Lord Save Me – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the powerful hymn 'Lord Save Me' that captures the heartfelt cry for divine intervention in times of trouble and uncertainty. Find comfort and strength in these timeless words."

Lord Save Me – Hymn Lyric



Lord Save Me – Hymn Lyric

, save me! Lord save me!
When upon the troubled sea,
When face is hid from me,
May Thy hand outstretched be,
Lord, save me!

Lord, help me! Lord help me!
When by Satan sore oppress’d
When with sorrow deep distress’d
Bid me lean on Thee for rest,
Lord, help me!

Lord, cleanse me! Lord cleanse me!
From each sinful tho’t and deed,
For a pure heart, Lord, I plead,
This is what I daily need,
Lord, cleanse me!

Lord, heal me! Lord heal me!
From all sickness and disease,
And from all iniquities
Grant my sin-sick soul release,
Lord, heal me!

Lord, fill me! Lord fill me!
With the Holy Ghost and pow’r,
Send a Pentecostal show’r,
Help me witness ev’ry hour,
Lord, fill me!


Meaning of Lord Save Me

In times of and uncertainty, we often find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, seeking help and . This hymn titled “Lord Save Me” beautifully captures this sentiment, expressing the deep longing for and the need for divine intervention in our lives. Let us explore the powerful message behind each verse of this hymn and how it resonates with our own struggles.

The first verse cries out, “Lord, save me! Lord save me! When upon the troubled sea, When Thy face is hid from me, May Thy hand outstretched be, Lord, save me!” These words illustrate a metaphorical representation of our lives as a troubled sea. Just as a ship may encounter turbulent waters, we too face storms and challenges. When we feel lost or abandoned, we desperately call out for salvation. We yearn for ‘s hand to reach out and rescue us from our troubles, providing comfort and guidance during the darkest moments.

Moving on to the second verse, we find the plea, “Lord help me! Lord help me! When by Satan sore oppress’d, When with sorrow deep distress’d, Bid me lean on Thee for rest, Lord, help me!” This verse acknowledges that our struggles are not only external but also internal. We face spiritual battles and encounter sorrow that weighs heavily on our hearts. In these times of distress, we turn to the Lord for help, seeking solace and relief. The reminder to lean on Him for rest reminds us that true rest and peace can only be found in His loving embrace.

The third verse the desire for inner transformation, saying, “Lord cleanse me! Lord cleanse me! From each sinful tho’t and deed, For a pure heart, Lord, I plead, This is what I daily need, Lord, cleanse me!” It acknowledges our human fallibility and the constant battle we face against sin. We recognize the need for spiritual purification, imploring God to cleanse our hearts and minds from impure thoughts and actions. This plea for a pure heart symbolizes our yearning for a closer relationship with God, to align our lives with His teachings and principles.

Continuing to the fourth verse, we find the plea, “Lord heal me! Lord heal me! From all sickness and disease, And from all iniquities, Grant my sin-sick soul release, Lord, heal me!” This verse speaks not only to physical ailments but also to the spiritual burden that sin places on our souls. We long for healing and release from the consequences of our wrongdoing. Just as we seek physical healing from illnesses, we also seek spiritual healing for the wounds that sin inflicts upon us. Through this plea, we acknowledge our need for restoration and renewal.

The final verse of the hymn beseeches, “Lord fill me! Lord fill me! With the Holy Ghost and pow’r, Send a Pentecostal show’r, Help me witness ev’ry hour, Lord, fill me!” Here, we express the desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit’s presence and power. We recognize that we cannot navigate life’s challenges alone but need divine guidance and strength. Through the Holy Spirit, we can witness to others, sharing the love and grace of God with those around us. We yearn for His presence in our lives, empowering us to live as faithful witnesses and servants.

The hymn “Lord Save Me” encapsulates the human experience of longing for salvation, help, cleansing, healing, and spiritual fullness. Its power lies in its ability to capture the emotions and desires we all feel at various points in our lives. Whether we are facing stormy seas, battling internal struggles, seeking purity, longing for healing, or desiring spiritual fullness, this hymn reminds us to turn to the Lord for assistance. It offers a heartfelt cry for divine intervention that resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds.

In conclusion, the hymn “Lord Save Me” speaks to the universal human experience of longing for divine help and guidance. Each verse highlights a different aspect of this longing, from salvation to spiritual cleansing, healing, and fullness. Its message transcends age and literariness, resonating with people of all walks of life who seek solace in their darkest moments. May we all find comfort and strength in these timeless words and remember to call out to the Lord, trusting in His unfailing love and mercy.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful hymn 'Lord Save Me' that captures the heartfelt cry for divine intervention in times of trouble and uncertainty. Find comfort and strength in these timeless words.


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