Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover what it truly means to be like Jesus - embodying His teachings

Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Do you ever wonder what it means to be like Jesus? Well, let me tell you, it’s not just about looking like Him on the outside, it’s about embodying His teachings and spreading His to others. Being like Jesus means a life of compassion, , and forgiveness. Just like the hymn says, “I want to be like Jesus, I want to heed His Word.”


Like Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I want to be like Jesus,
I want to heed His Word,
To tell the sweet, old
To those who’ve never heard.

‘Twas Jesus came to save us,
For us He bled and died;
I want to tell the story,
Yes, tell it far and wide.

I want to work for Jesus,
His cheerful servant be;
To show I truly love Him
Who did so much for me.

I want to live with Jesus,
In His bright home above,
Where all are pure and holy,
Where all is perfect love.


Meaning of Like Jesus

Do you ever wonder what it means to be like Jesus? Well, let me tell you, it’s not just about looking like Him on the outside, it’s about embodying His teachings and spreading His love to others. Just like the hymn says, “I want to be like Jesus, I want to heed His Word.”

Being like Jesus means living a life of compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. Jesus showed us through His actions that we should treat others with love and respect. So, if we want to be like Him, we should try to do the same.

Now, one we can be like Jesus is by sharing His message with others. The hymn says, “To tell the sweet, old story to those who’ve never heard.” Just imagine the on someone’s face when they about the love and of Jesus for the very first time. It’s like a ray of sunshine into their lives.

But how can we do that? Well, it’s not as difficult as it sounds. We don’t have to be preachers or go on huge missions to spread the word. We can simply share our faith through our actions and words. Just by being there for someone in need, showing kindness to a stranger, or offering a helping hand, we are already telling the sweet, old story of Jesus.

Being a cheerful servant of Jesus is another way we can be like Him. The hymn says, “I want to work for Jesus, His cheerful servant be.” Jesus always had a servant’s heart, and He showed us that serving others brings joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s volunteering at a shelter, helping an elderly neighbor, or even just being kind to our siblings, every act of service brings us closer to being like Jesus.

Living with Jesus in His bright home above may seem like a far-off dream, but it’s something we can strive for every day. The hymn says, “I want to live with Jesus, in His bright home above, where all are pure and holy, where all is perfect love.” While we may not be able to physically live with Jesus right now, we can make choices that align with His teachings and values.

By living a life of kindness, love, and forgiveness, we create a little piece of heaven right here on Earth. We may not be perfect, but we can strive to be the best version of ourselves, just like Jesus. And by doing so, we bring a little taste of that bright home above into our lives and the lives of those around us.

So, my friends, let’s remember the hymn’s message and strive to be like Jesus. Let’s heed His Word, tell the sweet, old story, work for Him as cheerful servants, and live our lives in a way that aligns with His teachings. As we do this, we will not only bring joy to ourselves, but we will also inspire others to do the same.

Remember, being like Jesus is not just a goal, it’s a . Every small step we take brings us closer to our ultimate destination. So, let’s embark on this journey together, spreading the love and grace of Jesus wherever we go. Let’s be like Jesus, and make a positive impact in this world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover what it truly means to be like Jesus - embodying His teachings, spreading love, and serving others. Start your journey today and make a positive impact in the world. Be like Jesus.


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