like having a very good friend who helps you carry a heavy backpack, making your walk to school a lot easier. When the hymn says he’s “Chasing the shadows, lightening care,” it reminds us that even on days filled with worries, there can be moments of relief and hope.
The refrain, or the part that’s repeated in the hymn, is full of words that build up a happy, encouraging picture: “Jesus is sunshine, beautiful sunshine, Keeping His dear ones bright and whole; Cheering us homeward, keeping us happy, Jesus is sunshine for the soul.” What a wonderful way to imagine Jesus as sunshine for the soul, keeping people bright and whole. It suggests that Jesus brings a sense of well-being and joy to the lives of his followers, just like warm sunshine cheering you up and making you feel whole and healthy.
The hymn continues to celebrate how constant Jesus’s love is, year after year. It seems no matter what changes around us the weather, our schools, or friends the hymn implies Jesus’s love remains the same. When it says, “Skies may be clouded, ways may be dim, Sunshine is always coming from Him,” we’re reassured that even when life feels confusing or gloomy, this special sunshine keeps shining bright.
And the journey spoken about in the last verse resembles a journey many of us make, whether it’s growing up, going from grade school to high school, or any other big change we might face. The message is that Jesus’s love shines all along the way, guiding and making every step feel a little brighter. It’s like saying that this love is a constant companion, bringing peace to our hearts and minds, so we have no reason to search for contentment elsewhere.
Finally, as the hymn concludes, there’s a promise of a “kingdom of day” a place where everything is bright and filled with light. Many find in this an image of heaven, like a dreamy destination at the end of life’s path, where everything is joyful and full of peace.
So, this hymn isn’t just a song, but a story of support and perpetual love. It’s like saying, in every sunrise, in every bright afternoon, there’s a bit of happiness and comfort to be found, no matter how tough the day might seem. It’s about looking for those rays of sunshine in our lives, those things that make our hearts sing, ease our troubles, and cheer us on as we go forward in our journey.
Just as plants need sun to grow and blossom, people often need hope and joy to thrive in their lives. This hymn, “Jesus is Sunshine All the Day Long,” is like a cheerful melody one can hum while skipping down the road or sitting quietly by a window, feeling the sun’s warmth. It’s an ode to positivity, to finding light even in the darkest nooks, and a reminder that we can carry that light within us, bright and gleaming, as we dance along the paths of life.
So the next time the sun peeks out from behind the clouds and bathes the world in gold, remember how it makes you feel. Let it remind you of this hymn, of the message of joy and support that many find through their faith. Whether you find your sunshine in music, friendship, laughter, or love, remember that there’s a sunshine for everyone’s soul.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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