Jesus Saves Send The Tidings Forth – Hymn Lyric

Spread the joyous tidings of Jesus' saving grace far and wide

Jesus Saves Send The Tidings Forth – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Saves Send The Tidings Forth Engaging Spread the word far and wide that Jesus saves! Let the joyous news of His salvation reach every corner of the earth. Lift your voices and proclaim His matchless worth, for our Savior, Jesus Christ, has come to bring life and to all who believe.


Jesus Saves Send The Tidings Forth – Hymn Lyric

Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
Send the tidings forth
To the ends of earth;
Jesus saves! Jesus saves!

O proclaim his matchless worth!
Lift your voices,
, ye people, sing;
Flood with joy the earth;
Hail him, hail him,
Christ the promised King!

Sound his forth;
Send the tidings over land and sea,
Let the joy-bells ;
Haste, proclaim the year of jubilee,
Hail your Lord and King!

Tell the news! Joyful news!
Life to all he brings
On his radiant wings;
Praise his name, Jesus’ name;
Glory to the King of kings! [Chorus]

Speak his love, wondrous love,
Bless his name most high,
Lord of earth and sky;
Praises bring, to our King;
Sing, ye heav’ns, and, earth, reply! [Chorus]    

Meaning of Jesus Saves Send The Tidings Forth

Jesus Saves: Sending the Good News Far and Wide!

Oh, how wonderful it is to know that Jesus saves! The very mention of His name fills our hearts with joy and gratitude. From the tallest mountains to the deepest valleys, let the tidings of His glorious salvation echo throughout the ends of the earth. Yes, it’s time to send the tidings forth and proclaim the matchless worth of our Savior!

Imagine the joy that will flood the earth when people the good news! Lift your voices, dear people, and sing it with all your might. Let the sounds of happiness and hope resonate far and wide. Jesus saves, and that is truly something to !

In every corner of the globe, we must sound His praises. The power of His love knows no boundaries, reaching over land and sea. So, let the joy-bells ring, heralding the arrival of a new era, the year of jubilee. Our Lord and King has come to set us free, and it’s time to shout it from the rooftops. Hail Him, our promised King!

Feel the excitement as we tell the news – the joyful news that Jesus brings life to all! Picture it in your mind’s eye: His radiant wings spreading love, hope, and salvation to every soul in need. Oh, how we must praise His holy name, for Jesus is the King of kings!

Let His love be spoken of, for it is a wondrous love that knows no bounds. It blesses us and lifts us up, reminding us that He is the Lord of both earth and sky. His love is the very foundation upon which our lives are built. So, let us bring Him endless praises, singing with all our might.

And as we lift our voices high, let the heavens and the earth join in harmonious reply. Together, let us proclaim the of our King. In unison, let all creation declare His name and acknowledge His unmatched power. Jesus saves – what a beautiful truth to share!

Remember, dear friends, that the message of Jesus’ saving grace is not limited to a select few. It is for every person, regardless of their background, their status, or their circumstances. The love of Jesus is all-encompassing and available to all who will receive it. So, let us boldly go forth and be bearers of this life-changing message.

In sharing the good news, we not only impact the lives of those who hear it but also enrich our own souls. For when we speak of Jesus and His saving power, we become filled with a divine purpose, knowing that we are part of something greater than ourselves. It is a privilege and honor to carry this message, the message of hope, and redemption, to a broken and hurting .

So, dear friends, let us rise up and embrace the call to send the tidings forth. Let us be messengers of hope, love, and salvation. Together, let us proclaim with all our might: Jesus saves! And as we do, may the whole world come to know the matchless worth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, the promised King!

Lift your voices, sing with joy, and let the earth be flooded with the good news. The year of jubilee has arrived, and Jesus, our Lord and King, is here to bring new life to all who believe. Rejoice, for Jesus saves! And let us forever praise His holy name.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread the joyous tidings of Jesus' saving grace far and wide, proclaiming His matchless worth. Lift your voices, sing with joy, and let the world know the good news - Jesus saves!


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