Lo Jesus Patiently Knocks At The Door – Hymn Lyric
Lo Jesus Patiently Knocks At The Door As the hymn suggests, Jesus patiently knocks at the door of our hearts, eagerly seeking entrance. By opening the door and inviting Him in, we can experience His love, forgiveness, and guidance, bringing true peace and blessings into our lives. Don’t hesitate any longer, open the door and let Jesus enter your heart today.
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Lo Jesus Patiently Knocks At The Door – Hymn Lyric
Jesus patiently knocks at the door,
Knocks at thy heart, knocks at thy heart;
Open today and resist Him no more,
Lest He forever depart.
Knocking today, knocking today;
Jesus is knocking,
Is knocking for entrance today.
Open the door and say, Master, come in,
Come and abide, come and abide;
He will redeem thee and cleanse from all sin,
He will be with thee to guide.
Jesus stands waiting and pleads with thee still;
Open today, open today;
How canst thou treat the dear Savior so ill?
How canst thou turn Him away?
Open the door of thy heart and find rest,
Find it today, find it today;
Let Him but enter and thou shalt be blest;
Why wilt thou longer delay?
Meaning of Lo Jesus Patiently Knocks At The Door
In the gentle morning breeze, as the sun’s first rays peek through the curtains, there is a familiar sound. It’s the sound of a gentle knock at the door. But this knock is not from a neighbor or a friend – it is a knock from Jesus Himself, patiently seeking entrance into our hearts.
Just as the hymn tells us, Jesus is knocking at the door of our hearts, longing for us to open up and let Him in. He stands before us, waiting with open arms, ready to bring love, light, and salvation into our lives. And all we have to do is simply open the door and say, “Master, come in.”
Imagine if you were expecting an important visitor – perhaps a long-lost family member or a beloved friend whom you haven’t seen in ages. The anticipation and excitement would be palpable, wouldn’t it? You would eagerly open the door, welcoming them into your home and into your life with open arms. That is exactly what Jesus desires from us – a warm and welcoming invitation into our hearts, so that He can establish a lifelong relationship with us.
When we open the door to Jesus, we are inviting Him to come and abide in our lives. He promises to redeem us and cleanse us from all of our sins. We may have made mistakes, we may have stumbled along the way, but Jesus offers us forgiveness and a fresh start. He longs to be with us, guiding us through life’s challenges and celebrating life’s joys by our side.
So why do we sometimes hesitate to open the door when Jesus is knocking so patiently? The hymn poses this question to us, wondering why we would treat the dear Savior so unkindly. We may get caught up in the worries and distractions of our daily lives. We may feel unworthy or too burdened by our past mistakes. But Jesus does not care about our flaws or shortcomings. He sees the beauty within us and longs to bring out the best in us.
As we open the door and let Jesus in, we will find not only rest but true and lasting peace. We might have searched for peace in all the wrong places – in material possessions, in the acceptance of others, or in the pursuit of worldly success. But true peace comes from embracing Jesus and allowing His love to fill our hearts. When Jesus enters our lives, we will be blessed with a peace that surpasses all understanding.
And so, my dear friends, let us not delay any longer. Let us open the door of our hearts and invite Jesus in today. Let us not resist Him any further, for He is knocking, knocking for entrance into our lives. When we open the door, we will find a Savior who loves us unconditionally and is ready to walk with us on this journey called life.
As we conclude this reflection, let us remember the words of the hymn: “Knocking today, knocking today; Jesus is knocking, Is knocking for entrance today. Open the door and say, Master, come in, Come and abide, come and abide; He will redeem thee and cleanse from all sin, He will be with thee to guide.”
So, my friends, let’s open the door and welcome Jesus into our lives, starting today. Let us experience the remarkable love, forgiveness, and guidance that only He can provide. Open the door and let Jesus patiently and lovingly enter your heart.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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