Lord Jesus Christ You Have Prepared This Feast – Hymn Lyric

Experience the feast prepared by Lord Jesus Christ. Find comfort

Lord Jesus Christ You Have Prepared This Feast – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ, You have prepared this as a source of and solace for all who believe in You. Through partaking in Your body and blood, we find forgiveness, comfort, and rest for our weary souls. Though we may not see Your glory now, we trust in Your omnipresence and unchanging Word. Help us, Lord, to receive this sacrament worthily, to be thankful for Your grace, and to grow in holiness each day.


Lord Jesus Christ You Have Prepared This Feast – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus Christ,
you have prepared this feast for our salvation;
It is your body and your blood,
And at your invitation
As weary souls, with oppressed,
We come to you for needed rest,
For comfort, and for pardon.

Although you did to heav’n ascend,
Where angel hosts are dwelling,
And in your presence they behold
Your glory, all excelling,
And though your people not see
Your glory and your
Till dawns the judgment morning,

Yet, Savior, you are not confined
To any habitation,
But you are present ev’rywhere
And with your congregation.
Firm as a rock this truth shall stand,
Unmoved by any daring hand
Or subtle craft and cunning.

We eat this bread and drink this cup,
Your precious Word
That your true body and your blood
Our lips are here receiving.
This Word remains forever true,
And there is naught you cannot do,
For you, Lord, are almighty.

Though reason cannot understand,
Yet faith this truth embraces:
Your body, Lord, is ev’rywhere
At once in many places.
I leave to you how this can be;
Your Word alone suffices me;
I trust its truth unfailing.

Lord, I believe what you have said;
Help me when doubts assail me.
Remember that I am but dust,
And let my faith not fail me.
Your Supper in this vale of tears
Refreshes me and stills my fears
And is my priceless treasure.

Grant that we worthily receive
Your Supper, Lord, our Savior,
And, truly grieving for our sins,
May prove by our behavior
That we are thankful for your grace
And day by day may run our race,
In holiness increasing.

For your consoling Supper, Lord,
Be praised throughout all ages!
Preserve it, for in ev’ry place
The world against it rages.
Grant that this sacrament may be
A blessed comfort unto me
When living and when dying.


Meaning of Lord Jesus Christ You Have Prepared This Feast

Lord Jesus Christ, You have prepared this feast, a feast of salvation for all who believe in You and trust in Your redeeming grace. It is through Your body and Your blood that we find forgiveness, comfort, and rest for our weary souls. We come to You, our Savior, seeking solace from the burdens of sin that weigh us down.

Though You have ascended to heaven, where angel hosts behold Your glory, we, Your people, may not yet see Your majesty until the judgment morning dawns. However, we take comfort in knowing that You are not confined to a physical location or limited by space and time. You are present everywhere, and You are with Your congregation, guiding and comforting us.

Just as a rock stands unmovable against daring hands and cunning trickery, this truth remains firm and unwavering. We partake in this feast, eating the bread and drinking the cup, believing in Your precious Word. We acknowledge that Your true body and blood are received by our lips in this sacrament. Your Word, Lord, remains forever true, and with Your almighty power, there is nothing You cannot do.

While our human reason may struggle to comprehend this mystery, our faith embraces it wholeheartedly. We trust in Your Word alone, knowing that it is sufficient. Lord, when doubts assail us, help us remember that we are but dust, frail and fallible. Strengthen our faith and let it not falter. We find solace and in Your supper, which refreshes us in the midst of our tears and fears. It is a priceless treasure, a source of comfort that sustains us.

Grant that as we partake in Your supper, we may do so worthily and with gratitude. May our actions and behavior reflect our thankfulness for Your grace. Day by day, may we grow in holiness, running our race with endurance. As we receive this sacrament, Lord, may it be a of light and in our lives, both in times of joy and in times of sorrow.

We acknowledge and You, Lord, for Your consoling supper. Throughout all ages, may it be preserved despite the world’s opposition. Grant that this sacrament may always be a blessed comfort to us, both in our living and in our dying. Help us to truly grieve for our sins and to repent, turning away from our old ways and embracing a life of righteousness and love.

Lord Jesus Christ, You have prepared this feast for us, and we are eternally grateful. May Your name be praised forever and ever. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the feast prepared by Lord Jesus Christ. Find comfort, forgiveness, and rest for your weary soul through His body and blood. Discover the power of His Word and trust in His unfailing truth.


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