Jesus Of Nazareth O What A Name – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Joy and Glory of Jesus of Nazareth's Name

Jesus Of Nazareth O What A Name – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus of Nazareth: The Name that Brings Rejoicing and Glory” explores the significance of Jesus of Nazareth’s name and the reasons why it deserves praise. From His humble birth to His crucifixion, , and ascension, Jesus demonstrated His love, , and power. As believers, we are called to rejoice and proclaim His glory.


Jesus Of Nazareth O What A Name – Hymn Lyric

Jesus of Nazareth!
O what a name!
Let us rejoice and His glory proclaim;
Savior and keeper forever the same,
Shepherd, and Lord.

Jesus of Nazareth, once ,
Jesus of Nazareth, now glorified,
Jesus of Nazareth, throned at God’s side,
Glory and praise to His name.

Jesus of Nazareth, truly a man,
Low in His cradle His life He began,
Lived before God, both in pattern and plan,
Righteous, obedient One.

Jesus of Nazareth, once crucified,
Jesus of Nazareth, now glorified,
Jesus of Nazareth, throned at God’s side,
Glory and praise to His name.

Jesus of Nazareth, nailed to the tree,
Dying that we by His death might be free,
Bearing the curse all for you and for me,
Dying a ransom for all.

Jesus of Nazareth, once crucified,
Jesus of Nazareth, now glorified,
Jesus of Nazareth, throned at God’s side,
Glory and praise to His name.

Jesus of Nazareth, raised from the dead,
Spotless and holy, and still in our stead,
Made for us ever our glorified head,
Raised from the dead for us all.

Jesus of Nazareth, once crucified,
Jesus of Nazareth, now glorified,
Jesus of Nazareth, throned at God’s side,
Glory and praise to His name.

Jesus of Nazareth, seated on high,
Sending the Spirit of grace to apply
Life through the Word unto men far and nigh,
Offering salvation to all.

Jesus of Nazareth, once crucified,
Jesus of Nazareth, now glorified,
Jesus of Nazareth, throned at God’s side,
Glory and praise to His name.

Jesus of Nazareth, earth’s king,
Peace to the warring soon He shall bring,
Nations of saved ones His praises shall sing;
All shall bow down at His name.

Jesus of Nazareth, once crucified,
Jesus of Nazareth, now glorified,
Jesus of Nazareth, throned at God’s side,
Glory and praise to His name.


Meaning of Jesus Of Nazareth O What A Name

Jesus of Nazareth: The Name that Brings Rejoicing and Glory

The name of Jesus of Nazareth is truly remarkable and powerful. Just uttering His name fills our hearts with joy and prompts us to proclaim His glory. This beautifully captures the essence of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Let us delve deeper into the significance of this name and the reasons it deserves our praise.

First and foremost, Jesus of Nazareth is our Savior and keeper forever. He into this world as a humble infant, with a life that would exemplify obedience and righteousness. From the moment of His birth, Jesus lived as a perfect pattern for us, showing us how to live according to God’s will. His life serves as an example for all of us to follow.

However, Jesus’s purpose on Earth was not just to be a righteous role model. He willingly went to the cross, where He was crucified, dying in our place. Jesus took upon Himself the sins of humanity, so that through His death, we might be set free. Bearing the curse meant for us, He became the ultimate ransom for all. This act of sacrificial love showcases the depth of Jesus’s compassion and His desire for our salvation.

But the story does not end there. Jesus of Nazareth did not stay in the tomb. On the third day, He rose from the dead, conquering and death once and for all. His resurrection signifies His victory over the grave and serves as a testament to His spotless and holy nature. As believers, we unite with Him in this victory, and He becomes our glorified head, guiding us and interceding for us.

Furthermore, Jesus of Nazareth, now seated on high, sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. The Spirit graciously applies the grace of God to our lives, us abundant and everlasting life through the Word. The offering of salvation is extended to all, regardless of their proximity or distance from Jesus. His love and grace have no limits, reaching far and wide to all who are willing to accept it.

As we look to the future, we can anticipate the return of Jesus of Nazareth as the earth’s coming King. It is through Him that peace will be restored to our warring world. The nations of the saved, those who have recognized Jesus as their Savior, will gather to sing His praises. Every knee will bow down, acknowledging His authority and majesty.

In conclusion, the name of Jesus of Nazareth holds significant meaning for believers around the world. It is a name that evokes rejoicing and prompts us to proclaim His glory. From His humble beginnings in a manger in Nazareth to His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus has demonstrated His love, grace, and power. He is our Savior, our Shepherd, and our Redeemer. Let us never forget the magnitude of the name of Jesus of Nazareth and continue to give Him the honor and praise He deserves.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Joy and Glory of Jesus of Nazareth's Name

Discover the remarkable power and significance of Jesus of Nazareth's name. From His humble beginnings to His sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection, His name brings rejoicing and glory. Join us in praising the Savior, Shepherd, and Redeemer that is Jesus of Nazareth.


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