Light Of Light O Sun Of Heaven – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of light in "Light of Light

Light Of Light O Sun Of Heaven – Hymn Lyric

“Light of Light, O Sun of Heaven: Illuminating the Path to Truth and Salvation” is a beautiful hymn that explores the significance of light in our lives. It emphasizes the need for divine guidance and the transformative power of seeking the light. Through its poetic language, it encourages us to let the light of wisdom be our guide, leading us towards truth, righteousness, and salvation.


Light Of Light O Sun Of Heaven – Hymn Lyric

Light of light, O Sun of heaven,
O bright and morning Star,
To mankind in given,
Send Thy radiance from afar,
Bringing light to all the earth,
Health and strength, and joy and mirth;
Darkness past, the dawn is breaking,
All creation is .

Still my soul is thickly shrouded
In the chilling mist of sin,
And my is beclouded
By the ignorance within.
Lead me by the hand, I pray,
Lest in error’s path I stray;
Make Thy light my sole attraction,
Guiding every thought and action.

Spirit of the morning,
Shine into my darkened heart,
That, the way of life discerning,
I may choose the better part.
Make my erring walk secure,
Every thought and action pure;
Whereso’er my feet be turning,
Keep Thy zeal within me burning.

Deign Thy feeble flock to strengthen
By the bonds of sacred love,
And Thy lines of empire lengthen
By Thy power from above.
Help us govern in Thy sight,
That our laws be just and right;
That we no oppression,
Make our land Thine own possession.

Let our lamp of faith be burning
On that awful judgment day.
While in sin’s domain sojourning,
Guide us in the heavenward way:
Then their and thanks to Thee,
Lord, in all eternity
Shall Thy happy children render,
For Thy mercies, kind and tender.


Meaning of Light Of Light O Sun Of Heaven

Light of Light, O Sun of Heaven: Illuminating the Path to Truth and Salvation

In this beautiful hymn, we find ourselves immersed in the imagery of light and its significance in our lives. Light has always been a powerful symbol of knowledge, guidance, hope, and divine presence. It is the source that dispels darkness and brings clarity to our souls. As we sing this hymn, we are reminded of the importance of seeking the light in our lives and allowing it to transform us.

The hymn opens with the powerful invocation, “Light of light, O Sun of heaven, O Thou bright and morning Star, to mankind in mercy given, send Thy radiance from afar.” These words call upon the divine presence to shine its light upon humanity, bringing not just physical light, but also spiritual enlightenment and mercy. It is a plea for guidance and illumination, recognizing that without the light of wisdom, we would be lost in the darkness of ignorance.

The following lines depict the contrast between the dawn of a new day and the lingering darkness of sin. The author acknowledges their own shortcomings and asks for guidance to stay on the right path. “Still my soul is thickly shrouded in the chilling mist of sin, and my conscience is beclouded by the ignorance within.” This heartfelt admission resonates with us all, as we too often find ourselves struggling with the temptations and uncertainties that life presents.

In seeking guidance, the author asks to be led by the hand and for the divine light to become their sole attraction, guiding every thought and action. This recognition of the need for divine intervention in our lives is a reminder that we cannot navigate through life successfully on our own. We require the light to illuminate our path, otherwise, we risk straying into error and darkness.

The hymn then shifts its focus to the Spirit of the heavenly morning, calling for divine intervention to shine into our darkened hearts. It is through this light that we are able to discern the way of life and choose the better path. The author asks for their walk to be made secure and their thoughts and actions to be pure. This reflects the desire for a righteous and virtuous life guided by the light of truth.

As the hymn progresses, it broadens its scope, recognizing the importance of community and the role of divine guidance in the at large. It calls for the feeble flock to be strengthened by the bonds of sacred love and for ‘s power to extend over the earth. There is a profound realization that in order to establish a just and righteous society, the guidance of the divine light is necessary.

The final verses reflect on the eternal that will be offered to God for His mercies and kindness. It speaks of the judgment day, where we hope our lamps of faith will continue burning brightly. The hymn serves as a reminder that our actions in this life have consequences and we should strive to follow the heavenward way, guided by the light of truth.

In conclusion, “Light of Light, O Sun of Heaven: Illuminating the Path to Truth and Salvation” is a hymn that touches upon fundamental human desires for knowledge, guidance, and redemption. Through its powerful imagery and poetic language, it reminds us of the transformative power of light in our lives. As we sing these words, we are encouraged to seek the light, allow it to purify our hearts, and let it be our sole attraction in guiding our thoughts and actions. In doing so, we can find the path to truth, righteousness, and salvation.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the transformative power of light in Light of Light, O Sun of Heaven. This hymn illuminates the path to truth and salvation, guiding our thoughts and actions towards righteousness. Find enlightenment and divine guidance in this beautiful hymn.


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