Let Me Speak A Word For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Spread the love and goodness of Jesus by speaking a word for Him. Share His blessings

Let Me Speak A Word For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Let Me Speak A Word For Jesus: Spreading the Love and Goodness In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the noise and chaos, isn’t it? We’re constantly bombarded with different messages, opinions, and distractions. But amidst all the clamor, let’s take a moment to hush the noise and focus on something truly important – let’s speak a word for Jesus. Let’s share his love and goodness with those around us, for he has done so much for each of us.


Let Me Speak A Word For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Let me speak a word for Jesus,
Let me sound my Master’s ,
He is listening- let him hear me
Telling of his wondrous ways.

Hush the clamor of ‘s babel,
Still the murmurs of the throng,
Let me say a word for Jesus,
Let me sing for him a .

He has filled my soul to overflowing,
With his blessings rich and .
Let me speak a word for Jesus
Who has done so much for me.

I will speak a word for Jesus,
I will tell you of his grace,
How he heard my cry for pardon
Showed his reconciled face.

How he cleansed my sin-stained garments,
How he healed my bleeding wounds,
Let me speak a word for Jesus,
For my heart with rapture bounds.


I will speak a word for Jesus,
Though my works are very weak,
He is listening- let him hear me
Of his lovingkindness speak.

He is to be honored,
I will own him as my King,
I will speak a word for Jesus,
Of his praises I will sing.


Meaning of Let Me Speak A Word For Jesus

Let Me Speak a Word for Jesus: Spreading the Love and Goodness

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the noise and chaos, isn’t it? We’re constantly bombarded with different messages, opinions, and distractions. But amidst all the clamor, let’s take a moment to hush the noise and focus on something truly important – let’s speak a word for Jesus.

You see, Jesus is not just a historical figure or a distant deity. He is someone who deeply cares about each and every one of us. He is someone who listens to our prayers, and so we should take the opportunity to sing his praises and share his love with those around us.

When we speak a word for Jesus, we are not simply reciting empty phrases or going through the motions. No, instead, we are lifting our voices to share the wondrous ways in which he has touched our lives. We are telling others about his grace and the blessings he has poured into our souls.

Imagine a cup overflowing with water – that’s how Jesus fills our souls with his abundant blessings. We can’t help but be overwhelmed by his love and grace. So let us use our words to express our gratitude and appreciation for all that he has done.

One of the most incredible things about Jesus is his unconditional love and . We can come to him in our times of , asking for forgiveness and pleading for his mercy. And what does he do? He listens to our cries and shows us his reconciled face. He cleanses our sin-stained garments and heals our bleeding wounds. Let’s not keep this amazing news to ourselves – let’s speak a word for Jesus and share his transformative power with others.

Now, you may be thinking, “But what can I do? I’m just an ordinary person with limited abilities.” Well, let me tell you a secret – it’s not about the grand gestures or extraordinary works. Jesus doesn’t expect us to perform miracles or become overnight superstars. No, he simply wants us to speak a word for him, to share his love and kindness in the ways that we can.

Even if our works may seem weak or insignificant to us, they hold great meaning in the eyes of Jesus. He is listening, eagerly waiting to be honored. So let’s not be afraid to acknowledge him as our King and speak of his praises. Sing a song, utter a prayer, or simply share a kind word with someone in need. Every little act of love and compassion counts, and it all begins with speaking a word for Jesus.

As we speak a word for Jesus, we become channels of his light and love in this world. We carry his message of and salvation, shining a for those who may be lost or struggling. Our voices may be small, but they have the power to make a difference in someone’s life.

So, my friends, let us seize this opportunity and speak a word for Jesus. Let’s share his love and goodness with those around us, for he has done so much for each of us. By spreading his message of hope, forgiveness, and grace, we can bring and peace to others, transforming their lives just as he has transformed ours.

In conclusion, let us remember the words of the hymn: “He has filled my soul to overflowing, with his blessings rich and free. Let me speak a word for Jesus, who has done so much for me.” Let’s use our voices to bring hope, healing, and love to a world that desperately needs it. Let’s speak a word for Jesus and make a lasting impact in the lives of those around us.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Spread the love and goodness of Jesus by speaking a word for Him. Share His blessings, grace, and transformative power with others. Let's make a lasting impact together. Click to learn more about speaking for Jesus.


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