Living For Jesus Day By Day – Hymn Lyric

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Living For Jesus Day By Day – Hymn Lyric

Living For Jesus Day By Day: Finding Peace, Trusting the Blood, and Walking in His Light Living for Jesus day by day, following where he leads the way, is not always an easy task. As believers, we strive to do his will, whether it be in great or small choices. Our ultimate goal is to live a life that brings to his name and aligns with his teachings. In doing so, we experience the peace within that comes from trusting in the blood that saves us from sin.


Living For Jesus Day By Day – Hymn Lyric

Living for Jesus day by day,
Following where he leads the way;
Never a choice in great or small,
Doing his will, and that is all.

Living for Jesus,
Peace within,
Trusting the blood that saves from sin;
Walking with him the narrow way,
Unto the gates of endless day.

Living for Jesus all the while,
Hiding the tears with song and smile;
Tears may be tinged with rainbow’s hue,
Heavenly sunlight shining thro’.

Living for Jesus,
Peace within,
Trusting the blood that saves from sin;
Walking with him the narrow way,
Unto the gates of endless day.

Living for Jesus everywhere,
Sowing the seed both here and there;
Trusting that fruit will surely come,
Jesus will reap the harvest .

Living for Jesus,
Peace within,
Trusting the blood that saves from sin;
Walking with him the narrow way,
Unto the gates of endless day.

Living for him in ease or pain,
Sorrow or , sunshine or rain,
Taking the bitter with the sweet,
Resting my at Jesus’ feet.

Living for Jesus,
Peace within,
Trusting the blood that saves from sin;
Walking with him the narrow way,
Unto the gates of endless day.


Meaning of Living For Jesus Day By Day

Living For Jesus Day By Day: Finding Peace, Trusting the Blood, and Walking in His Light

Living for Jesus day by day, following where he leads the way, is not always an easy task. As believers, we strive to do his will, whether it be in great or small choices. Our ultimate goal is to live a life that brings glory to his name and aligns with his teachings. In doing so, we experience the peace within that comes from trusting in the blood that saves us from sin.

Trusting the blood that saves from sin is a foundational belief for . We recognize that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross provides us with forgiveness and redemption. This trust in his atoning blood brings us peace even in the midst of life’s challenges. It reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles, for is with us every step of the way.

Walking with him the narrow way leads us to the gates of endless day. The narrow way refers to the path of righteousness and obedience to God’s commandments. It may not always be popular or easy, but it is the way that leads to eternal life. Our faith in Jesus calls us to make choices that align with his teachings and principles, even when they go against the grain of society. By walking in his light, we can be assured of a future in his presence.

Living for Jesus all the while, we learn to hide our tears with a song and a smile. Life is not always sunshine and rainbows, but as believers, we find solace in our faith. Even in the midst of sorrow or pain, we can find comfort knowing that Jesus is there to carry our burdens. We learn to lean on his strength and trust that he will provide the necessary grace to face any situation. Our tears may be tinged with a rainbow’s hue, symbolizing the heavenly sunlight shining through even in the darkest times.

Living for Jesus everywhere, we are called to sow of faith wherever we go. Just as a farmer scatters seeds with the expectation of a harvest, we too are called to share the message with others. We trust that the fruit of our labor will surely come, for Jesus is the one who ultimately reaps the harvest. Our responsibility is to faithfully plant seeds of love, kindness, and truth in the lives of those around us.

Living for him in ease or pain, we recognize that life is a blend of both joy and sorrow. In times of ease, we rejoice and give thanks for the he has bestowed upon us. In times of pain, we lean on him for strength and find peace in his presence. We learn to take the bitter with the sweet, knowing that he will never leave us nor forsake us. We can rest our souls at Jesus’ feet, finding comfort and restoration in his love.

Living for Jesus day by day is not a one-time event or a once-in-a-while commitment. It is a daily decision to surrender our lives to his will and to walk in his ways. It is a lifelong journey of faith, growth, and transformation. As we strive to live for Jesus, we can find peace within, trusting in the blood that saves us from sin. We can walk with him the narrow way, knowing that it leads to the gates of endless day. We can hide our tears with a song and a smile, for his light shines through even in the darkest moments. We can sow seeds of faith, trusting that he will bring forth a fruitful harvest. And we can live for him in ease or pain, resting our souls at his feet.

So let us continue on this journey of living for Jesus day by day, knowing that in doing so, we find purpose, joy, and everlasting peace. Let us embrace the truth of his gospel and allow it to transform our lives. May our commitment to him be evident in our words, actions, and relationships. And may we always remember that we are not alone; Jesus is with us, guiding us every step of the way.


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