Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee – Hymn Lyric

Discover the deep love and unity we share with Lord Jesus in the hymn "Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee". Explore the profound sacrifice He made for us and the eternal bond we have with Him. Embrace the wondrous mystery of our oneness with Christ.

Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee – Hymn Lyric

Embracing the hymn “Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee” reveals the profound depth of Jesus’ love for us and the unbreakable bond we share with Him. It speaks of His willingness to come down from Heaven, experience our struggles, and bear the weight of our . Though He ascended into heaven, Jesus remains connected to His followers, and nothing can separate us from His love. This hymn urges us to seek understanding and live a life that reflects our unity with Christ.


Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee?
O height, O depth of love!
Thou One with us on Calvary,
We one with Thee above.

Such was Thy , that for our sake
Thou didst from Heaven come down,
Our mortal flesh and blood partake,
In all our misery One.

Our sins, our , in love ,
Confessed and borne by Thee;
The gall, the curse, the wrath were Thine,
To set Thy members .

Ascended now, in glory bright,
Still One with us Thou art;
Nor life, nor death, nor depth, nor height,
Thy saints and Thee can part.

O teach us, Lord, to know and own
This wondrous mystery,
That Thou with us art truly One,
And we are one with Thee.

Soon, soon shall come that glorious day,
When, seated on Thy Throne,
Thou shalt to wondering worlds display,
That Thou with us art One.


Meaning of Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee

Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee: Understanding the Deep Love and Unity with Christ

In our daily lives, we often seek to find connections and to belong. We long to be a part of something greater than ourselves, to feel a sense of unity and purpose. And in the hymn, “Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee,” we are reminded of the incredible depth of love that Jesus has for us, and the eternal bond that we share with Him.

The first verse of the hymn speaks of the immense love that Jesus has for us, stating, “O height, O depth of love! Thou One with us on Calvary, We one with Thee above.” This beautiful expression of unity highlights how, out of His love for us, Jesus willingly came down from Heaven to take on the form of mortal flesh and blood. He experienced all the sufferings, hardships, and misery that we encounter in our lives. Jesus didn’t merely observe our struggles from a distance; He walked among us, intimately sharing in our humanity.

The second verse illuminates the profound Jesus made for our sake. It states, “Our sins, our guilt, in love Divine, Confessed and borne by Thee; The gall, the curse, the wrath were Thine, To set Thy members free.” Here, we see that Jesus not only identified with us in our weakness and suffering but also took upon Himself the weight of our sins. He bore the consequence of our wrongdoings and faced the bitterness and condemnation that rightfully belonged to us. His ultimate goal was to liberate His followers from their sins, granting them freedom and salvation through His selfless act.

Though Jesus ascended into heaven and is now seated in glory, the hymn reminds us that He is still one with us. It says, “Ascended now, in glory bright, Still One with us Thou art; Nor life, nor death, nor depth, nor height, Thy saints and Thee can part.” This powerful verse emphasizes that nothing can separate us from the love and unity we have with Christ. Neither the challenges and trials of life, nor the finality of death, nor the vastness of the cosmos can break the bond we share with Him. Jesus remains eternally connected to His followers, always present to guide, comfort, and empower them.

The hymn further calls on the Lord to teach us, His disciples, to comprehend and acknowledge this wondrous mystery of our oneness with Him. It states, “O teach us, Lord, to know and own This wondrous mystery, That Thou with us art truly One, And we are one with Thee.” It is through His divine and guidance that we can fully grasp the profound reality of our unity with Jesus. Understanding this truth enables us to live a life that reflects our connection to Him, filled with love, grace, and compassion towards others.

The hymn concludes with a glimpse into the future, when Jesus will return in all His glory and reveal to the world the depth of His unity with us. It says, “Soon, soon shall come that glorious day, When, seated on Thy Throne, Thou shalt to wondering worlds display, That Thou with us art One.” This verse speaks of a day when Jesus will sit on His throne, and the entire world will witness the remarkable unity between Christ and His followers. It will be a moment of awe and wonder as all creation realizes the immense love and bond that Jesus has forged between Himself and His disciples.

In conclusion, the hymn “Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee” beautifully expresses the depth of love and unity that Jesus has for His followers. It reminds us that Jesus willingly came down to earth, sharing in our struggles and taking upon Himself the weight of our sins. Though He ascended into heaven, Jesus remains eternally connected to His disciples, and nothing can separate us from His love. As His followers, we are called to seek understanding and embrace the mystery of our unity with Christ, living a life that reflects this profound truth. And in the future, Jesus will return to display to the world the magnificent unity that He has established between Himself and His followers.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the deep love and unity we share with Lord Jesus in the hymn Lord Jesus Are We One With Thee. Explore the profound sacrifice He made for us and the eternal bond we have with Him. Embrace the wondrous mystery of our oneness with Christ.


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