Jesus Our Savior Fill Us With Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover how to be filled with the love of Jesus through the powerful hymn "Jesus Our Savior Fill Us With Thy Love." Let His love guide you and shine His light in the world. Amen!

Jesus Our Savior Fill Us With Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

In the beautiful hymn “Jesus Our Savior Fill Us With Thy Love,” we are reminded to let Jesus fill us with His divine love. This love is like a flame that keeps shining through all of life’s challenges. By following Jesus’s example and obeying His commands, we can show His love to others and bear good fruit in our lives. Let’s pray for His Spirit to guide us and to help us spread love and kindness wherever we go, trusting in His unfailing love to lead us safely home to Him. Amen!


Jesus Our Savior Fill Us With Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

Jesus our , fill us with Thy love,
As we journey to our home above;
Oh, may Thy Spirit in our hearts abide,
Keeping love’s bright flame aglow whate’er betide.

Fill us, dear Saviour, fill us, dear Saviour,
Fill to overflowing with Thy love divine.

As Thou hast loved us we would follow Thee;
Patient, gentle, tender, and true would be;
In glad obedience to Thy Holy will,
Day by day Thy blest commands would we fulfill. [Chorus]

Fruitbearing branches of the Living Vine,
We would ever live for Thee by grace divine;
Sweetly enduring whatsoe’er may come,
Till in of fadeless love we gather home. [Chorus]    

Meaning of Jesus Our Savior Fill Us With Thy Love

As we these beautiful words from our hymn, “Jesus Our Savior Fill Us With Thy Love,” let’s think about what it means to be filled with the love of Jesus. Just like the lyrics say, we want Jesus to fill us to overflowing with His love divine. This love is like a bright flame that keeps shining no matter what happens in our lives.

When we ask Jesus to fill us with His love, we are asking Him to help us love others the way He loves us. Jesus loved us so much that He for us on the cross, and He wants us to show that same love to those around us. This means being patient, gentle, tender, kind, and true in all that we do.

We can follow Jesus’s example by obeying His commands and living for Him each day. This might not always be easy, but with His help, we can do it. Just like fruitbearing branches of a vine, we can bear good fruit in our lives and show others the love of Jesus through our actions.

Even when things get tough, we can trust in Jesus’s love to see us through. By enduring whatever comes our way with grace and , we can look forward to the day when we will gather home in the realms of fadeless love.

So, let’s make it our goal to be filled with the love of Jesus each day. Let’s pray for His Spirit to dwell in our hearts and guide us in showing His love to others. By following His example and obeying His commands, we can His in the world and bring glory to His name.

Let’s strive to be like Jesus in every way, spreading love and kindness wherever we go. And as we do, we can trust that His love will never fail us and will lead us safely home to Him. So, let’s open our hearts to Jesus and let Him fill us with His love today and always. Amen!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover how to be filled with the love of Jesus through the powerful hymn Jesus Our Savior Fill Us With Thy Love. Let His love guide you and shine His light in the world. Amen!


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