Like The Golden Sun Ascending Breaking – Hymn Lyric

Unlock the Power of Christ's Resurrection | Discover the hope and victory found in Jesus rising from the grave

Like The Golden Sun Ascending Breaking – Hymn Lyric

Through the Darkness: The Power and Victory of ‘s Resurrection Discover the hope and triumph of Easter morning in the hymn “Like the golden sun ascending, breaking through the gloom of night.” This powerful song captures the transformative power of Jesus’ resurrection and offers solace and strength in times of darkness. With gratitude and assurance, we can celebrate the victory over death and find hope in our own redemption.


Like The Golden Sun Ascending Breaking – Hymn Lyric

Like the golden sun ascending,
Breaking through the gloom of night,
On the earth his glory spending
So that darkness takes to flight,

Thus my Jesus from the grave
And death’s dismal, dreadful cave
Rose triumphant Easter morning
At the early purple dawning.

Thanks to Thee, O Christ victorious!
Thanks to Thee, O of life!
Death hath now no power o’er us,
hast conquered in the strife.

Thanks because Thou didst arise
And hast opened Paradise!
None can fully sing the glory
Of the resurrection story.

For my heart finds consolation
And my fainting soul grows brave
When I stand in contemplation
At dark and dismal grave;

When I see where Thou didst sleep
In death’s dungeon dark and deep,
Yet didst break all bands asunder,
Must I not rejoice and wonder?

Though I be by sin o’ertaken,
Though I lie in helplessness,
Though I be by friends forsaken
And must sore distress,

Though I be despised, contemned,
And by all the world ,
Though the dark grave yawn before me,
Yet the light of hope shines o’er me.

Thou hast died for my transgression,
All my sins on Thee were laid;
Thou hast won for me salvation,
On the cross my debt was paid.

From the grave I shall arise
And shall meet Thee in the skies.
Death itself is transitory;
I shall lift my head in glory.

Satan’s arrows all lie broke,
Death and hell have met their doom;
Christ, Thy is the token:
Thou hast triumphed o’er the tomb.

Thou hast buried all my woe,
And my cup doth overflow;
By Thy resurrection glorious
I shall wave my palms victorious.

As the Son of God I know Thee,
For I see Thy sov’reign pow’r;
Sin and death shall not o’erthrow me
Even in my dying hour;

For Thy resurrection is
Surety for my ‘nly ,
And my baptism a reflection
Of Thy death and resurrection.

Unto life Thou shalt arouse me
By Thy resurrection’s pow’r;
Though the hideous grave shall house me,
And my flesh the worms devour;

Fire and may destroy
My frail body, yet with joy
I shall rise as Thou hast risen
From the deep sepulchral prison.

Grant me grace, O blessed Savior,
And Thy Holy Spirit send
That my walk and my behavior
May be pleasing to the end;

That I may not fall again
Into death’s grim pit and pain,
Whence by grace Thou hast retrieved me
And from which Thou hast relieved me.

For the joy Thy advent gave me,
For Thy holy, precious Word;
For Thy baptism which doth save me,
For Thy blest Communion board;

For Thy death, the bitter scorn,
For Thy resurrection morn,
Lord, I thank Thee and extol Thee,
And in heav’n I shall behold Thee.


Meaning of Like The Golden Sun Ascending Breaking

Through the Darkness: The Power and Victory of Christ’s Resurrection

The hymn “Like the golden sun ascending, breaking through the gloom of night” beautifully captures the essence of Easter morning and the hope that comes from Christ’s resurrection. In just a few verses, it conveys the triumph over death and the power of Jesus’ victory. As we delve deeper into the lyrics, we can explore the significance of this momentous event and find solace in its message.

The hymn begins by comparing Jesus to the “golden sun ascending,” symbolizing the breaking of darkness and the arrival of a new day. The image of the sun shining its glory on the earth is reminiscent of the transformative power of Christ’s resurrection. He brings light and hope where there was once despair and darkness.

One of the central themes of Easter is the victory over death. The hymn declares, “Death hath now no power o’er us, Thou hast conquered in the strife.” Through His death and resurrection, Jesus has overcome the finality of death, giving us hope and assurance of everlasting life. This truth brings immense gratitude and joy, as expressed in the lines, “Thanks to Thee, O Christ victorious! Thanks to Thee, O Lord of life!”

In times of struggle and hardship, we often find ourselves in need of solace and strength. The hymn acknowledges this and offers comfort in Jesus’ presence even in our darkest moments. It says, “When I stand in contemplation at Thy dark and dismal grave; When I see where Thou didst sleep in death’s dungeon dark and deep, Yet didst break all bands asunder, must I not rejoice and wonder?” The hymn reminds us that no matter what we may face, the victory of Christ gives us courage and hope.

The hymn also emphasizes the redemptive power of Jesus’ sacrifice. It acknowledges the human condition, stating, “Though I be by sin o’ertaken, though I lie in helplessness, though I be by friends forsaken and must suffer sore distress.” We are reminded that Jesus bore our sins on the cross, giving us salvation and the promise of eternal life. It is through His sacrifice that we can find forgiveness and redemption.

As the hymn progresses, it highlights the assurance we have in the resurrection. It proclaims, “From the grave I shall arise and shall meet Thee in the skies. Death itself is transitory; I shall lift my head in glory.” These words remind us that death is not the end, but rather a transition into eternal life. The resurrection of Christ assures us of our own resurrection and the hope of being united with Him in glory.

The hymn carries a strong sense of victory and triumph over the forces of evil. It declares, “Satan’s arrows all lie broke, death and hell have met their doom; Christ, Thy rising is the token: Thou hast triumphed o’er the tomb.” The resurrection stands as a symbol of Christ’s victory over sin, Satan, and death. It is through His resurrection that we can find freedom from the bondage of sin and the hope of a new life in Him.

One of the beautiful aspects of the hymn is the recognition that our own baptism mirrors the death and resurrection of Christ. It states, “And my baptism a reflection of Thy death and resurrection.” Through the waters of baptism, we are united with Christ in His death and resurrection. It is a reminder of our new life in Him and the transformative power of His resurrection.

The hymn concludes with a heartfelt expression of gratitude and anticipation for the future. It expresses thankfulness for the joy and blessings that come from Jesus’ presence and His Word. It proclaims, “Lord, I thank Thee and extol Thee, and in heav’n I shall behold Thee.” This final verse reminds us that our earthly journey is just a prelude to an eternity spent in the presence of the risen Christ.

In conclusion, the hymn “Like the golden sun ascending, breaking through the gloom of night” encapsulates the essence and significance of Christ’s resurrection. It speaks of His victory over death, the assurance of eternal life, and the transformative power of His sacrifice. Through the lyrics of this hymn, we are reminded of the hope, comfort, and joy that come from the resurrection. May its words resonate in our hearts and minds as we celebrate Easter and the triumph of Christ’s resurrection.


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