Lord Jesus Christ Thou Highest Good – Hymn Lyric
“Lord Jesus Christ, Thou highest good” is a hymn that reflects our desire for forgiveness, strength, and comfort. It invites us to approach Jesus as our mediator and seek His mercy and guidance. Through His sacrifice, we can find relief from guilt, solace, and the power to live in gratitude and thankfulness.
Table of Contents
Lord Jesus Christ Thou Highest Good – Hymn Lyric
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou highest good!
To whom Thy ransomed flee,
Behold in penitential mood
A suppliant bows to Thee.
Through Thee I seek the Father’s throne,
Forgiveness ask through Thee alone,
And strength for holy living.
Beneath a load of guilt I sigh;
Relieve my fainting heart—
Thou who in mortal agony
Didst bear my sin and smart.
Of Thee alone I crave relief;
Leave me not now in fear and grief
And dark despair to perish.
O where for comfort shall I turn,
When I the past survey?
How oft I’ve dared Thy grace to spurn,
And cast my bliss away:
Yet thine availing merit, Lord,
Deliverance and peace afford;
Thy word is all my solace.
This word, forever precious, saith
The humble, contrite mind
That looks to Thee in simple faith
Shall full salvation find;
And then, from sin’s dominion free,
Display true thankfulness to Thee,
Devoted to Thy glory.
To Thee I come at Thy behest,
Atoner of my sin!
Forgiveness and the promised rest
Through Thy desert to win.
Be merciful, my God, to me,
And let no more remembered be
The days of sin and folly.
Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ Thou Highest Good
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou highest good, is a hymn that beautifully expresses our longing for forgiveness, strength, and comfort. In this hymn, we find a humble supplicant bowing before the Lord, seeking His mercy and guidance. Let’s explore the deeper meaning behind the verses and reflect on how they relate to our own lives.
The hymn begins with a heartfelt plea to Jesus, acknowledging Him as the ultimate source of goodness and the one to whom we can turn for refuge. It emphasizes the importance of approaching the Father’s throne through Jesus, recognizing Him as our mediator and intercessor. As we read these words, we can feel the sincere desire for forgiveness and the understanding that it is through Jesus alone that we can find true reconciliation with God.
The next verse reveals a heavy burden of guilt weighing on the supplicant’s heart. We can all relate to the feeling of guilt, knowing that we have fallen short of God’s standards. However, the hymn reminds us that Jesus himself bore the weight of our sins on the cross, experiencing immense pain and suffering on our behalf. This realization prompts the supplicant to seek relief from their guilt and to find solace in Jesus’ sacrifice.
The hymn continues with a poignant reflection on the past. It acknowledges the times when our own actions and choices have caused us to turn away from God’s grace, forsaking the joy and blessings He offers. Yet, even in the face of our rebellion, Jesus’s redeeming merit is always available to us. His sacrifice can deliver us from the bondage of sin, granting us peace and freedom. It is through His grace that we can find comfort and solace, understanding that no sin is too great to be forgiven.
The hymn then highlights the power of God’s Word. It assures us that those who approach Jesus with humility and contrition will find salvation and deliverance. When we truly repent and place our faith in Him, our lives are transformed. We are set free from the dominion of sin and empowered to live in gratitude and thankfulness to God. It is through this transformed life that we can honor and glorify Jesus, dedicating ourselves to His service.
As we reflect on these verses, we are reminded of our own need for repentance and forgiveness. Each one of us has sinned and fallen short of God’s perfect standard. We all have moments of weakness and rebellion where we choose our own desires over His will. Yet, the hymn offers hope by directing our focus to Jesus. It calls us to turn to Him, acknowledging our sins and seeking His mercy.
The title of the hymn, “Lord Jesus Christ, Thou highest good,” captures the essence of our longing for what is truly valuable in life. It points us to Jesus as the highest good, recognizing that all other pursuits and desires pale in comparison to the love and grace He offers. This title highlights the importance of placing Jesus at the center of our lives, making Him our ultimate focus and seeking His guidance and forgiveness.
In conclusion, “Lord Jesus Christ, Thou highest good” is a heartfelt hymn that speaks to our deep need for forgiveness, strength, and comfort. It reminds us that Jesus is our mediator and intercessor, the one who can bring us into the presence of the Father. The hymn encourages us to approach Jesus with a contrite heart, seeking His mercy and grace. It assures us that through His sacrifice, we can find relief from guilt and gain true solace. The hymn also highlights the power of God’s Word to transform our lives and empower us to live in gratitude and thankfulness. Ultimately, the title of the hymn reminds us to recognize Jesus as the highest good and to make Him the center of our lives.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

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