Let Sweet And Holy Sound – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Joy and Hope of "Let Sweet And Holy Sound" - A Hymn that Captures the Beauty of Jesus' Birth. Embrace the Divine Delight and Everlasting Gladness Found in His Love. Join the Choir in Praise and Prayer

Let Sweet And Holy Sound – Hymn Lyric



Let Sweet And Holy Sound – Hymn Lyric

Let sweet and holy sound enwrap the earth around,
For all the world’s Delight in swathing bands is bound,
And golden with His light is ‘s poor stall.

Hail! First and Last of all! Hail! First and Last of all!

O Baby soft and weak Thou makest my dumb heart speak;
O little most High, by this Thy so meek,
Grant me to live and die in Thy sweet loyalty.

Oh! call me after ! Oh! call me after Thee!

Oh! Love of God the Sire! O pitying
Of His eternal Son! from and quenchless fire
Our souls hath Jesus won to deck His palace fair:

Oh would that we were there! Oh would that we were there!

For gladness never dies in those immortal skies;
The golden tides of song from choired angels ;
And in the turrets strong, sweet bells make praise and prayer;

Oh would that we were there! Oh would that we were there!


Meaning of Let Sweet And Holy Sound

Let Sweet And Holy Sound: A Hymn of Joy and Hope

In a world that often feels dark and heavy, we find solace and joy in the sweet and holy sound that enwraps the earth. This hymn reminds us that despite the challenges and trials we may face, there is a source of light and delight that binds us all together.

The hymn opens with the image of Bethlehem’s poor stall, glistening with golden light. It is in this humble and unassuming place that the First and Last of all, Jesus , is born. We are called to hail Him, to recognize His paramount significance in our lives. He is not just a historical figure but a present reality that touches every heart.

As we reflect on the baby Jesus, so soft and weak, we discover that He has the power to make our hearts speak. His love, so meek and gentle, has the ability to transform our lives. This is a love that surpasses all understanding, a love that grants us the strength and courage to live and die in loyalty to Him. We humbly ask to be called after Him, to be drawn closer to His presence.

In this hymn, we encounter the love of God the Sire and the pitying desire of His eternal Son. Jesus, through His sacrificial death on the cross, has won our souls from the clutches of sin and eternal fire. He has paved the way for us to enter His palace, a place of unimaginable beauty and everlasting joy. Oh, how we yearn to be there, to bask in the endless gladness that permeates those immortal skies.

The hymn speaks of the golden tides of song that flow from the choired angels. Can you imagine the beauty and harmony that must exist in those heavenly ? The sound of their voices, joined in praise and adoration, fills our hearts with longing. The sweet bells that ring in the turrets of that glorious place invite us to join in the ongoing symphony of praise and prayer.

We long for a world where gladness never dies, where joy and peace reign supreme. We yearn for a world where the golden tides of song and the sweet bells of praise and prayer resound in every corner. While we may not physically be in that celestial place, we can strive to bring a taste of heaven on earth. By spreading love, kindness, and compassion, we can create small pockets of paradise in our own communities.

In conclusion, “Let Sweet And Holy Sound” is a hymn that reminds us of the profound joy and hope found in the birth of Jesus Christ. It paints a vivid picture of a world filled with divine delight and everlasting gladness. As we sing these words, let us be inspired to live lives that reflect the beauty and love that radiates from the First and Last of all. May our actions and words be a sweet and holy sound that brings light to those around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Joy and Hope of Let Sweet And Holy Sound - A Hymn that Captures the Beauty of Jesus' Birth. Embrace the Divine Delight and Everlasting Gladness Found in His Love. Join the Choir in Praise and Prayer, and Create a Taste of Heaven on Earth.


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