Lord Jesus Christ To Thee We Pray – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Power of Redemption and Love in "Lord Jesus Christ To Thee We Pray" hymn. Reflect on His sacrifice

Lord Jesus Christ To Thee We Pray – Hymn Lyric

“Lord Jesus , To Thee We Pray: Discovering the Power of Redemption and Spreading ” This hymn emphasizes the immense power and love of God as we seek redemption through Jesus. By reflecting on His , we find hope for salvation and are reminded to keep this truth in mind. Through genuine love and extending God’s love to others, we become living examples of His grace and .


Lord Jesus Christ To Thee We Pray – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ, to Thee we pray:
The wrath of God is turned ;
Thine and bitter death
Redeemed us from eternal wrath.

That we may keep this truth in mind,
Thy broken body here we find;
Here we receive Thy precious blood,
A cleansing, sacrificial flood.

Then praise the , by whose love
The Son descended from above,
Became the Bread of Life to thee,
And bore thy sins upon the tree.

Most firmly this we do believe,
That here the sick their food receive,
Which heals them from the wounds of sin,
Creating heavenly health within.

Our Saviour saith: Come unto Me,
All ye who feel your poverty:
My mercy I will freely give,
Your anguished conscience to relieve.

If in thy heart this faith doth rest
Which hast here in words confessed,
A welcome guest thou here shalt be,
And Christ Himself shall banquet thee.

But fruits must still thy faith approve,
Thy neighbor thou must truly love;
That love let him from thee receive
Which here to thee thy God doth give.


Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ To Thee We Pray

Lord Jesus Christ, To Thee We Pray: Understanding the Power of Redemption and the Importance of Love

In this hymn, “Lord Jesus Christ, to Thee we pray,” we are reminded of the immense power and love of God. The verse proclaims that the wrath of God is turned away through the agony and bitter death of Jesus. It is through His sacrifice that we are redeemed from eternal wrath and find hope for salvation.

The hymn encourages us to keep this truth in mind and reflects on the broken body of Jesus, which symbolizes His sacrifice on the cross. As we partake in communion, we receive His precious blood, a cleansing and sacrificial flood that washes away our sins and brings us closer to God.

We are then prompted to praise the Father, for it is by His love that the Son descended from above and became the Bread of Life for us. Jesus bore our sins upon the tree, demonstrating the depths of His love and commitment to our salvation.

These powerful statements invite us to believe firmly in the saving power of Jesus. The hymn assures us that this is where the sick find their food, a spiritual nourishment that heals the wounds of sin and creates heavenly health within. It is an acknowledgment that even in our brokenness and weakness, Jesus offers us a chance for restoration and healing.

Our Savior extends a heartfelt invitation to all who feel their poverty and . He freely offers His mercy to relieve our anguished conscience. This acknowledgment reminds us that no matter how unworthy we may feel, Jesus is always ready to receive us with open arms.

We are invited to our faith in our hearts, to truly believe in the words we have confessed. If we do so, we become welcome guests at His table. This is the beauty of Christ’s love and grace – it is inclusive and inviting.

However, the hymn highlights that our faith must also manifest in our actions. It is not enough to simply believe; our belief must be accompanied by tangible love for our neighbor. We are called to extend the love that God gives to us, making it available for others to receive from us.

Love becomes the test of our faith. If we genuinely love our neighbor, we are demonstrating that we have truly received the love of God, as the hymn asserts. Our love for others becomes a reflection of the love God has shown us.

In conclusion, “Lord Jesus Christ, to Thee we pray” is a hymn that encapsulates the essence of God’s love and sacrifice. It reminds us of the power of redemption and the importance of love in our lives. As we remember Jesus’ broken body and precious blood, we are invited to partake in communion and experience the cleansing and healing that comes from His sacrifice.

We are called to believe firmly in His saving power and to receive His mercy with open hearts. This faith invites us to become welcome guests at His table, where Christ Himself will banquet us.

Furthermore, our faith should be showcased through genuine love for others. By extending the love that God gives to us, we become living demonstrations of His grace and mercy. Our love for our neighbors becomes tangible evidence of our faith.

In a world filled with strife and division, let us hold onto the powerful message of this hymn. May we find hope in the redemption offered by Jesus and be inspired to love one another, just as He has loved us.



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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the Power of Redemption and Love in Lord Jesus Christ To Thee We Pray hymn. Reflect on His sacrifice, receive His mercy, and extend His love to others. A profound message of hope and salvation.


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