Jesus My Savior To Bethlehem Came – Hymn Lyric

Discover the story of Jesus My Savior To Bethlehem Came. Experience the love and redemption in this remarkable hymn. Find hope and salvation in the remarkable events that unfolded in Bethlehem.

Jesus My Savior To Bethlehem Came – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus My Savior to Bethlehem ” tells the captivating story of Jesus’ love and redemption for humanity. Born in a humble manger, Jesus sought after us, paid our debts on Calvary’s tree, and calls us back to His loving embrace. As we anticipate His return, we find hope and solace in His unwavering love and the promise of a glorious future.


Jesus My Savior To Bethlehem Came – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came,
Born in a manger to sorrow and shame;
Oh, it was wonderful – blest be His name!
Seeking for me, for me, for me!

Seeking for me! For me! For me!
Oh, it was wonderful – blest be His name!
Seeking for me, for me!

Jesus, my Saviour, on Calvary’s tree,
Paid the great debt and my He set free;
Oh, it was wonderful – how could it be?
Dying for me, for me, for me!

Dying for me! For me! For me!
Oh, it was wonderful – how could it be?
Dying for me, for me!

Jesus, my Saviour, the same as of old,
While I was wand’ring afar from the fold,
Gently and long did He plead with my soul,
Calling for me, for me, for me!

Calling for me! For me! For me!
Gently and long did He plead with my soul,
Calling for me, for me!

Jesus, my Saviour, shall come from on high,
Sweet is the promise as weary years fly;
Oh, I shall see Him descending the sky,
for me, for me, for me!

Coming for me! For me! For me!
Oh, I shall see Him descending the sky,
Coming for me, for me!


Meaning of Jesus My Savior To Bethlehem Came

Jesus My Savior to Bethlehem Came: A Story of Love and Redemption

In the small town of Bethlehem, many years ago, a remarkable event took place. Jesus, my Savior, came to this humble place, born in a lowly manger to bring hope and salvation to the world. This extraordinary act of love and sacrifice is celebrated in the “Jesus My Savior to Bethlehem Came.”

Oh, it was wonderful – blest be His name! Jesus, the Son of , sought after me, seeking to bring light into my . Even though I may not fully comprehend the magnitude of His love, I am grateful beyond words for His willingness to lay down His life for me.

Jesus, my Savior, on Calvary’s tree, paid the great debt and set my soul free. It is truly unfathomable to think that someone could willingly give their life for another, especially someone like me. How could it be? But this is the essence of His incredible love for us. In His death, He bore the weight of our , offering us eternal life and forgiveness.

Dying for me, for me! Oh, it was wonderful – how could it be? Jesus’ selfless act of dying on the cross was not for His own sake but for mine. He carried the burden of my mistakes, my shortcomings, and my transgressions, so that I could be and reconciled with God. It is a love so deep and profound, surpassing all human understanding.

Jesus, my Savior, the same as of old, while I was wandering afar from the fold, gently and long did He plead with my soul, calling for me, for me! Despite my wanderings and waywardness, Jesus never gave up on me. He patiently called out to my heart, for my return. His love is persistent and unwavering, reaching out to all who are lost and broken.

Calling for me, for me! Oh, how blessed I am that He never gave up on me! His love is relentless, and His grace knows no bounds. Through His gentle nudges and the whispers of His Spirit, He drew me closer to Him, helping me find my way back to the fold of His embrace.

Jesus, my Savior, shall come from on high, sweet is the promise as weary years fly. Oh, I shall see Him descending the sky, coming for me, for me! The final verse of the hymn reminds us of the glorious promise that one day, Jesus, our Savior, will return. As we navigate through the challenges and weariness of life, we can find solace in the assurance that He will come back for us. It is a promise that fills our hearts with hope and anticipation.

Coming for me, for me! What a day that will be, when we shall see Jesus descending from on high! As we eagerly await His return, we can find strength and encouragement in His love, knowing that He seeks after us, He for us, and He calls us His own.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jesus My Savior to Bethlehem Came” beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. It reminds us of the remarkable events that took place in Bethlehem and the profound impact it has on our lives. His love knows no bounds, and He tirelessly seeks after us, even when we are lost. Jesus, our Savior, paid the ultimate price for our redemption, dying on Calvary’s tree so that we may be set free. As we look towards the future, we hold onto the promise of His return, eagerly awaiting the day when He will come for us. Truly, it is a story of love, redemption, and the incredible power of Jesus’ saving grace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the story of Jesus My Savior To Bethlehem Came. Experience the love and redemption in this remarkable hymn. Find hope and salvation in the remarkable events that unfolded in Bethlehem.


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