Jesus O Word Divinely Sweet – Hymn Lyric
In the hymn “Jesus, O Word Divinely Sweet,” we are reminded of the incredible power and grace found in the name of Jesus. The hymn speaks of Jesus’ willingness to sacrifice himself for our salvation, triumphing over sin and death. Let us delve deeper into the significance of Jesus’ victory and share this good news with others.
Table of Contents
Jesus O Word Divinely Sweet – Hymn Lyric
JESUS, O word divinely sweet!
How charming is the sound!
What joyful news! what heavenly sense
In that dear name is found!
Our souls all guilty, and condemn’d,
In hopeless fetters lay;
Our souls, with numerous sins deprav’d
To death and hell a prey.
JESUS, to purge away this guilt,
A willing victim fell,
And on his cross triumphant broke
The bands of death and hell.
Our foes were mighty to destroy;
He mighty was to save:
He dy’d, but could not long be held
A prisoner to the grave.
JESUS, who mighty art to save,
Still push thy conquests on;
Extend the triumphs of thy cross,
Where’er the sun has shone.
O Captain of salvation! make
Thy power and mercy known;
‘Till crouds of willing converts come,
And worship at thy throne.
Meaning of Jesus O Word Divinely Sweet
In the hymn “Jesus, O Word Divinely Sweet,” we are reminded of the incredible power and grace found in the name of Jesus. The words of this hymn bring a sense of joy and hope, as they speak of Jesus’ willingness to sacrifice himself for our salvation. Let us delve deeper into the meaning behind these verses and explore the significance of Jesus’ triumph over sin and death.
The hymn begins by expressing the sweetness and charm found in the name of Jesus. This name carries with it a sense of comfort and peace, for it represents the good news of salvation. It is in Jesus’ name that we find heavenly wisdom and understanding, bringing meaning and purpose to our lives.
The hymn then acknowledges the desperate state in which our souls once found themselves. We were all guilty of sin and condemned to a life of hopelessness. Each of us was weighed down by the burden of numerous sins, rendering us helpless against the clutches of death and hell. But Jesus, out of His boundless love for us, willingly became a sacrifice to cleanse us of our guilt.
On the cross, Jesus triumphed over the powers of darkness. He broke the chains of death and hell, demonstrating His power to save. His death was not the end, for He could not be held captive by the grave. This victorious moment signifies the ultimate defeat of sin and the beginning of a new life in Christ.
The hymn encourages Jesus to continue His conquest of salvation, calling Him the Mighty One who saves. It urges Him to extend the triumph of His cross to every corner of the earth, shining brightly like the sun. Jesus is portrayed as the Captain of our salvation, leading the way and displaying His power and mercy to all.
Our desire is for Jesus to be known by all people, so that willing converts may come and worship at His throne. We long for crowds of people to experience the love and grace found in Jesus’ name. It is through His sacrifice that we can find redemption and eternal life, and we want others to experience this transformative power as well.
As we reflect on the words of this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love that Jesus has for us. His willingness to lay down His life and overcome death brings hope and comfort to our souls. It is through His victory that we can find freedom from sin and the promise of eternal life.
So let us take joy in the sweetness of Jesus’ name and share this good news with others. Let us allow the power of His sacrifice and resurrection to transform our lives and the lives of those around us. May His triumphs be known to the world, and may all come to worship Him as the Mighty Captain of our salvation.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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