Let All The Multitudes Of Light – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the Risen Savior with "Let All The Multitudes Of Light." Join in the joy and victory of Jesus' resurrection. Praising our King with unity and gratitude

Let All The Multitudes Of Light – Hymn Lyric



Let All The Multitudes Of Light – Hymn Lyric

Let all the multitudes of light,
Their songs in concert raising,
With earth’s triumphal hymns unite,
The risen Saviour praising.

Ye heavens, his festival proclaim!
Our King returneth whence he came,
With victory amazing.

For us he bore the bitter ,
To ‘s dark realm descending;
Our foe he slew, and set us free,
Man’s ancient bondage ending.

No more the tyrant’s chains oppress;
O conquering , thy name we bless,
With thee to heaven ascending.

Jesus, to thee be endless praise,
For this thy great salvation;
O Father, thine always
Be thanks and adoration;

Spirit of life and light, to thee
praise and glory be:
One of all creation!


Meaning of Let All The Multitudes Of Light

Let All The Multitudes Of Light: A Celebration of the Risen Savior

In this hymn, we are reminded of the joy and victory that comes with the resurrection of Jesus . It speaks of the multitudes of light, symbolizing all the believers who have been enlightened by the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. As we dive deeper into the lyrics, we uncover the profound significance of this event and the it invokes within us.

The hymn begins by urging all the multitude of light to raise their voices in concert, joining together in songs of praise for the risen Savior. It is a call for unity amongst believers, regardless of their earthly differences. The hymn recognizes that earthly triumphs and victories are fleeting, but the risen Savior’s victory is eternal. It is a cause for celebration and proclamation throughout the heavens.

As we delve deeper into the lyrics, we are reminded of the sacrificial act that Jesus undertook for humanity. The hymn mentions how Jesus bore the bitter Tree, referring to the cross upon which He was crucified. He descended into death’s dark realm, confronting the enemy and freeing mankind from the chains of sin and death. Through His death, Jesus conquered the power of evil and restored humanity’s relationship with the .

The hymn emphasizes the freedom that brings. It proclaims that no more shall the chains of tyranny oppress humanity. Jesus, as the conquering Love, has set us free from the bondage of sin. We are no longer slaves to our past mistakes and misdeeds but are now clothed in the righteousness of Christ. This truth fills us with gratitude and compels us to bless His name.

Not only did Jesus defeat sin and death, but He also ascended into heaven, returning to His Father. The hymn acknowledges this glorious event and praises Jesus for His continuous intercession on our behalf. It shows the beauty of the Trinity as it extends gratitude to the holy Father. The eternal praise and adoration belong not only to Jesus but also to the Spirit of life and light. The hymn recognizes the role of the Holy Spirit in illuminating our hearts and minds to understand and receive God’s great salvation.

This hymn ultimately points to the one true God who created all things. It recognizes the divine presence within all of creation. The hymn reveals the unity and harmony that exist within the Godhead and the divine purpose for which we were created. It encourages believers to offer endless praises and thanksgiving to the triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

As we reflect on the message conveyed through this hymn, we are reminded of the hope, joy, and freedom that come through Christ’s resurrection. It is a celebration of God’s amazing love and the victory He has won on our behalf. The hymn invites all believers, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances, to join in this celebration and unite in praising the risen Savior.

In conclusion, “Let All The Multitudes Of Light” encapsulates the essence of the Easter season. With its powerful and soul-stirring words, it reminds us of the immense significance of Jesus’ resurrection. It calls us to join the heavenly chorus in praising our victorious King. May this hymn continue to inspire and uplift believers from all walks of life, as we express our gratitude for the great salvation won for us by Jesus Christ. Let us never tire of proclaiming His name and sharing the good news of His resurrection with the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the Risen Savior with Let All The Multitudes Of Light. Join in the joy and victory of Jesus' resurrection. Praising our King with unity and gratitude, discover the freedom and eternal salvation He brings.


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