Lead Me To Jesus Lead Me To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Find guidance and love in Jesus. Let the hymn "Lead Me to Jesus" show you the pathway to faith and love. Seek His teachings

Lead Me To Jesus Lead Me To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Lead Me to Jesus” is a hymn that passionately expresses the desire for and direction in our lives. It encourages us to seek Jesus as our ultimate guide, showing us the way to love, protection, and salvation. Through community, prayer, and learning from His teachings, we can find the pathway to faith and love. So, let us be led by Jesus and strive to be like Him each day.


Lead Me To Jesus Lead Me To Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Verse 1:
Lead me to Jesus, lead me to Jesus,
Help me to love Him, help me to ;
He is my , I would believe Him;
I would be like Him-show me the way.

Quickly haste, and come where happy children meet,
Hither come and rest thy little weary feet;
Turn from thy pleasures, turn from thy play,
Come to our Sunday School away.

Verse 2:
Lead me to Jesus, He will protect me,
He is so loving, , and mild;
Calling the children, bidding them welcome;
Surely He calls me-I am a child.


Verse 3:
Tell me of Jesus, tell of His mercy;
Is there a fountain flowing so free?
All who are willing drink of its waters;
Say, is that fountain flowing for me?


Verse 4:
Lord, I am coming! Jesus, my Saviour,
Pity my weakness, make me Thy child;
I would receive Thee, trust and believe Thee,
I would be like Thee, gentle and mild.



Meaning of Lead Me To Jesus Lead Me To Jesus

Lead Me To Jesus: A Pathway to Faith and Love

In our journey through , we often find ourselves in of guidance and direction. We yearn for someone to lead us down a righteous path, to help us navigate the challenges and temptations that surround us. Fortunately, there is someone who can do just that – Jesus.

The hymn “Lead Me to Jesus” beautifully captures the essence of this desire for guidance and shows us that, with Jesus as our guide, we can find love, protection, and salvation. Each verse of this hymn paints a vivid picture of the journey we embark on when we choose to follow Jesus and seek His teachings.

“Lead me to Jesus, lead me to Jesus, Help me to love Him, help me to pray”

These opening lines remind us that our ultimate goal in life is to love and connect with Jesus. Through His teachings and examples, we can learn how to love others and ourselves. As we follow Him, we begin to understand and the importance of communication with our Father.

“He is my Savior, I would believe Him; I would be like Him – show me the way”

Believing in Jesus is not enough; we must also strive to be like Him in our thoughts, words, and actions. He is the perfect example of love, compassion, and forgiveness. As we seek His guidance, we learn how to navigate the challenges of life in a way that reflects His teachings.

“Quickly haste and come where happy children meet, Hither come and rest thy little weary feet”

The hymn encourages us to find solace in gathering with other believers in a community of faith. In a Sunday School setting, we can find a sense of belonging and rest for our weary souls. Surrounded by people who share the same desire to seek Jesus, we can find support, encouragement, and a safe space to grow in our faith.

“Tell me of Jesus, tell of His mercy; Is there a fountain flowing so free?”

Through the hymn, we are reminded of the love and mercy of Jesus. Like a flowing fountain, His love and forgiveness are available to all who are willing to receive them. We are invited to drink from this fountain and experience the transformative power of His grace.

“Lord, I am coming! Jesus, my Savior, Pity my weakness, make me Thy child”

The hymn concludes with a heartfelt plea to Jesus, acknowledging our human weaknesses and our need for Him. We long to be His children, to receive His love and nurture as a parent provides for their child. In this simple declaration, we express our surrender and desire to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

Though the hymn itself is short, its message is profound. It reminds us that Jesus is always calling out to us, bidding us to come and seek Him. He beckons us to follow Him through the challenges and joys of life, knowing that in Him, we will find true love, protection, and salvation.

So, let us take these words to heart and allow them to guide our thoughts and actions. Let us be led by Jesus, seeking His love and grace and sharing it with others. May we find comfort and strength in gathering with our fellow believers, finding rest for our weary souls. And may we always remember that Jesus is the fountain of mercy, eagerly waiting for us to come and drink from the wellspring of His love.

In conclusion, the hymn “Lead Me to Jesus” serves as a poignant reminder of our need for guidance and a pathway to find it. With Jesus as our guide, we can navigate the challenges of life and experience the transformative power of His love and grace. So, let us turn to Him, trust in His teachings, and strive to be more like Him each day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find guidance and love in Jesus. Let the hymn Lead Me to Jesus show you the pathway to faith and love. Seek His teachings, find rest in a community of believers, and experience the mercy and grace of His love.


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