Jesus, My Only Hope – Hymn Lyric

Discover true hope and peace in the loving arms of Jesus

Jesus, My Only Hope – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, My Only Hope” is an inspiring hymn that reminds us that true hope can only be found in the arms of Jesus Christ. The hymn encourages us to seek His guidance and surrender our hearts to Him in times of joy and pain. Through His and , we can find peace, overcome challenges, and draw closer to Him.


Jesus, My Only Hope – Hymn Lyric

my only Hope,
Friend ever dear,
Bend to my earnest prayer
gracious ear;

Come from Thy throne above,
come and my dross remove,
Fill me with perfect love,
Savior, to Thee.

Jesus, my only Hope,
grant me Thy grace,
Teach me in joy and pain
Thy hand to trace;
Keep Thou my heart in peace,
bid ev’ry murmur cease,
Come and my faith increase,
Savior, in Thee.

Jesus, my only Hope,
Jesus, my King,
me with heart and voice
Thy praise to sing;
Now let Thy beams
bright o’er my pathway shine,
Draw me, O Savior mine,
closer to Thee.

Jesus, my only Hope,
be Thou my Guest;
Under Thy mighty wings,
O let me rest,
Rest till the angel band
to the promised land
Bears me at Thy command,
Savior, to Thee.


Meaning of Jesus, My Only Hope

Jesus, My Only Hope: Finding Peace and Love in the Savior’s Arms

In a world filled with uncertainty and hardships, it is natural for us to yearn for hope. We often seek solace and guidance in various aspects of our lives, be it in our relationships, careers, or personal pursuits. But the hymn “Jesus, My Only Hope” beautifully reminds us that true hope can only be found in one place – in the loving arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The hymn begins by addressing Jesus as our only hope and a friend dearer than any other. It acknowledges that He is always ready to listen to our earnest prayers. In the midst of our struggles and imperfections, we can turn to Him and ask for His divine intervention. It is through His grace that we can find the strength and wisdom to navigate the challenges that life throws our way.

The verses go on to emphasize the importance of seeking Jesus in both times of joy and pain. We are urged to trace His hand in every aspect of our lives, whether we are experiencing happiness or facing difficulties. By acknowledging His presence and seeking His guidance, we can find peace even in the midst of turmoil. The hymn encourages us to surrender our hearts to Him, trusting that He will bring comfort and help us overcome any obstacle.

One of the most beautiful aspects of this hymn is its focus on the power of love. It recognizes that Jesus’s love for us knows no bounds and has the strength to remove the impurities within us. Just as a refiner removes dross from metal, Jesus can purify our hearts and fill us with perfect love. This love is not just an emotion but a transformative force that enables us to become the best versions of ourselves.

As we sing the hymn, we are reminded of the importance of praising Jesus. He is not just our Savior but also our King, deserving of our gratitude and adoration. By raising our voices in song, we express our heartfelt appreciation for all that He has done in our lives. We invite His divine beams to shine upon our path, illuminating our way forward.

The hymn encourages us to draw closer to Jesus, to seek His presence and rely on His strength. It reminds us that we are never alone in our journey. Jesus longs to be our guest and provide us with a place of refuge and rest. Under His mighty wings, we can find comfort and peace, knowing that He is watching over us.

Ultimately, the hymn speaks of our ultimate destination – the promised land. It highlights the role of , the heavenly messengers who will carry us Home when the time is right. As we rest in the arms of our Savior, we can trust that He will guide us safely to our home, where we will experience the fullness of joy and peace.

In conclusion, “Jesus, My Only Hope” is a powerful hymn that encapsulates the essence of our faith and hope in Jesus Christ. It reminds us of the importance of seeking Him in every aspect of our lives, both during times of joy and pain. Through His grace and love, we can find peace, overcome challenges, and draw closer to Him. As we sing this hymn, let us remember the profound truth it conveys – that true hope can only be found in Jesus, our only hope.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover true hope and peace in the loving arms of Jesus, our only hope. This hymn reminds us of His grace, love, and guidance in every aspect of our lives.


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