Let Me Win Someone To Jesus This Year – Hymn Lyric

Let Me Win Someone To Jesus This Year: Spreading the love and message of Christ through personal evangelism. Explore the impact

Let Me Win Someone To Jesus This Year – Hymn Lyric

“Let Me Win Someone To Jesus This Year: Spreading the Love and Message of ” is a captivating that encourages individuals to bring others closer to Jesus and share His love. By focusing on winning just one person, we can experience the joy of leading someone to Jesus and fulfilling our purpose as Christians. This article emphasizes the urgency of starting now and highlights the ripple effect that occurs when one person is won to Christ, ultimately bringing glory to our Savior.


Let Me Win Someone To Jesus This Year – Hymn Lyric

Let me win someone to Jesus this year,
Let me at least win one;
Some may win many to love Him, I know-
Let me at least win one.

Let me win one- let me win one-
Let me win one ere this year shall be down;
Let me win one, let me win one,
One to love my Saviour.

Let me win someone to Jesus this year-
One for whom Jesus died;
Then in the beautiful ages to come,
Christ shall be glorified. [Refrain]

Let me win someone to Jesus this year-
Let me begin today.
Many are His love to be told,
How can my heart delay? [Refrain]

Let me win someone to Jesus this year-
One who might win one more;
Thus might the world to the Saviour be brought-
Ransomed forevermore.


Meaning of Let Me Win Someone To Jesus This Year

Let Me Win Someone To Jesus This Year: Spreading the Love and Message of Christ


As we embark on a new year, let us embrace the opportunity to bring more people closer to Jesus and share His love with others. Inspired by the hymn “Let Me Win Some One to Jesus This Year,” we are reminded of the importance of reaching out to those who may have yet to experience the joy and that can be found in a relationship with our Savior. In this article, we will explore the power of personal evangelism, the impact it can have on others’ lives, and the wonderful feeling of being instrumental in leading someone to Jesus.

The Joy in One:

The hymn emphasizes the goal of winning just one person to Jesus. Sometimes, the idea of evangelism can seem overwhelming, especially when we consider the large number of people who need the saving grace of Christ. However, it is crucial to remember that every soul matters to God, and even winning one person is a victory worth celebrating. Imagine the joy that would fill our hearts if we were instrumental in bringing someone into a lifelong relationship with Jesus. So, let’s set our focus on that one person, pour our love into their , and witness the transformative power of Jesus.

The Purpose in Winning Souls:

Why is winning souls to Christ so important? The hymn beautifully tells us that by winning souls to Jesus, we bring glory to Him. Our purpose as Christians is not only to connect with and love our Savior, but also to share His love with others. Jesus sacrificed His life for everyone, and it is our duty to spread His message of hope, forgiveness, and life. Every soul we win to Jesus becomes a testimony of His saving power, showcasing the impact of a life transformed by His love.

The Urgency of the Present:

The hymn encourages us to start reaching out today, reminding us that there are many people waiting to hear about Jesus. It is easy to make excuses or delay our mission of spreading the Gospel, but we must remember that time is of the essence. Each passing day is an opportunity missed to introduce someone to Jesus. So, let us seize the present moment and step out with boldness, knowing that the Spirit will guide our words and actions.

The Ripple Effect:

When we win someone to Jesus, we not only impact that individual, but we also create a ripple effect that can extend far beyond our immediate reach. Each person we bring to Christ has the potential to reach others and introduce them to the Savior as well. Therefore, by focusing on winning one person, we may indirectly be leading many others to Jesus. This realization should fill our hearts with excitement and motivation to sharing the Gospel.

Understanding the Mission:

Before we can effectively share Jesus with others, we must understand the mission He has entrusted us with. As Christians, we are called to be His ambassadors, carrying His message of redemption to the world. This mission requires humility, compassion, and a willingness to meet people where they are. We must avoid judging or condemning others but instead extend grace, love, and understanding. By doing so, we can create an atmosphere where individuals feel safe and welcome to explore their in Jesus.

The Power of Relationships:

As we strive to win someone to Jesus, we must recognize the significance of building authentic relationships. People are more likely to listen and be open to the message of Christ when they have a genuine connection with someone who cares about them. By investing time and effort into developing relationships with those we hope to reach, we demonstrate Christ’s love in a tangible way. This not only increases our effectiveness as evangelists but also reflects the true essence of Christianity.

Overcoming Fear and Doubt:

The thought of sharing our faith can be daunting. We may fear rejection, feel inadequate, or doubt our ability to effectively communicate the message of Jesus. However, it is essential to remember that we do not rely solely on our own strength. The Holy Spirit empowers us, giving us the courage and wisdom we need to words that touch hearts and minds. We must trust in His guidance, stepping out in faith and leaving the results in His hands.


As we delve into the new year, let the hymn “Let Me Win Some One to Jesus This Year” inspire and motivate us to be passionate about sharing our faith. No matter how young or old we are, we can make a difference in someone’s life by introducing them to the transformative power of Jesus. Let us not underestimate the impact of winning just one person to Christ, as the ripple effect of their transformed life can lead countless others to salvation. So, with eager hearts and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, let us embark on this mission and bring glory to our Savior.

Keywords: Winning souls to Jesus, spreading the love and message of Christ, personal evangelism, the impact of evangelism, the joy in one, purpose in winning souls, urgency of the present, ripple effect, understanding the mission, power of relationships, overcoming fear and doubt.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Let Me Win Someone To Jesus This Year: Spreading the love and message of Christ through personal evangelism. Explore the impact, purpose, and urgency of winning souls to Jesus and overcoming fear and doubt. Join the mission and experience the joy in leading someone to Christ.


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