Jesus,I Live To Thee – Hymn Lyric

Immerse yourself in unconditional love and devotion to Jesus. Find purpose

Jesus,I Live To Thee – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, I Live to “: Embracing Unconditional and Devotion Discover the truest expression of love and the hope found in a relationship with Jesus. When we live for Him, our lives become intertwined with His, guiding our choices and filling us with his unfailing love. Through embracing a life of unconditional love and devotion, we find meaning, purpose, and everlasting joy in Him.


Jesus,I Live To Thee – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, I live to Thee,
The loveliest and best;
My life in Thee, Thy life in me,
In Thy blest love I rest.

Jesus I die to Thee,
Whenever death shall ;
To die in Thee is life to me
In my eternal home.

Whether to live or die,
I know not which is best;
To live in Thee is bliss to me,
To die is endless rest.

Living or dying, ,
I ask but to be Thine;
My life in Thee, Thy life in me,
Makes heaven forever mine.


Meaning of Jesus,I Live To Thee

Jesus, I Live to Thee: Embracing a Life of Unconditional Love and Devotion

In the depths of our hearts, we all seek something or someone to live for. We strive to find meaning and purpose in our lives, to anchor our in something greater than ourselves. And for many of us, that someone is Jesus – the loveliest and best.

When we say “Jesus, I live to Thee,” we acknowledge that our lives find their truest expression in Him. Jesus is not just a historical figure or a distant deity; He is a living presence that resides within us and fills our hearts with His love and light.

As we enter into a relationship with Jesus, our lives become intertwined with His. We no longer live for ourselves but for Him. Our desires, ambitions, and choices are all influenced by His teachings and example. We find solace and security in knowing that our lives are guided by His unfailing love and wisdom.

Living for Jesus means embracing His commandment to love one another. It means treating others with , compassion, and respect. Jesus teaches us that love should be the guiding principle in our interactions, and that by others, we are loving Him.

But living for Jesus is not always easy. It means dying to ourselves and our selfish desires. It means surrendering our own will and aligning it with His. Just as Jesus died for us to bring us eternal life, we must die to ourselves and our worldly desires in order to find true life in Him.

In this dying to ourselves, we find life. Paradoxically, it is by letting go of our own ambitions and desires that we experience the abundant life that Jesus promises. For His ways are and better than our own, and it is in aligning our lives with His purpose that we find true fulfillment and joy.

As we navigate the uncertainties of life, we can take comfort in the fact that whether we live or die, Jesus is with us. We trust in His goodness and sovereignty, knowing that He works all things for our ultimate good. In every circumstance, He is by our side, sustaining us with His love and grace.

When we say, “To die in Thee is life to me, in my eternal home,” we express our belief in the hope of eternal life. Death is not the end but the doorway to a place where we will dwell with Jesus forever. It is a homecoming, a reunion with the One who has loved us from the beginning of time.

In this life and the next, our greatest is to be fully His. We ask for nothing more and nothing less than to be completely devoted to Him. We recognize that our lives are made whole and complete in Him, and that apart from Him, we are lost.

Yes, living or dying, Lord, we ask but to be Thine. Our hearts’ cry is to have our lives so intertwined with His that we become vessels of His love and instruments of His peace. As we live in Him, His life flows through us, transforming us into His image bearers.

In Jesus, we find the ultimate source of joy, peace, and purpose. He is the foundation upon which we build our lives and the wellspring from which we draw our strength. And as we live for Him, we discover that heaven is not just a distant destination but a present reality.

So, let us proclaim with all our hearts, “Jesus, I live to Thee!” May His love fill every corner of our lives, guiding our thoughts, words, and actions. And may His life in us shine brightly, drawing others into the beauty and depth of a relationship with Him.

For in Jesus, we find the truest expression of love, the purest example of goodness, and the eternal hope that sustains us through every season of life. May His name be forever praised and our lives forever lived in His honor.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Immerse yourself in unconditional love and devotion to Jesus. Find purpose, joy, and peace in living for Him. Discover the truest expression of love and eternal hope. Jesus, I Live to Thee: Embracing a Life of Unconditional Love and Devotion.


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